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St. Nicholas/Volume 32/Number 2/Advertisements/Front/Miscellaneous

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Music Lovers

Will find the greatest value ever given in music collections. Full folio size. Beautifully printed on extra quality paper and well bound. Worth $5.00 as sheet music. Any one of the following sent anywhere on receipt of 50c, in United States stamps.

Dance Waltzes for the Piano. 64 pagesEasy Four-Hand Pieces. (2d and 3a grades.) 62 pages.Easy Pieces in Easy Keys (Two volumes.) 56 pages.Easy Salon Music for the Piano. 64 pages.Favorite Duets for Violin and Piano. 60 pages.Forty Very Easy Piano Pieces 64 pages.Four-Hand Recreations. (3d grade.) 62 pages.Marches and Two-Steps for the Piano. 62 pages.Very Easy Piano Duets. (1st and 2d grades.) 60 pages.Selected Duets for Cornet and Plano. 62 pages.

A Delightful Christmas Present
for any Musical Friend

$1.50 a year. 15 cents a copy

Contains music in one year that would cost at least $25.00.

The Musicians Library

which when completed will contain all the masterpieces of song and piano music, edited by living authorities on the subject, each volume containing a biographical and critical introduction and the best obtainable portrait of the composer. Write for descriptive booklet—FREE on request. 20 vols. issued and sold separately. Price, per vol., in paper, $1.50; in cloth, $2.50, post-paid.

C. H. DITSON & CO., New York. J.E. DITSON & CO., Philadelphia

Order of your home dealer or any of the above houses

Also Headquarters for Musical Instruments of Every Description

New-York, New-York, 30, 32 and 34 East 37th Street,

The Merrill~van Laer School
The Peebles and Thompson School.

Boarding an Day School for Girls. Centrally located, near Fifth Avenue and Central Park, School opens October fifth.

No change in Principals.

Massachusetts, Wellesley Hills.

Rock Ridge Hall A SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Location high and dry. Laboratories. Shop for Mechanic Arts. A new gymnasinm. Strong teachers. Earnest boys, Scholarships, A vigorous school life. American ideals. Illustrated pamphlet sent free. Dr. G. R. White, Prin.


A capital book for boys and girls
by the Author of


Have it on your Christmas List. Beautifully
Illustrated. $1.50