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St. Nicholas/Index 2/Z

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St. Nicholas, Index 2
edited by Anna Lorraine Guthrie
Z: Zack’s excursion trip — Zuyder Zee
4509632St. Nicholas, Index 2 — Z: Zack’s excursion trip — Zuyder ZeeAnna Lorraine Guthrie


Zack's excursion trip; story. E. L. Plympton. il 7:951-5 O ’80
Zambesi river
In rainbow-land, A. Sutherland. il 36:994-8 S ’09
Zane, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Zane; poem. 12:715 Jl ’85
Zanesville, Ohio
Great Y and the crockery O. C: D. Stewart. il 33:1015-21, 1116-21 S-O ’06
Some incidents of Stanley’s expedition. E. J. Glave. 18:791-4 Ag ’91
Wild animal farm. F. A. Collins. il 32:432-5 Mr ’08
Zebra. il 1:9-10 N ’73


Suprise. M. Douglas. il 31:311 F ’04
Zebra. C. O. Lyon. il 36:540 Ap ’09
Brahmin bull; picture. E. Lawrence. 1:586 Ag ’74
Zenib, Lilla
Omar, the prodigal. 36:1000-3 S ’09
Zenobia, queen of Palmyra
Zenobia of Palmyra. E. S. Brooks, il 12:433-8 Ap ’85
Zhelikhovsky, Vera P.
Kind-beartéd hear. I. S. Hapgood. il 23:1013-14 O ’96
Zimmerman, C. A.
Magic dance. 8:393 Mr. ’81
Zimmerman, Charles A.
Goose hunt by steamer. 31:1014-6 S ’04
Zimmerman, Jane Eggleston
Great freshet. 2:342-6 Ap ’75
Maggie Darnley’s experiments. 10:674-5 Jl ’83
Zintha’s fortune; story. K. T. Woods. 10:769-72 Ag ’83
Zoological gardens
Famous garden; Jardin d’ acclimatation, M. E. Edwards. il 1:466-8 Je ’74
Garden party of wild animals: Regent’s park. E. Lawrence. il 1:583-8 Ag ’74
Glimpses of Central park animals, G: E. Walsh. il 1:583-8 Ag ’74
Jokers of the. menagerie. J: R. Coryell. il 17:71-3 N ’89
London zoo. D. Furniss. il 40:1002-5 S ’13
Tale of a tyrant’s zoo; odd freak of a sultan of to-day. W. G. Fitz-Gerald. il 35:37-40 N ’07
Thrilling escapes of wild, animals. E. Velvin. il 42:227-33 Ja ‘15
Village of wild beasts; Philadelphia zoological gardens. F, R. Stockton. il 4:651-60 Ag ’77
White cragmaster, A. H. Seaman. il 38:1059-62 O ’11
Winter at the zoo. E. F. Bonsall. il 20:47-55 N ’92
See also National zoological park
Bears of North America. W. T. Hornday. il 21:778-64, 898-904 Jl-Ag ’94
Bird’s eye view of the animal kingdom. W. T. Hornaday. il 21:231-7 Ja ’94
Brier rabbit and his folks. W. T. Hornaday. il 22:423-9 Mr ’95
Buffalo, musk-ox, mountain sheep, and mountain goat, W. T. Hornaday. il 22:674-82 Je ’95
Cat family in our country. W. T. Hornaday. il 21:409-16 Mr ‘94
Doings of a mole. W. T. Hornaday. il 22:336-40 F ’93
Few of our far-hearers. W. T. Hornaday. il 21:600-7 My ’94
Hydra. E. R. Downing. il 33:78-9 N ‘05
Lions of the sea. W. T. Hornaday, il 21:1043-8 O ’94
Lowest of our quadrupeds. W. T. Hornaday. il 23:424-9 Mr ’96
Manatee, tapir, and peccary. W. T. Hornaday. il 22:1038-42 O ’95
Our moose, elk, and deer. W. T. Hornday. il 22:939-43 S ’95
Our wolves and foxes. W. T. Hornaday. il 21:484-90 Ap ’94
Pronghorned antelope and the caribou. W. T. Hornaday. il 22:850-6 Ag ’03
Quadrupeds of North America. W. T. Hornaday. il 21:332-9 F ’94
Raccoon and his friends. W. T. Hornaday. il 21:686-91 Je ’94
Seals of our shores. W. T. Hornaday. il 22:42-7 N ’94
Some interesting very small animals. il 33:171-2 D ’05
Squirels, marmots, and sewellel. W. T. Hornaday. il 22:601-7 My ’93
Wild mice, rats, and gophers. W. T. Hornaday. il 22:498-503 Ap ‘95
Wonderful monster—the walrus. W. T. Hornaday. il 21:953-9 S ’94
See also Animalcules; Animals; Birds; Color of animals; Fish; Fossils; Insects; Marine life; Menageries; Microscope and microscopy; Mimicry (biology); Nests; Phosphorescence; Snakes; Taxidermy; Worms; Zoological gardens
Zoxbaugh, Grace S. (Polly Evans, pseud.)
Sacred bridge of Nikko. 34:586-7 My ’07
Zótof, Nikita Moiseievitch
Zótof. M. S. Robert. il 21:701-5 Je ’94
Marjorie’s peril: story. M. Lockwood. il 7:825-9 Ag ’80
Children of Zuñi. M. B. Kimball. il 31:1010-13 S ’04
Zürich town, From; poem. C. Thaxter. 12:587 Je ’85
Zuyder, Zee
Wheat that drowned the city. E. W. C. il 26:377-9 Mr ’99