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St. Nicholas/Volume 40/Number 5

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3945798St. Nicholas, Volume 40 — Number 5



Vol. XL
MARCH, 1913
No. 5

(The entire contents of this Magazine are covered by the general copyright, and articles must not be reprinted without special permission.)


Frontispiece. Portrait of Child. From the painting by Lydia Field Emmet. page
The Story of a Statue. Sketch. Esther Matson 387
Illustrated by Alfred Brennan.
The Famous Horses of St. Mark’s. Sketch. Mary Lloyd 390
Illustrated by Robert Blum, and from photograph.
Tea-cups. Story. Giulia Hossfeld 392
Illustrated by C. M. Relyea.
The Fir-tree. Verse. Anna B. Bryant 396
Illustrated by Bruce Horsfall.
The Little Furry Ones That Slide Downhill. ("Babes of the Wild”—II) Charles G. D. Roberts 397
Illustrated by Paul Bransom.
Why the Deacon Was Late for Church. Picture. Drawn by I. W. Taber 401
With Men Who Do Things. Serial Story. A. Russell Bond 402
Illustrated from photographs.
A Nursery Pet. Verse. Carolyn Wells 410
Illustrated by Reginald Birch.
Beatrice of Denewood. Serial Story
Emilie Benson Knipe and
Alden Arthur Knipe
Illustrated by C. M. Relyea
The Horn-blower of Ripon. Sketch. Helen Marshall Pratt 419
Illustrated from photograph.
The Prince and the Peddler. Verse. Stella George Stern Perry 420
Illustrated by Herbert Paus.
Through the Smoke. Story. F. Lovell Coombs 422
Illustrated by Edwin F. Bayha.
A World Disaster. Picture. Drawn by Charles F. Lester 426
A Secret. Verse. James Rowe 427
Reasoning. Verse. Nixon Waterman 427
Illustrated by Reginald Birch
Nancy’s Way. Verse. Nora Bennett 428
Illustrated by Sarah K. Smith
The Land of Mystery. Serial Story. Cleveland Moffett 428
Illustrated by Jay Hambidge, and from photogaphs
Curious Friendships among Animals. Sketch. Ellen Velvin 437
Illustrated from photographs.
A Boy’s Logic. Verse. Oscar Llewelyn 442
The Brownies Mend the Dam. Palmer Cox 443
Illustrated by the Author
"The Boy and the Man” (Supplementary Paper)
Hon. and Rev. E. Lyttelton
Elihu Vedder
General George W. Wingate
More Than Conquerors: The Matterhorn of Men—II. Biographical Sketch Ariadne Gilbert 308
Illustrated by Oscar F. Schmidt, and from photographs.
In Grandmother’s Garret. Picture. Drawn by George Avison 457
Nature and Science for Young Folks. Illustrated. 458
For Very Little Folk.
“How Neddy Got a Ride.”
“Picking Apples,”
Katharine M. Daland
Illustrated by the Author.
The St. Nicholas League. With Awards of Prizes for Stories, Poems, Drawings, Photographs, and Puzzles. 468
Books and Reading Hildegarde Hawthorne 476
Illustrated by George Varian
The Riddle-Box. 479
St. Nicholas Stamp Page Advertising page 24

The Century Co. and its editors receive manuscripts and art material, submitted for publication, only on the understanding that they shall not be responsible for loss or injury theretowhile in their possession or in transit. Copies of manuscripts should be retained by the authors.

In the United States and Canada, the price of The St. Nicholas Magazine is $3.00 a year in advance, or 25 cents a single copy, without discount or extra inducement of any kind. Foreign postage is 60 cents extra when subscribers abroad with the magazine mailed directly from New York to them. We request that remittance be by money order, bank check, draft, or registered letter. The Century Co. reserves the right to suspend any subscription taken contrary to its selling terms and to refund the unexpired credit.

The half-yearly parts of St. Nicholas end with the October and April numbers respectively, and the red cloth covers are ready with the issue of these numbers; price 50 cents, by mail, postpaid: the two covers for the complete volume, $1.00. We bind and furnish covers for 75 cents per part, or $1.50 for the complete volume. (Carriage extra.) In sending the numbers to us, they should be distinctly marked with the owner's name. Bound volumes are not exchanged for numbers. PUBLISHED MONTHLY.

WILLIAM W. ELLSWORTH, Vice-President and Secretary
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