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St. Joseph's manual/Devotions to St. Joseph

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St. Joseph's manual (1877)
by Rev. James Fitton
Devotions to St. Joseph
4236912St. Joseph's manual — Devotions to St. Joseph1877Rev. James Fitton



LORD, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, Spouse of St. Joseph, Pray for us.
St. Joseph, chosen of God to be the spouse of Mary.
St. Joseph, filled with the blessing of heaven,
St. Joseph, first among the patriarchs,
St. Joseph, a helper given to Mary like unto herself,
St. Joseph, the virgin consort of a Virgin Mother,
St. Joseph, comfort of the Mother of God,
St. Joseph, son of David,
St. Joseph, after Mary, first adorer of Jesus infant,
St. Joseph, the reputed father of the Son of God,
St. Joseph, whom the Lord made master of his house, and ruler of his possessions, Pray for us.
St. Joseph, ruler of the Lord of the universe.
St. Joseph, governor of incarnate Wisdom,
St. Joseph, nursing father to Him by whom all creatures live,
St. Joseph, organ of the divine Word reduced to silence,
St. Joseph, savior of the Saviour of mankind.
St. Joseph, pattern of silence and resignation,
St. Joseph, head of the most noble and most holy family,
St. Joseph, honored and served by the King and Queen of heaven,
St. Joseph, singularly beloved by Jesus and Mary,
St. Joseph, just and perfect man.
St. Joseph, accomplished model of an interior life,
St. Joseph, blessed with the happiness of dying in the arms of Jesus and Mary,
St. Joseph, piously believed to have risen with Jesus Christ,
St. Joseph, seated on a throne of glory near those of Jesus and Mary,
St. Joseph, special protector of dying Christians,

Lamb of God, &c. ; [three times.]

V. Pray for us, O holy St. Joseph.

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Assist us, O Lord, we beseech thee, by the merits of the spouse of thy most holy Mother, that what our own power cannot obtain may be given us by his intercession — who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen.



Begin with the litany of the saint, pages 667, 668; say one of the following prayers; recite the Our Father, and the Hail Mary, three times; and conclude by the oblation, O Holy Joseph, &c, p. 674.

On the First Day.

BLESSED St. Joseph, born to be the guardian of Jesus, the protector and consoler of Mary, make powerful intercession for me, that my pious resolutions may not prove abortive ; that I may be born to an interior and spiritual life; that I may have such an increase of sanctity, so ardent a love of purity, so great a conviction of my own vileness, so clear a light of the emptiness and vanity of worldly grandeur, as to esteem and relish only things that are eternal, through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c, &c.

On the Second Day.

OMNIPOTENT Creator, whose unerring providence adds joy every moment to the angels in heaven, and to the saints upon earth, I most humbly beg, through the intercession of St. Joseph, that I may cheerfully acquiesce and rejoice in everything that comes from thy fatherly hand ; that I may be vigorous in executing thy divine will, and glorify thee in my present state. Grant me the true spirit of mortification, to subdue my stubborn passions, to satisfy for what is past, and to be a preservative from future dangers. Grant that, by purity of intention, the meanest of my actions may be acceptable to thee, as was the mite of the poor widow which was put into the treasury of the temple, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

On the Third Day.

OMNIPOTENT God, at whose command every tree produced fruit of its kind, grant, through the intercession of Mary and Joseph, that I may serve thee faithfully in the state in which thou hast placed me. I firmly believe all thou hast revealed: protect me, lest I should be found among the number of those foolish virgins who carried lamps without oil. Assist me with thy powerful grace, that I may be humble, charitable, and chaste, and not be like the barren fig tree, fit only to become fuel for eternal flames. This grace I implore through the infinite merits of Jesus, my Saviour. Amen.

On the Fourth Day.

HOLY GHOST, God of all comfort, if thou seest it expedient for the security of my salvation that I should be oppressed with tribulation, permit me not to fall. Infinite Power, bear me up; thou knowest my weakness. Favor me with thy grace, that I may be compassionate towards my neighbor, and govern myself with the same spirit of lenity and charily as if the case were my own. I deplore my censorious temper, and resolve to be upon my guard. I return thee thanks for inspiring me with the resolution of becoming better; but of myself I am not able to persevere in my good intentions. I beg thy assistance, that I may fulfil what thou commandest; and then, dear Lord, command what thou pleasest. Afflict me with such crosses as I can endure, that I may discharge at least a part of the great debt due to the divine justice. Grant, through the intercession of St. Joseph, that, after my temporal trials, whether exterior or interior, I may find that permanent joy with which thou renderest him and his immaculate Spouse eternally happy, through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, &c. Amen.

On the Fifth Day.

O INFINITE God, how truly may it be said of me, The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib; but thou knowest not thy Lord! I admire thy love and charity; I am ashamed of my tepidity and ingratitude. Infinite Goodness, I come too late to love thee; but, although it be the eleventh hour, bestow on me the promised reward; be to me a Saviour. Thou who hast bled for me, let me par take of thy eternal charity. Grant that, through the intercession of St. Joseph, my good resolutions may be perfected. I also beg that, when I entertain thee in the most blessed sacrament, I may be favored with the same sentiments of adoration, love, and thanks giving that St. Joseph experienced when he received thee from Simeon, to restore thee to thy blessed Mother. Amen.

On the Sixth Day.

JESUS, my Maker and my Master, without whose merciful assistance I walk in darkness, and perish. I most humbly beg, through the intercession of St. Joseph, that thou wilt grant me grace to escape from the servitude of sin under which I have so long groaned, in order that I may enjoy the liberty of thy faithful servants. I have frequently experienced thy goodness, and I know thy power; my trust is in both. O, grant me constancy to despise the allurements of the world, and to remain undaunted under afflicting terrors. My dear Redeemer, I have too often lost thee by sin; I have willingly and wilfully parted with thee, to follow my corrupt inclinations. O God, who didst come to seek sinners, take pity on me, who am the greatest. Thou art now pleased to bless me with such a true sense of my former offences, that I grieve not so much for the fear of punishment as for the misfortune of having offended thee, the centre of all goodness.

I steadfastly purpose, through thy grace, to seek thee seriously by the reformation of my life, that I may find thee in the heavenly Jerusalem, reigning with the Father and the Holy Ghost, world with out end. Amen.

On the Seventh Day.

OMNIPOTENT God, who descended from heaven to bring fire on the earth, inflame my frozen heart, that I may imitate the virtues of St. Joseph. As a poor wretch at the gate of some noble and generous prince, expecting an alms, so I appear before thee, wounded in all my senses by sin, and imploring charity in my great distress. I grieve for what is past, not because I fear, but because I love. Nothing has succeeded with me, because I never consulted thee as I ought, I hope, O Lord, that I do not come too late. I beg, through the intercession of St. Joseph, that I may avoid evil, and do good; that I may leave the broad way of iniquity, and walk in the narrow road that lends to eternal happiness; that I may consecrate the remaining days of my short life to thy honor, and attain the end for which I was created — to admire, praise, and love thee forever and ever. Amen.

On the Eighth Day.

O MOST glorious Patriarch, my dear patron, blessed are the eyes that see what you now see. Through the infinite merits of Christ, and by your powerful intercession, I hope, with holy Job, that in my flesh I shall see God my Saviour. Stretch out in favor of your unworthy client those happy arms that so often bore the Son of God, and provided for him. Petition that I may live, as I wish to die, always in the divine favor. I humbly implore you to entreat your immaculate Spouse to unite her supplications with yours, that I may be of the blessed number of the elect. I most sincerely desire that you may be present at the dreadful hour of my death, and that the last words uttered by my parting breath may be Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

Thy mercy is above all thy works, O most holy Trinity. I now appeal from the tribunal of thy justice, and prostrate myself before the throne of thy mercy, to obtain the pardon of my sins, and grace to persevere in keeping thy commandments to the end of my life; who livest and reignest one God, forever and ever. Amen.

On the Ninth Day.

HOLY St. Joseph, you who are that good and faithful servant to whom God committed the care of his family; whom he appointed guardian and protector of the life of Jesus Christ, the comfort and support of his holy Mother, and the depositary of his great design of the redemption of mankind; you who had the happiness of living with Jesus and Mary, and of dying in their arms; chaste spouse of the Mother of God; model and patron of pure souls, humble, patient, and reserved, — be moved with the confidence we place in your intercession, and accept with kindness this testimony of our devotion.

We give thanks to God for the signal favor he hath been pleased to confer on you; and we conjure him, through your intercession, to enable us to imitate your virtues. Pray for us, then, O great Saint, and by that love which you had for Jesus and Mary, and by the love which they had for you, obtain for us the incomparable happiness of living and dying in the love of Jesus and Mary. Amen.


O HOLY JOSEPH, virgin spouse of the Virgin Mother of God, most glorious advocate of all such as are in danger, or in their last agony, and most faithful protector of all the servants of Mary, your dearest Spouse, I, N., in the presence of Jesus and Mary, do, from this moment, choose you for my powerful patron and advocate, in order that I may obtain the grace of a most happy death. I firmly resolve and purpose never to forsake you, nor to say or do any thing against your honor. Receive me, therefore, for your constant servant, and recommend me to the constant protection of Mary, your dearest Spouse, and to the everlasting mercies of Jesus my Savior. Assist me in all the actions of my life. I now offer them to the greater and everlasting glory of Jesus and Mary, as well as to your own.


IN the name of the Father, &c.

V. Thou, O Lord, wilt open my lips.

R. And my tongue shall announce thy praise.

V. Incline unto my aid, O God.

R. O Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory be to the Father, &c.

On the large beads, say the "Glory be to the Father," &c., and the "Our Father;' and on the small beads, "Glorious Patriarch St. Joseph, foster-father of Jesus, and spouse of the ever immaculate Mother of God, pray for us now and at the hour of our death;" and finish the chaplet by saying, "Pray for us, O holy St Joseph, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ," and the prayer which the holy Church makes use of in her divine office, "Assist us, O Lord, by the intercession," &c., as at the end of the Litany of St. Joseph.

Another method of reciting the Chaplet of St. Joseph.

It is said as above, except on the large beads is recited the " Hail Mary," instead of the "Our Father;" and on the small beads, instead of " Glorious Patriarch," &c, is said, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist us now and at the hour of our death."




CHASTE Spouse of the Holy Mother of God, by the sorrow with which thy heart was pierced at the thought of a cruel separation from Mary, and by tho deep joy that thou didst feel when the angel revealed to thee the ineffable mystery of the Incarnation, obtain for me from Jesus by the heart of Mary, the grace of surmounting all anxiety which might trouble the repose of my soul, with that of drawing from the adorable heart of Jesus the unspeakable peace of which he is the eternal source.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


FOSTER-FATHER of Jesus, by the bitter sadness which thy heart experienced in seeing the Child Jesus lying in a manger, and by the joy which thou didst feel in seeing the Wise Men recognize and adore Him as their God, obtain by thy prayers that my heart, purified by thy protection, may become a living crib, where the Saviour of the world may receive and bless my homage.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


O THOU to whom God confided his only Son, by the sorrow with which thy heart was pierced at the sight of the blood which flowed from the Infant Jesus, under the cruel knife of the circumcision, and by the joy that inundated thy soul at thy privilege of imposing the sacred and mysterious name of Jesus, obtain for me that the merits of this precious blood may be applied to my soul, and that this divine name may be engraved forever in my heart.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


AUGUST Minister and holy Confidant of the Holy Ghost, by the cruel agony by which thy heart was torn when the Lord declared that the soul of Mary should be pierced with a sword of sorrow, and by the joy that thou didst afterwards experience when the holy Simeon added that the Divine Infant was to be the resurrection of many, obtain for me the grace to compassionate the sorrows of Mary, and have part in the salvation which Jesus brought on the earth.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


GLORIOUS Ambassador of the Most Holy Trinity, by the extreme affliction laid upon thy heart, by the order to fly into Egypt, and by thy joy in seeing the idols overthrown at the arrival of the living God ; grant that, all impressions of sin being destroyed in my heart, the empire of my passions may be likewise annihilated.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


ANGEL of the earth, glorious St. Joseph, who sawest with admiration the King of Heaven submitting to thy orders, the consolation that thou didst experience in bringing him back from Egypt was soon troubled by the fear of Archelaus. But reassured by the angel of the Lord, thou didst abide with joy at Nazareth in the company of Jesus and Mary ; obtain for us by this joy and this sorrow, that, disengaged from all fear, we may enjoy the peace of a good conscience, and may live in security, in union with Jesus and Mary, experiencing the effect of thy salutary assistance at the hour of our death.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


FAITHFUL Coadjutor of the great counsel, by the bitter sorrow with which the loss of the Child Jesus crushed thy heart, and by the livery and holy joy which inundated thy soul in recovering thy treasure on entering the temple, I conjure thee not to permit me to lose for a moment my Saviour, Jesus ; yet should this misfortune befall me, grant that I may share thy eagerness in seeking Him, and obtain for me the grace to find him again, never to lose Him more.

Pater. Ave. Gloria Patri.


MOST glorious St. Joseph, Virgin Spouse of the Immaculate Mother of God, my loving Patron, remember that it has never been known that any one invoked thy help, or solicited thy patronage, without obtaining relief. Encouraged by this assurance, I commend my soul and body, my temporal and eternal interests, to thy powerful protection. O Thou, the adopted Father of the Eternal Son, despise not this appeal, but listen to my prayer, and plead for my necessities. Amen.

An indulgence of three hundred days may be pained once a day, by reciting the above prayer, as by rescript of His Holiness, Pius IX.


O HOLY Joseph, virgin spouse of the Virgin Mother of God, most glorious advocate of all such as are in danger or in their last agony,' and most faithful protector of all the servants of Mary, your dearest spouse! I, N., in the presence of .Jesus and Mary, do, from this moment, choose you for my powerful patron and advocate, in order that I may obtain the grace of a most happy death. I firmly resolve and purpose never to forsake you; not to say or do anything against your honor. Receive me, therefore, for your constant servant, and recommend me to the constant protection of Mary, your dearest spouse, and to the everlasting mercies of Jesus my Saviour. Assist me in all the actions of my life; I now offer them to the greater and everlasting glory of Jesus and Mary, as well as to your own.


Indulgence of one year.

GUARDIAN of virgins, and father, holy Joseph, to whose faithful custody Christ Jesus, Innocence itself, and Mary, Virgin of virgins, were committed; I pray and beg of thee by these thy dear charges, Jesus and Mary, free me from all uncleanness, and obtain that, with pure mind and heart, and chaste body, I may please Jesus and Mary all the days of my life. Amen.


Approved by His Holiness, Pope Pius IX.

GLORIOUS Patriarch St. Joseph! a voice of far greater authority than that which once issued from the throne of Egypt has lately directed the great Christian family to have recourse to thee in their necessities: Go to Joseph. Behold then this widely extended family intrusted to thy care; behold us all, prostrate before thy heavenly throne, imploring thy assistance in our present grievous afflictions. Like the brothers of the ancient Joseph, we come to thee, humbled and confounded on account of our sins, which have called down upon us the anger of Heaven. Yet in our midst there are also many innocent Benjamius, who suffer and grieve without any fault of their own. But our hearts are inexpressibly pained when we hear our venerable Father, like the gentle and pious Jacob, meekly lamenting that the last days of his life are idled with bitterness. Have pity on his gray hairs, and permit him not to close his eyes in the sleep of the Just, before peace and safety have dawned upon his entire family. This, O great Saint, is the first favor which we ask of thee since thou hast been proclaimed our universal protector. Canst thou have the heart to refuse us? Ah! we may well hope that the second Joseph will show even greater compassion than the first. Animated therefore with this confidence, we repeat: Holy Joseph, pray for us.

The following was written by the Holy Father on the original manuscript:

Beloved children, go to Joseph, and he will intercede for us in our distress. Pius PP. IX.


GLORIOUS St. Joseph, spouse of Mary, think of us, pray for us. Amiable Cherub, guardian of the paradise of the new Adam, labor at our sanctification. Dear foster-father of the Sacred Victim, provide for all our present necessities. O faithful depositary of the most precious of all treasures, take under thy charitable conduct the affair which we recommend to thee. May its issue be for the glory of God and the benefit of our souls. Amen.

Three Pater and three Ave, with three Gloria Patri and three times Holy Joseph, pray for us.

JESUS, Mary, and Joseph, I offer you my heart and soul. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist me in my last agony. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, grant that I may expire in your holy company.


HAIL, Joseph, favored with grace, Jesus and Mary are with thee ; blessed art thou among men, and blessed is Jesus, the Son of thy Spouse.

Holy Joseph, nursing father of Jesus, and spouse of the immaculate Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.


An indulgence of three hundred days was granted by His Holiness, Pius VII., April 28, 1807, for repeating these Aspirations.

Three Glorias should be added to each Aspiration.

Sunday. My dear St. Joseph, I beseech thee to obtain for me a contrite and humble heart, and great purity of soul and body.

Monday. Most glorious St. Joseph, pray for me, that I may accomplish the will of God all the days of my life.

Tuesday. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! sweet objects of my love, in you, for you, with you, may I live, suffer, and die.

Wednesday. Blessed St. Joseph, obtain for me the grace to lead a pure and holy life, ever secure under thy patronage.

Thursday. Beloved St. Joseph, chaste Spouse of the Immaculate Mary, intercede for me that I may obtain pardon, mercy, and salvation.

Friday. Remember me, O most merciful St. Joseph, and pray for me this day and always to Jesus, who deigned to be called thy son, and who has saved me by his precious blood.

Saturday. O most noble patriarch, St. Joseph, through thy intercession may the Blessed Virgin, thy Immaculate Spouse, be propitious to me now, and at the hour of my death. Amen.

HAIL! holy St. Joseph, who, chosen by God above all other men, wast enriched with grace and adorned with sanctity, the Lord is with thee ; blessed art thou amongst men, and blessed is He who condescended to be reputed thy son, Jesus. O glorious St. Joseph, most worthy Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary ! pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

O Jesus, have mercy on me.

O Mary and Joseph, assist me.


First Aspiration.

O sweetest Heart of Jesus ! I implore,

That I may ever love thee more and more.

Second Aspiration. Jesus meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto thine.

Indulgence of three hundred days.

Third Aspiration. O Heart of Jesus, be my love.

Indulgence of three hundred days each time.

Fourth Aspiration. O Heart of Mary, be my salvation.

Indulgence of three hundred days each time.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, assist me in my last agony.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, may my soul send forth her last sigh in peace, with you to aid me.

Indulgence of three hundred days each time.


O GREAT Saint, above all the saints worthy of being venerated, invoked, and loved for the excellence of thy glory, as well as for the power of thy intercession and loving patronage ; I, ---- ----, in presence of Jesus Christ, who chose thee on earth as his foster.father, and of Mary, who bound herself to thee as her most chaste Spouse, I choose thee this day for my most amiable advocate, and the most faithful protector of my family, and of all that be longs to me ; and I firmly purpose never to abandon thee, but to do all in my power to honor thee myself and to cause thee to be honored by others. I there fore earnestly beseech thee to receive me now, and ever to guard me under the mantle of thy special protection ; to assist me in all my actions as thy perpetual client ; to intercede in my favor with Jesus and Mary, and above all to strengthen me with thy powerful aid at the hour of my death. Amen.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, to you I recommend my soul.