St. Nicholas/Volume 13
Illustrated Magazine
For Young Folks.
conducted by
Part II—May, 1886, to October, 1886.
Copyright, 1886, by The Century Co,
The DeVinne Press.
Volume XIII.
Part II.
Six Months—May, 1886, to October, 1886.
Contents of Part II, Volume XIII.
page. | ||
About Breathing | Hellen Clark Swazey | 946 |
Adventure at the Flume, Our. (Illustrated) | W. L. | 844 |
Ambitious Kangaroo, The. Jingle | A. R. Wells | 853 |
Amusing the Baby. Verses. (Illustrated by R. B. Birch) | Eva Lovett Carson | 706 |
An Army Verses. | A. C. | 757 |
Art and Artists, Stories of. English Painters. (Illustrated) | Carla Erkstein Clement | 803 |
Aunt Deborah’s Lesson. (Illustrated) | G. H. Baskette | 694 |
Autumn to Spring. Poem | Edith M. Thomas | 883 |
Baby’s Dimple, The. Poem | Wilson A. Hayne | 731 |
Ballad of Base-Ball, A. Verses | I. D. | 774 |
Belated Fairy, A. Picture, drawn by Mary Hallock Foote | 693 | |
Blossom-time. Poem. | Laura E. Richards | 518 |
Boat-building. (Illustrated) | George J. Manson | 698 |
Bopeep. Poem. (Illustrated by Mary Hallock Foote) | Sydney Dayre | 756 |
Boys’ Camp, A. (Illustrated by W. A. Rogers) | 607 | |
Boys’ Paradise, The. (Illustrated by W. A. Rogers) | Elisabeth Balch | 604 |
Brownies at Base-ball, The. Verses. (Illustrated by the Author) | Palmer Cox | 943 |
Brownies at Lawn Tennis, The. Verses. (Illustrated by the Author) | Palmer Cox | 857 |
Brownies in the Menagerie, The. Verses. (Illustrated by the Author) | Palmer Cox | 707 |
Brownies on Roller Skates, The. Verses. (Illustrated by the Author) | Palmer Cox | 543 |
Bubble Bowling. (Illustrated by the Author) | Adelia B. Beard | 540 |
Butterfly and the Bee, The. Verse | Edith M. Thomas. | 599 |
Captain Jack’s Fourth of July Kite. (Illustrated by the Author) | Daniel C. Beard | 702 |
Caricature Plant, The. (Illustrated by J. C. Beard) | M. A. | 522 |
Children of the Sun, The. (Illustrated) | Arthur Wentworth Eaton | 770 |
Children’s Expedition, The. (Illustrated by E. J. Meeker) | Charles Barnard | 916 |
Child’s Fancy, A. Poem | Frank Dempster Sherman | 645 |
Considerate Farmer Jones. Picture, drawn by Culmer Barnes | 843 | |
Crafty Crab, The. Jingle. (Illustrated and engrossed by R. B. Birch) | Isabel Frances Bellows | 845 |
Crew of the Captain’s Gig, The. (Illustrated by G. W. Edwards) | Rev. Charles R. Talbot | 899 |
Daisy-Song Verses | Grace Denio Litchfield | 662 |
Dangerous Dog, The. Jingle. (Illustrated and engrossed by R. B. Birch) | A. R. Wells | 837 |
Difference of Opinion, A. Verses | Lilian Dynevor Rice | 679 |
Dog Stories, St. Nicholas. (Illustrated) | 526, 624 | |
“Do You Like Butter, Bossy?” Picture, drawn by Culmer Barnes | 791 | |
Duel with a Stork, A. Pictures, drawn by Frederick J. Hibbert | 754 | |
Fishes and their Young. (Illustrated by J. C. Beard) | C. F. Holder | 600 |
Fly-fishing for Trout. Illustrated by J. H. Cocks, Henry Sendham, E. J. Meeker, and others) | Ripley Hilchcock | 655 |
Fresh from A Dip in the Breakers. Picture, drawn by Mary Hallock Foote | 670 | |
Frog in the Shoe, The. Jingle. (Illustrated by Boz) | Aunt Fanny Barrow | 791 |
Fun in High Life. Picture, drawn by Culmer Barnes | 935 | |
George Washington. (Illustrated by H. A. Ogden and others) | Horace E. Scudder | 505 |
590, 663, 758, 838, 908 | ||
Giraffe, The. (Illustrated) | Gerrish Eldridge | 768 |
Girls’ Tricycle Club and its Run Down the Cape, The. (Illustrated by W. A. Rogers) | E. Vinton Blake | 494 |
Grandpapa Rosebush. Verses. (Illustrated) | Laura E. Richards | 583 |
Great Spring-board Act, The. Picture, drawn by T. J. Nicholl | 677 | |
Handiwork of Some Clever School-boys, The. (Illustrated by the Author) | J. Abden Donnegan | 547 |
Her Picture. Verses. (Illustrated by Laura C. Hills) | Anna M. Pratt | 942 |
Highly Colored. Picture, drawn by Culmer Barnes | 869 | |
How Conrad Lost his School-books. Illustrated by the Author) | Walter Bobbett | 514 |
“How Doth the Little Busy Bee?”Picture, drawn by Culmer Barnes | 757 | |
Hurly-burly. Jingle. (Illustrated by L. Hopkins) | Emma Mertimer White | 871 |
If. Jingle. (Illustrated) | F. A. B. | 703 |
In the Garden. Verses. | Bessie Chandler | 898 |
Inverted. Jingle. (Illustrated by W. T. Peters) | John B. Tabb | 828 |
“It was a Fair Artist Named May.” Jingle. (Illustrated by the Author) | O. Herford | 501 |
Japanese Babies. Verses. (Illustrated and engrossed by R. B. Birch) | Anna C. Vincent | 948 |
Jingles 501, 613, 630, 681, 687, 697, 703, 733, 748, 785, 791, 797, 828, 837, 845, 853, 949 | ||
Jolly Old Knight, The. Jingle. (Illustrated by the Author) | Oliver Herford | 748 |
Keeping the Cream of One’s Reading. (Illustrated) | Margaret Meredith | 537 |
Kelp-gatherers, The. (Illustrated by W. A. Rogers) | J. T. Trowbridge | 584 |
687, 776, 847, 929 | ||
Knickerbocker Boy, The. Verses. (Illustrated by Jessie McDermortt) | Caroline S. King | 542 |
| ||
Shakespere when a Boy. (Illustrated by Alfred Parsons) | Rose Kingsley | 483
Under the Snow. Poem | Lilian Dynever Rice | 815 |
Vegetable Clothing. (Illustrated by D. C. Beard) | C. J. Russell | 523 |
Venetian Marquetry. (Illustrated by the Author) | Charles G. Leland | 866 |
Waiting for a Cold Wave. Picture, drawn by C. Weaver | 738 | |
Weasel and the Adder, The. (Illustrated) | Gerrish Eldridge | 907 |
What Bertie Saw in the Flowers. Poem. (Illustrated) | L. G. R. | 536 |
What it Was. Verses. (Illustrated by F. E. Gifford) | Malcolm Douglas | 701 |
When Shakspere was A Boy. (Illustrated by Alfred Parsons) | Rose Kingsley | 483 |
Wild Flowers, The. Verses. (Illustrated) | Jessie Penniman | 603 |
Wild Hunters. (Illustrated) | John R. Coryell | 681 |
Winged Seeds. Poem | Helen Gray Cone | 571 |
Woe to the Foreign Dolly! Picture, drawn by R. Blum | 525 | |
Wonders of the Alphabet. (Illustrated) | Henry Eckford | 538 |
621, 677, 771, 854, 925 | ||
Work and Play for Young Folk. (Illustrated.) | ||
A Rope Yarn Spun by an Old Sailor. (Illustrated by the Author) | C. W. Miller | 786 |
Venetian Marquetry. (Illustrated by the Author) | Charles G. Leland | 866 |
Departments. | ||
For Very Little Folk. (Illustrated.) | ||
Riddles | M. M. D. | 630 |
“Pretty Painted Bridges” | E. E. Sterns | 630 |
“White Sheep, White Sheep” | ||
“On Dormio Hill” | ||
A Letter from a Little Boy | Ralph Ranlet | 710 |
“Dude” and the Cats | 711 | |
Riddles for Very Little Folk | E. E. Sterns | 950 |
Plays and Music. | ||
Easter Carol | William E. Ashmall | 546 |
Jack-in-the-Pulpit. (Illustrated.) | ||
Introduction—“Everything is Lovely, and the Goose Hangs High”— Girls! To the Rescue!—About Little Lord Fauntleroy—Fishing for Necklaces—A Suggestion to the Bottled Fish—The Newspaper Plant (illustrated)—One More Living Barometer, 552; A Bumble Grumble—Pretty Dusty Wings—Trees that Rain—Shooting Stars— Coasting in August—More about Turtles—A Fish that Weaves its Nest—A Clever Humming-bird (illustrated), 632; Introduction—The Seventeen-year Locust (illustrated)—The Great Lubber Locust (illustrated)—The Dog and the Queer Grasshoppers (illustrated), 712; Introduction— Longfellow’s First Letter—The Water-snake as a Fisherman—More Animal Weather-Prophets—A Useful Bird with an Aristocratic Name—A Wise Humming-bird—The Pitcher Plant (illustrated}, 792; Introduction—Poor Lark!—Those Mocking-birds Again—A Living Island (illustrated)—Wrong Names for Things —Who can Answer This? 872; Introduction—A Perfectly Quiet Day—How He Proved It—Walking Without Legs—A Queer Sunshade (illustrated)—A Queer Jumble—That Dear Little Lord, 952. | ||
The Agassiz Association. (Illustrated) | 557, 636, 717, 794, 874, 957 | |
The Letter-box. (Illustrated) | 554, 634, 714, 796, 876, 954 | |
The Riddle-box. (Illustrated) | 559, 639, 719, 799. 879, 959 | |
Editorial Notes. | 554, 634 | |
Frontispieces. | ||
“In Springtime—When Shakspere was a Boy,” by Léon Moran, facing Title-page of Volume—“A June Morning,” by E. C. Held, facing page 563—“a Fayette and the British Ambassador,” by F. H. Lungren, facing page 643—“The Captain and the Captain's Mate,” by Mary Hallock Foote, facing page 723—“The Connoisseurs,” after a painting by Sir Edwin Landseer, facing page 803—“Martha Washington,” from an unfinished portrait by Gilbert Stuart, facing page 883. |
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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