Red makes me think of apples brightAll shining in the morning light,Of poppies nodding in the breeze,And cherries on the cherry-trees;But Orange comes with autumn days,With goldenrod and aster sprays;It makes me think of harvest skies,And pantries filled with pumpkin-pies.Bright Yellow makes me think of gold,The shining stars the clouds unfold,The sun wrapped up in summer haze,And all the dandelion days.
Green is the color I love best,Because it shades the sparrow’s nest:It shelters all the woodlands fair,And little children playing there.Blue makes me think of bending skies,And gentians with their fast-closed eyes;Of bluets where the river flows,And all my baby-ribbon bows.But Violet is soft and dim,And solemn as an evening hymn;And Grandma loves it best, I know,Of all the colors in the Bow.