St. Vincent's Manual/Aspirations for Various Occasions.
In addition to the Aspirations, which each day's Meditation will afford, the following may be used on various occasions.
Make these Aspirations, prostrate in spirit, before the Tabernacle.
O my God! I believe in thee, do thou strengthen my faith.
O Lord, increase my faith.
My Lord and my God!
I believe; - Lord, help my unbelief.
I adore thee, O Holy Trinity! and most humbly give thee thanks for having revealed to us this glorious, incomprehensible mystery.
Glory be to the adorable Persons of the Blessed Trinity, as great, now and for ever, as it was from the beginning.
Most adorable Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, one essence in three persons, I most humbly adore thee.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, &c.
I hope in thee, my sweet Jesus, because thou art a God full of goodness and mercy.
In thee, my Saviour, do I hope, let me never be confounded.
I will never despair, but I will trust with loving confidence in him who was wounded for my iniquities, and bruised for my sins.
Trusting in thy infinite mercy and goodness, my God! I hope to follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.
My God! all my hopes are in thee, do thou secure them.
My God! grant that I may love thee with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, in time and in eternity.
My God! give me a love stronger than death.
My Jesus! grant that I may love thee daily more and more.
My God, eternal love of my soul! let thy divine love consume my miserable self-love.
Jesus, lover of mankind! grant that every breath I draw may be as so many acts of love to thee, in thy tabernacle of love.
Oh! that I could possess the hearts of all mankind, and with them love thee, my Jesus, as thou deservest.
O God of charity! may I ever live in charity, that I may dwell in thee, and thou in me.
O Lord! enkindle in me the fire of thy love and the flame of everlasting charity.
I am sorry that I have ever offended thee, my God! do thou increase my sorrow.
My good God! I am sorry, from the bottom of my heart, for every sin, that I have ever committed, purely because sin is offensive to thee.
Jesus! Son of David, have mercy on me.
O God! be merciful to me a sinner.
Thou who hast created me, have mercy on me.
The sins of my youth and my ignorances, remember not, O Lord.
From my hidden sins, cleanse me, O Lord! and from the sins of others spare thy servant.
Have mercy on me, O God! according to thy great mercy: and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my iniquity.
My soul! deplore thy ingratitude - thou hast not loved him who has loved thee with an eternal love, and even unto death, and the death of the Cross.
Adorable Jesus! overwhelmed with sorrow for my sins in the Garden of Olives, give me the grace of sincere contrition, and perfect conformity to thy holy will.
O my Divine Jesus! grant that the remembrance of thy sufferings may fill my soul with the most tender sentiments of gratitude for thy love, and of sorrow for my sins and those of the whole world.
Remember not, O Lord! our offences, nor those of our parents; and take not revenge on our sins.
My God! grant that from pure love of thee, I may dread even the shadow of sin.
My God! I am sorry for every want of correspondence to divine grace.
O thou, in whose sight the stars are not pure, cast mo not away from thy face, and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Spare, O Lord! spare thy people.
Eternal Father! I offer thee the precious blood of Jesus Christ in expiation of my sins, and for the wants of the holy Church.
Hallowed be thy name.
May thy name, my God, be praised, loved and adored by all.
O my God! may I always pronounce thy name with adoring love.
From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the name of the Lord is worthy of praise.
I will praise thee, O Lord, my God! with my whole heart, and I will glorify thy holy name for ever.
Praise ye the Lord, for the Lord is good: sing ye to his name, for it is sweet. My Jesus ! let thy holy name be the seal of my heart.
In the name of Jesus, let every knee bend, of those that are in heaven, on earth and under the earth.
My sweet Jesus! grant that the most ardent love of thee may imprint on our hearts thy sacred name; that it; may be always in our minds and frequently on our lips.
May all the world adore thee, O my God! and magnify thy holy name.
Thy kingdom come. My sweet Jesus, reign sovereign in my heart, and in the hearts of all.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Father! not my will, but thine be done.
My God! my only desire is to accomplish thy holy will.
Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God.
My God! grant that I may clearly know thy holy will, and steadily execute it.
Lord! I desire that in all things thy will may be done, because it is thy will.
May the most just, the most high, and the most amiable will of God, be in all things fulfilled, praised and exalted above all, for ever.
Father! give to thy children every thing that is necessary, and that would be beneficial to them.
Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us.
Father! forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Lord! lay not this sin to their charge.
My God! I forgive from my heart all who have injured me; and I beg for them all the graces of which they stand in need.
If they have, by injuring me, offended thee, my God! forgive them, I beseech thee.
Preserve me, O my God! from every sentiment of aversion, antipathy, hatred or revenge.
My God! I desire to love, for the love of thee, all who have offended or injured me.
Holy Spirit! whose divine unction teaches and inflames the heart, descend upon us.
Come, O Holy Spirit! replenish our hearts with love; and make us run in the paths of perfection.
O Holy Spirit! impart to us thy wisdom, to discern, on all occasions, the most perfect path, and thy fortitude to pursue it.
O sacred wounds of my Jesus! plead for me, now and at the hour of my death.
Eternal Father! look upon the face of thy Son;-look on his wounds, which implore thee, to have pity on me.
O sacred heart of Jesus! only offering worthy of thy Father, unite me with thyself, in sacrifice of praise and love to him.
O sacred heart of Jesus! burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with the love of thee.
O Jesus! give us thy heart, as a pledge of thy love, and as a place of refuge, that we may find therein a secure repose during life, and a sweet comfort at the hour of death.
My Saviour! hide me in thy sacred heart, until the storm of life is past.
My Jesus! give me a heart conformable to thy own sacred heart.
Give me an humble heart, loving an abject and a hidden life.
Give me a meek heart, ready to bear all in silence to pardon and forget the greatest injuries.
Give me a patient heart, tranquil in the severest trials.
Give me a heart filled with the love of poverty, and with contempt for all earthly things.
Give me a pure heart, having a horror for the pleasures of sense.
Give me an obedient heart, having no will but that of God.
Give me a heart always in peace.
Give me a heart delighting in prayer, and making this heavenly exercise its chief occupation.
Give me a heart having no joy but that of seeing God known, loved, served and honored.
Give me a heart, having no sadness but that of seeing God offended. Give me a heart having no aversion but for sin.
Give me a heart having no desire but for the glory of God and for the salvation of souls.
All for thee, O my God! all for thy greater honor and glory and pure love.
Deliver me, my God! from placing my affections on any of thy creatures, which would divert me from continually looking up to thee.
My God! grant that I may see thee in all, and all in thee My Jesus! grant that I may go generously, on, from virtue to virtue, till I arrive unto the clear vision of thy glorious Majesty.
My Jesus! Divine Sun of Justice, enlighten me to know thy goodness, and all those things which are most accept able to thee.
My God! bestow on me a sincere and ardent desire of perfection. My God! thou art omnipotent; make me holy. O God of peace ! restore peace to my troubled soul. Give me thy blessing, my Jesus! and establish my soul in everlasting peace.
If it be for thy honor, that I suffer interior desolation, I accept it from thy hands, my God!
Lord, if it be thy will, I desire to drink this chalice to the very dregs.-Thy grace is all-sufficient for me.
My sweet Jesus! let the remembrance of thy bitter Passion and of the pains thou sufferedst for me, strengthen me in all trials and afflictions.
O Jesus! calumniated, accused, despised! teach me to disregard the judgments of men; and grant that for the love of thee I may suffer with patience and in silence the basest injuries.
O my Jesus! grant that I may always unite my sufferings to thine.
O my Redeemer! do not permit that I should ever be so ungrateful as to forget thy sufferings, or to think of them with indifference. O my Divine Saviour! I most humbly beseech thee, to penetrate my soul with the most lively gratitude for the infinite love, which brought thee from heaven to suffer and die for me.
My sweet Jesus! by all thou hast done and suffered for me, grant me the grace of final perseverance.
Watch over me, O Lord! for, abandoned to myself, I shall certainly betray thee.
Incline unto my aid, O God! — O Lord! make haste to help me.
Protect me, Lord, against all my enemies; and in all dangers, appear in my defence.
I will not fear, though I walk in the midst of the shadow of death, because thou art with me, O Lord!
My Jesus! remain always with me — still support and comfort me.
O Lord! preserve me as the apple of thine eye, and under the shadow of thy wings protect me.
Assist me, my Jesus! that I may continually labor to overcome nature.
My God! teach me to know thee— teach me to know myself.
Prevent me, my Jesus! from being unfaithful to any one of thy graces.
My God! enlighten all who are in error.
Have mercy on all sinners, O Jesus! I beseech thee.
My Jesus! merciful Saviour! comfort all who are in need of consolation.
O bountiful God! provide for all who are in want.
God of Goodness! let the light of thy mercies shine on the poor souls in purgatory.
My Jesus! have mercy on all the souls in purgatory, through thy bitter passion, I beseech thee, and thy glorious name, Jesus.
O merciful Father of all mankind! for the sake of Jesus, our Divine Saviour, despise not my supplication in behalf of thy dear suffering children, who can no longer implore mercy for themselves.
Father! have pity on all thy suffering children.
Lord, that I may see!
Lord! if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
It is good for me, O Lord! that thou hast humbled me; for I have thereby learned thy justifications.
Set a watch, O Lord! before my mouth, and a door round about my lips.
My God! make me wise as the serpent, and simple as the dove.
My Saviour! keep me continually mortified to this world, and grant that, being cleansed thoroughly by the fire of thy love, I may immediately pass hence into thy everlasting possessions.
Fountain of all goodness! bless all our undertakings, to thy greater honor and glory and the salvation of souls.
O Eternal Father! in the name of thy holy Jesus, I humbly beseech thee, mercifully to grant my petition.
Praise the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.
To thee, O Lord! be glory and honor; let shame and confusion be my portion.
O praise the Lord, all ye nations! praise him all ye people, &c.
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and of his greatness there is no end.
O that I could now give thee, O Lord! all that honor, praise and glory with which the angels and blessed spirits praise and glorify thee in heaven.
Let all thy works praise thee, O Lord! and let thy saints bless thee.
Fire, bail, snow, ice, stormy winds which fulfil his word; kings of the earth and all people; every spirit, praise the Lord!
Most adorable Trinity! I thank thee for creating my soul to thy own image and likeness.
Most holy Trinity! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! I consecrate to thee my memory, will and understanding: grant that they may be ever employed to thy greater honor and glory.
Great God! Father, Son and Holy Ghost! have mercy on us:
Holy God! holy and strong God! holy and immortal God! have mercy on me.
Sweet Jesus! make me thy own.
My God and my all!
O my Jesus! God of inconceivable love! grant that 1 my never approach thy sacred altar, without remembering thy sufferings with contrition and love.
Eternal praise and thanksgiving be to the most holy and adorable sacrament of the altar!
My dearest Saviour! my heart desires to be always before thee, in thy tabernacle of love.
My heart sighs for thee, my sweet Jesus!
My Jesus! my soul longs to be united to thee in the adorable sacrament of thy love.
My God! grant that I may receive thee, divested of myself.
My God! make my heart a habitation in which thou Wilt delight to abide.
O Living Bread! be thou my support in this life, and my viaticum to a happy eternity.
My Jesus! I commit my last hour and all that shall follow, into thy hands.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart, &c.
Blessed be the most pure and immaculate conception of the most Blessed Virgin Mary.
By thy sacred virginity and immaculate conception, O most pure Virgin! intercede for me; obtain for me a true purity of soul and body, in the name of the Father, &c.
Holy Angel, my guide and friend, pray for me.
Holy Angel, my counsellor and intercessor, pray for me.
Holy Angel, my protector and comforter, pray for me. My good Angel, obtain for me docility to all your inspirations.
My dear Angel! thou who always standest before the Lord, love him for me, adore him for me, and keep me always attentive to his holy presence.
Angel of God, &c.
Blessed St. Michael, obtain for me humility of mind and heart.
Glorious St. Michael, Prince of the heavenly host, intercede for me, in the last and awful combat.
Blessed St. Joseph, our Patron, obtain that we may lead a truly interior life, and expire in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
Blessed St. Vincent, our holy Founder, obtain for us all, the true spirit of our vocation.
O great Saint! whose name I bear, grant me thy particular protection in every danger of soul and body; obtain for me the grace of fidelity to all the obligations of my holy state.
My heart hath uttered a good word! I speak my wants to the King.
I have chosen to be an abject in the house of my God.
Blessed are they that dwell in thy house, O Lord! they shall praise thee for ever and ever.
One thing I have asked of the Lord, this will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life.
The mercies of my God I will sing for ever.
Each action of the day may be offered up for one or more of the following intentions; thus:
O my Jesus! give thy blessing to this action — cover it with thy merits. I offer it for our most holy Father, the Pope — the Archbishop — Bishop — our Superiors — Confessors— all Pastors of souls — all Ecclesiastical Seminaries— the propagation of our holy Faith — all religious orders—our own dear Community — that of my dear Sisters who is in need of special graces — my father — my mother — my brothers — sisters — relations and friends — benefactors — the conversion of all in error or infidelity — the most obdurate-Tine poor — the sick — all in affliction — the agonizing— the dear suffering souls in purgatory.
Sometimes say:
O my Jesus! I unite this action to those which thou didst perform, whilst on earth, for the glory of thy Father and for the salvation of souls.
From time to time during your actions, say:
My God! it was for thee I began, and it is for thee, I continue; let all that I do, be always done for thy glory, for my own sanctification, and for the salvation of souls. I renew the offering of this action especially for ________.