St. Nicholas/Volume 40/Number 12
Copyright, 1913, by The Century Co. All rights reserved.
(The entire contents of this Magazine are covered by the general copyright, and articles must not be reprinted without special permission.)
Frontispiece. “Hey! Diddle, Diddle, the Cat and the Fiddle.” Painted for St. Nicholas by Arthur Rackham. | page | |||||
The Nursery Rhymes of Mother Goose: Hey! Diddle, Diddle. See-saw, Sacaradown—Lady Bird, Lady Bird, Fly Away Home. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush—Cock a Doodle Doo! | 1057 | |||||
Illustrated by Arthur Rackham | ||||||
A Lesson in Patience. Picture. Drawn by C. M. Relyea | 1060 | |||||
Miss Santa Claus of the Pullman Serial Story | Annie Fellows Johnston | 1061 | ||||
Illustrated by Reginald Birch | ||||||
The First Chafing-Dish Party of the Season. Picture. Drawn by M. L. MacMillan | 1069 | |||||
The Orc and His Globular Island. Story | E. L. McKinney | 1070 | ||||
Illustrated by Robert C. Benchley. | ||||||
A Day at a Boys’ Camp. Sketch | George W. Orton | 1071 | ||||
Chrystie’s Event. Story | Margaret Johnson | 1076 | ||||
Illustrated by Charles M. Relyea | ||||||
“The Tyranny of Tears.” Picture. Picture. Drawn by Zaidee Morrison | 1083 | |||||
With Men Who Do Things. Serial | A. Russell Bond | 1084 | ||||
Illustrated by Edwin F. Bayha, and from photographs. | ||||||
The Discovery of the Pole. Pictures. Drawn by I. W. Taber | 1092 | |||||
Garden-Making and Some of the Garden’s Stories. VI. The Story of a Far Land and the Going Hence. Illustrated. | 1093 | |||||
The Fairy Castle. Verse | Margaret A. Dole | 1096 | ||||
Illustrated by I. W. Taber | ||||||
Mother’s Best Umbrella. Verse. | Lucy Lincoln Montgomery | 1098 | ||||
Illustrated by Reginald Birch). | ||||||
Beatrice of Denewood. Story |
1100 | ||||
Illustrated by C. M. Relyea | ||||||
In Spite of Appearances. Verse | Robert Emmet Ward | 1108 | ||||
Illustrated by Tony Nell). | ||||||
"The World's Series". Verse | C. H. Claudy | 1109 | ||||
Illustrated from photographs. | ||||||
“Everygirl.” Play | Rachel Lyman Field | 1115 | ||||
Illustrated by Albertine Randall Wheelan. | ||||||
The Land of Mystery. Serial Story (Conclusion) | Cleveland Moffett | 1118 | ||||
Illustrated by Jay Hambidge. | ||||||
The Little Goose-Girl Picture. From photograph by Nancy Ford Coues | 1126 | |||||
Books and Reading | Hildegarde Hawthorne | 1127 | ||||
For Very Little Folk: | ||||||
The Naughty Little Rabbit. Story | Katharine L. Edgerly | 1130 | ||||
Illustrated by G. A. Harker. | ||||||
Nature and Science for Young Folks. | 1132 | |||||
Illustrated | ||||||
The St. Nicholas League. With Awards of Prizes for Stories, Poems, Drawings, Photographs, and Puzzles. Illustrated | 1140 | |||||
The Clever Flamingos. Pictures. Drawn by Dewitt Clinton Falls. | 1148 | |||||
The Letter-Box. Illustrated. | 1150 | |||||
The Riddle-Box. | 1151 | |||||
St. Nicholas Stamp Page | Advertising page | 26 |
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The half-yearly parts of St. Nicholas end with the October and April numbers respectively, and the red cloth covers are ready with the issue of these numbers; price 50 cents, by mail, postpaid: the two covers for the complete volume, $1.00. We bind and furnish covers for 75 cents per part, or $1.50 for the complete volume. (Carriage extra.) In sending the numbers to us, they should be distinctly marked with the owner's name. Bound volumes are not exchanged for numbers.PUBLISHED MONTHLY.
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IRA H. BRAINERD, Vice-President
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