St. Nicholas/Volume 32/Number 3/Advertisements/Back/Postum

Don’t Want to Hear
What Medical Science Says About Coffee.
Many intelligent people don’t care to listen to the truth about coffee causing their aches, ails and disturbances.
They keep on using the drug coffee and suffer from heart derangement, liver or kidney disorders or some kind of stomach and nervous troubles. They “don’t believe coffee is to blame,” and don’t want ta listen to medical science.
They should keep on with the coffee until Nature forces her facts home in the form of sickness or organic disease if they want absolute proof. Suppose on the other hand one should quit coffee in time and get well. It is easy if you shift to properly made Postum. In a few days you will feel a great change for the better.
Coffee sets np disease. POSTUM dissipates it and sets up health again. Medical science has found this out by experience, the Great Teacher. A prominent physician of Des Moines, Iowa, tells how he learned it:
“I am a physician of 18 years’ practice, I felt the need of a stimulant, and for the first five or six years of my practice drank strong coffee. Eight or ten years ago I began to notice symptoms of heart disease. This seemed to be a regular organic type, and year by year became aggravated by dizziness, faintness and later, inability to walk at times. Finally I became such a confirmed invalid that I had to give up practice.
“Several years elapsed with the symptoms growing worse. I was considered marked for an early grave. I honestly believed that coffee was the trouble, and it finally became impressed upon me to give it up. This I found easier to do when POSTUM FOOD COFFEE was used in its place. I made the change more to satisfy my friends than with any hope of benefit from such a simple change, especially in such an incurable ease as mine. I was debilitated and very weak, and about 30 pounds short of my old weight.
“From the first week I noticed a marked change and within three months I was almost fully restored to my old strength and health, with the heart trouble and dizziness all gone.
“These facts are known to hundreds of my friends and acquaintances throughout this city.”
Name and address given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
There’s a reason.