Spouter's companion/The Fate of Richmond the Spy
Oh, wha hasna heard o' doomed Richmond the Spy.
The most damnable rascal that breathes 'neath the sky;
In history's page ye'll find Nero a guy,
Compared with the deeds o' doomed Richmond the Spy.
For Richmond some years back, unask'd, forsooth!
Like Auld Clootie in Job—wi' his venomous mouth—
'Mang our auld staunch Reformers, fu' sleekit and sly,
Came, the tool of a suicide—Richmond the Spy.
For doomed Richmond the Spy is the mightiest vender
Of falsehood, e'er known 'mang this earth's either gender;
⟨The⟩ most dire crimes on record never can vie
⟨With⟩ the bloody misdeeds o' doom'd Richmond the Spy.
⟨He⟩ kens a' the courses o' fraud and deceit,
Whilk has lately been proved by a chiel they ca' TAIT;
Whase name now in history never shall die,
⟨For⟩ o'erwhelming that traitor—doom'd Richmond the Spy.
Oh, had you but seen how he quiver'd while stan'in',
And heard the assertions of Stewart Buchanan,
Wha boldly stood forth there and gave him tho lie,
Proclaiming aloud he was Richmond the Spy.
Oft he questioned, and try'd, wi' his venomous art,
To baffle the witnesses out o' their part—
Vain! vain every effort! for all he did try,
Still stamped him the deeper-doom'd Richmond the Spy.
The reptile stood paralyzed—stiff—in a phrenzy.
On beholding the writing of Peter McKenzie;
Sent forth to the world—admired far and nigh,
Exposing the deeds of this ex'crable Spy.
Who is it that can think on poor Hardie and Baird,
Or old greyheaded Wilson who their awful fate shared,
Whose murders doth yet to the earth loudly cry,
For revenge on that miscreant-Richmond the Spy.
Yes, the friends of those martyrs who suffered and died,
In fair liberty's cause, oft for vengeance have cried,
Now each freeman stands forth, rich and poor, low and high,
Denouncing the monster-doom'd Richmond the Spy.
His name it will stink in posterity's pages,
With Castlereagh, Sidmouth-through numberless ages;
Even R—d—y and F—nd—ys names never shall die,
For their hellish connection with Richmond the Spy.
Oh, may all who supported this horrible knave,
Endure nought but misery this side o' the grave,
And when they—defunct—get a glorious fry
In the devil's dominions—with Richmond the Spy.
And may each and all even in hell be detested,
By its inmates, oh, may they be ever molested—
Eternally tinglin' their ears wi' the cry—
New tortures bring forth here for Richmond the Spy.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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