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St. Nicholas/Volume 40/Number 2/Nature and Science/Bees

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3988863St. Nicholas, Volume 40, Number 2, Nature and Science for Young Folks — Boys handling beesEdward F. Bigelow

Boys handling bees

The illustration on the next page shows some boys from Greenwich visiting the Arcadia (Sound Beach, Connecticut) apiary. These boys are on a nature-study outing, and are taking their first lesson in handling honey-bees. The picture shows that they did this without the aid of protecting gloves or veil. The ten frames of a hive were

The editor of “Nature and Science” demonstrating to the boys that honey-bees at certain times are easily handled.

passed around, and the action of the bees carefully observed. This does not prove that bees will not sting, nor that the boys were unusually skilful in handling the bees. In certain conditions, and at certain times that can be ascertained only by an experienced beekeeper, bees may be thus taken from the hive with but little danger. At other times, to have attempted this with the same hive would have been extremely hazardous.

It hardly seems necessary to add that young people should never attempt to handle bees in this way except by the consent and under the supervision of an expert.