Spirella Catalogue (1933)/137
l. Classify the client as to type.
2. Study the client's figure and consider just what her needs are in the way of support or figure correction. Check the Description of Figure on the Order Form.
3. 'Determine what kind of garment or garments the client will require or desire—whether a brassiere-girdle, or a girdle and brassiere, a corset and brassiere, etc.
4. Decide on the series best suited to the client's needs, through a study of the Adaptability and the illustration as given in the Catalogue. Keep the Catalogue page before you as you proceed.
5. Prepare the foundation with the lower part of the Fitting Garment which is designed for the client's type. Endeavor to secure exactly the same results as the finished garment will give.
6. Take the measurements over the lower part of the Fitting Garment and compare them with the measurements of the garment as given in the Catalogue. (The centre front below measurement determines the style in the series, but whenever there is more than one style with the correct centre front below, the back below measurement determines which one of these styles to select.) As you decide on the measurements write them on the Order Form.
7. Prepare the foundation with the upper part of the Fitting Garment which is designed for the client's type. Endeavor to secure exactly the same results as the finished garment will give. In the selection of garments designed to produce the uplifted and accen- tuated bust effect use the special Fitting Garment front provided for this purpose.
8. Take the measurements and compare them with the Catalogue measurements of the garment you are considering for the upper part of the figure. (The waist to bust line measurement determines the top in the series in the selection of a brassiere-girdle, or the style in the series in the selection of a brassiere.) As you decide on the measurements write them on the Order Form.
9. Make final decisions on the Basic Features and changes required to meet the client's individual needs and write them on the Order Form. This completes your selection.