St. Nicholas/Volume 32/Number 1/Advertisements/Front/Swifts
Premium Calendar
Swift’s Premium Calendar for 1905, size 12 ⨯ 35 inches, consists of four lovely heads by McEntee, the famous water colorist. Superbly lithographed in ten colors and gold, and charmingly represents the four seasons of the year. Unsurpassed for attractiveness of deign, beautiful coloring and superior workmanship, To see it is to have it.
Swift’s Premium Calendar will be sent, postpaid, to any address, for 10 cts. in money or stamps, 10 Wool Soap wrappers, or 1 metal cap from jar of Swift's Beef Extract.
Send order to Swift & Company
Dept. G, Stock Yards Station
Chicago, Ill.
Swifts Premium
Hams and Bacon
(U. S. Inspected)
Swift’s Silver Leaf Lard
3, 5, and 10-lb. air-tight pails.
Swift & Company, U.S.A.