St. Nicholas/Volume 32/Number 1/Advertisements/Back/Postum


Build Well
My Boy
The carefully built body of youth yields good health and daily comfort all through life.
There is no “good time” on earth that equals the “good time” every day.
Just to breathe sweet air, feel the pulses thrill, step with a swing and spring hard to hold in leash, and know yourself to be possessed of the greatest gift of the gods —
But one can give it all up by a very little daily drugging on coffee which attacks stomach, nerves, heart and other organs, first stimulating, then depressing, then setting up chronic disease. That's the indictment. Examine any old coffee drinker and see if you can find ONE entirely free from disease.
The POSTUM FOOD COFFEE supplies actual food elements in a liquid form, rebuilding the body and nervous system, at the same time furnishes a delicious beverage, much like in color and flavor to the milder grades of Old Gov't Java.
“There's a reason.”