St. Nicholas/Volume 32/Number 4/Advertisements/Back/Grape-Nuts

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4138051St. Nicholas, Volume 32, Number 4, Back Advertisements — Grape-NutsMary Mapes Dodge

Pretty Cheeks

A Food that Makes Girls Sweet
to Look Upon.

The right food for young ladies is of the greatest importance to their looks, to say nothing of the health. You may be absolutely certain thin, sallow girls don’t get the right food. A Brooklyn girl says: “For a long time in spite of all I could do I was thin, skinny and nervous, My cheeks were so sunken my friends used to remark on how had I looked. I couldn't seem to get strength from my food—meat, potatoes, bread, etc. So I tried various medicines without help.

“I often read about Grape-Nuts, but never tried the food until one day something impressed me that perhaps if I would eat Grape-Nuts for my nerves and brain I could digest and get the good of my food. So I started in. The food with cream was fascinating to my taste and I went in for it regularly twice a day.

“Well, I began to improve, and now, while on my third package, I have changed so my friends congratulate me warmly, ask me what in the world I have taken, etc., etc. My cheeks are plump and rosy, and I feel so strong and well. I sleep sound, and it seems as though I couldn’t get enough to eat. Thank yon sincerely for making Grape-Nuts.” Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.

There’s a reason.
