Special 301 Report/2009/Annex 2
The WIPO Performance and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT)
and the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT)
The United States continues to work with other governments, in consultation with U.S. copyright industries and other affected sectors, to develop strategies to address global IPR issues. In 1996, the WIPO concluded two copyright treaties, the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty. Following their entry into force in 2002, these treaties have raised the standard of IPR protection around the world, particularly with regard to Internet-based delivery of copyrighted works. The WIPO Internet Treaties have clarified exclusive rights and require signatories to provide effective legal remedies against the circumvention of certain technological measures that protect copyrighted works in on-line environments. A growing number of countries are implementing the WIPO Internet Treaties to create a legal environment conducive to investment and growth in Internet-related businesses and technologies.
As of April 2009, there are 68 contracting parties of the WPPT and 70 contracting parties of the WCT. Membership will rise significantly when the various EU Member States join. Other countries have implemented key provisions of these treaties in their national laws without formally ratifying them. The United States urges other governments to ratify and implement the provisions of the WIPO Internet Treaties.
The following six countries became parties to the WPPT during May 2008-April 2009. Currently the WPPT has 68 contracting parties.
Country | Date of Entry Into Force |
Uruguay | August 2008 |
Trinidad and Tobago | November 2008 |
Turkey | November 2008 |
Switzerland | July 2008 |
Russian Federation | February 2009 |
Republic of Korea | March 2009 |
The following five countries became parties to the WCT during May 2008-April 2009. Currently the WCT has 70 contracting parties.
Country | Date of Entry Into Force |
Switzerland | July 2008 |
Trinidad and Tobago | November 2008 |
Turkey | November 2008 |
Russian Federation | February 2009 |
Tajikistan | April 2009 |