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Spirella Catalogue (1933)/150

From Wikisource



Slender Figure—20-type
Slender Figure—20-type

Scant Bust

Extremely small breasts in proportion to the rest of the figure.
This figure requires a garment to preserve all the good lines she has, and as a foundation over which to wear her outer clothing. (If you fit the bust too closely you will prevent the breasts from developing to more proportionate size.)

Garments for Use (20-Type):—

Girdle and Brassiere with Plain Top
Corset and Brassiere with Plain Top
Girdle or Corset with Bandeau or Brassiere-Girdle, Series 1224—if the breasts are somewhat larger than illustrated
Note: The 1321 and 2323 Series can not be used on this figure.