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St. Nicholas/Volume 32/Number 4/Advertisements/Back/Railroads

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"Follow the Flag"

Wabash Line

"Banner Blue Limited"


St. Louis and Chicago

The Finest Day Train in the World


Combination Baggage Car and Smoker.

Combination Coach and Chair Car.
Combination Dining and Buffet Car.
Combination Observation and Parlor Car.

Painted in Royal Blue and Gold; vestibuled throughout; lighted by electricity; finished in African Mahogany, inlaid with holly; windowed with bevel plate and Cathedral jewel glass; furnished with Wilton carpets and upholstered with silk plush; Haviland china and Toledo cut glass; pantry, kitchen and chef’s department specially designed; every car supplied with hot and cold water and heated by steam.

C. S. CRANE, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, ST. LOUIS, MO.

Genial Climes for the Winter

New Orleans, La.; Havana, Cuba; Colon, Panama;
Hot Springs, Ark.; Gulfport, Miss; Hammond, La.,

reached direct by fast through trains of

Illinois Central R. R.

Mardi Gras at New Orleans March 7. New “Great Southern” Hotel at Gulfport. Sleeping car, without change, Chicago to Hot Springs. Steamship leaves New Orleans every Saturday afternoon for Havana; every Wednesday morning for Colon. Ocean steamship sailings from New Orleans for Mexico, Central America, Panama, West Indies and Europe, Send for descriptive matter.

Through Tickets of Agents I. C. R. R. and Connecting Lines. A. H. HANSON, G. P. A.