Spirella Catalogue (1933)/140
Spirella Brassiere-girdles, Girdles (except the 4126 Series) and Corsets (except abdominal corsets) carry a definite amount of skirt flare at a point 3 inches below the centre front below measurement, as follows:—
- 20-type garments provide for the figure with skirt flare measurement 2½ inches larger than the hip measurement.
- 60-type garments (when not otherwise specified on the Catalogue page) provide for the figure with skirt flare measurement 2½ inches larger than the hip measurement.
- 30-type garments (when not otherwise specified on the Catalogue page) provide for the figure with skirt flare measurement 3½ inches larger than the hip measurement.
The skirt flare measurement is not required in the selection of abdominal corsets, abdominal belts, the maternity supporting garment and the 4126 series, girdles. In many of these styles the skirt lengths are less than 3 inches longer than the centre front below measurement; therefore the skirt flare measurement can not be used in the manufacture of the garment.
Note—The introduction of the Basic Feature of Close Fitting Skirt, provided for use in certain corset designs, does not affect in any way the use of the skirt flare measurement in selection.