St. Nicholas/Volume 32/Number 2/Advertisements/Front/Houghton, Mifflin & Co.


A sequel to “Jewel,” now in its 27th thousand.
Clara Louise Burnham’s
Jewel’s Story Book
“‘Jewel’ has become a well recognized figure in juvenile literature and is unquestionably a charming child. The stories are very delightfully told and the characters are excellently drawn.”—Philadelphia Telegraph. Illustrated, $1.50.
Everett T. Tomlinson’s
The Rider of the Black Horse
“Dr. Tomlinson has a knack of mixing history with adventure in such away as to make his young readers absorb a good deal of information while entertaining them capitally.”—N. Y. Mail. Illustrated. $1.50.}}
A Book that Carries the Spirit and Aroma of Blazing Apple Wood Fires
Kristy’s Queer Christmas
By Olive Thorne Miller
Author of “With the Birds in Maine,” “True Bird Stories,” etc.
A capital holiday book full of the wholesome spirit which has made Dickens’s “Christmas Carol” a classic, and abounding in laughter and entertainment for all ages of readers. With colored frontispiece, $1.25.
When the King Came “A clear view of the events and teachings of the life of Christ in their true sequence. It is told with earnestness, sincerity and realism.”—Boston Herald. $1.25. |
The Flower Princess “The characters and scenes are very real, and the charm of Miss Brown's styleis certain to hold the reader, be he old or young.”—Boston Transcript. Illustrated. $1.00. |
H. S. Huntington’s
H. M. Sloop Diamond Rock
“The incidents of life in the tropical forest, on ship and in the fortification on the rock, as well as the exciting race to Europe with dispatches from Nelson, will appeal to every boy who loves a rattling good story.”—Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Illustrated. $1.50.
Samuel M. Crothers’s
Miss Muffet’s Christmas Party
This should be a favorite hook during the holidays, judging from its popularity during last two seasons. Illustrated. $1.08.