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St. Vincent's Manual/Devotion of Bona Mors

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St. Vincent's Manual: Containing A Selection Of Prayers And Devotional Exercises : Originally Prepared For The Use Of The Sisters Of Charity In The United States Of America. (1856)
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul
Devotion of Bona Mors
3974279St. Vincent's Manual: Containing A Selection Of Prayers And Devotional Exercises : Originally Prepared For The Use Of The Sisters Of Charity In The United States Of America. — Devotion of Bona Mors1856Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul


THERE is no grace which a Christian should value more, or which he should more fervently ask of God than that of a happy death. An excellent means of securing this happiness is, to honor the agony of Jesus expiring on the cross, and the martyrdom of his holy Mother on that tragic occasion ; and with a view to spread this devotion among the faithful, Father Vincent Caraffa, general of the Society of Jesus, formed an association at Rome in 1648, which derived its name from the agony of our Lord Jesus Christ expiring on Calvary, but is commonly called the association of Bona Mors. It has been approved by the Sovereign Pontiff, and enriched with many spiritual favors. See Indulgences, No. XXXVIII.

Those who wish to join this association must give in their names to the person who keeps the register.

The rules, which all are to observe, are as follows: 1. Every one is to say daily, three times, Our Father, and Hail Mary, in memory of the three hours our blessed Redeemer hung upon the cross, with the intention of obtaining for themselves, and others of the congregation, a happy death. Likewise they shall say, every day, not only for themselves, but also for those at that time in their agonies, or who shall be next under that dreadful trial: Lord! into thy hands I recommend my spirit, and recommend all agonizing souls. -- Mary, Mather of Grace, Mother of Mercy, defend us from the enemy, and receive us at the hour of death. Amen.

2. The Associates (if they can, without great inconvenience) are to frequent the holy communion once every month; that they may be enriched with a plenary indulgence, which may be applied to the suffering souls in purgatory, by way of suffrage. In these communions they are to petition for themselves, and others of the confraternity, a happy death: and before they leave the Church, they are to recite, five times, Our Father, and Hail Mary, in honor of the five most sacred wounds of our Redeemer, for those of the congregation, who are in tribulation, who are sick, dying, or have departed.

Let all endeavor to be present at the monthly assembly. "De Bona Morte." Those who are lawfully prevented from attending the solemn devotion of that day, are to recite at home the prayers appointed for public meetings. Such as cannot read, may say their beads, begging that they may attain with the rest to eternal glory. If two or three are in the same family, one of them may recite the aforesaid prayers in an audible voice, the others answering in their respective places. Many, by an act of supererogation, on all Fridays, offer to Jesus Christ crucified and his dolorous Mother the stations of his bitter passion, and the addresses to his five sacred wounds: but this is left to every one's devotion and circumstances.

The rules of the association do not oblige under pain of sin; but if they are wilfully transgressed the persons so offending do not partake in the prayers and good works which are performed by those devoted to our blessed Saviour's passion, in satisfaction for past sins, and obtaining a happy death; and he continues under this privation so long as the prescribed devotion is intermitted: yet, returning to the observance of the rules, he shares proportionably from the time he begins again with fervor. Sick persons are excepted, who in health did their duty, and are resolved to do the same, when restored to their former state.


IN the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

OPEN, O Lord! our mouths, to bless thy holy name; cleanse our hearts from all vain and distracting thoughts; enlighten our understandings; inflame our will, that we may worthily perform this holy exercise with attention and devotion, and may deserve to be heard in the presence of thy divine Majesty, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest, one God, world without end, Amen.

LORD, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, Pray for us.
All ye holy angels and archangels,
St. Abel,
All ye choirs of just souls,
St. Abraham,
St. John the Baptist,
All ye holy patriarchs and prophets,
St Peter,
St Paul,
St Andrew,
St John,
All ye holy apostles and evangelists.
All ye holy disciples of our Lord,
All ye holy innocents,
St. Stephen,
St Laurence,
All ye holy martyrs,
St Sylvester,
St Gregory,
St Augustin,
All ye holy bishops and confessors,
St Benedict,
St Francis,
All ye holy monks and hermits,
St. Mary Magdalen,
St Lucy,
All ye holy virgins and widows,
All ye saints of God, make intercession for us.

Be merciful unto us, spare us, O Lord.

Be merciful unto us. hear us, O Lord.

From thy anger, O Lord, deliver us.

From the danger of death, O Lord, deliver us

From an unfortunate death, Deliver us.
From the pains of hell,
From all evil,
From the power of the devil,
Through thy nativity,
Through thy cross and passion,
Through thy death and burial,
Through thy glorious resurrection,
Through thy admirable ascension,
Through the grace of the Holy Ghost the comforter,
In the day of judgment,

We sinners, do beseech thee to hear us,

That thou spare us, we beseech thee to hear us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.


MAY thy clemency vouchsafe, O God! so to confirm thy servants in thy holy grace, that at the hour of their death, the enemy may not prevail against them, but that with thy angels they may deserve to pass into life everlasting; through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

OMNIPOTENT, and most merciful Creator! who to refresh thy thirsty people in the desert, didst command streams of water to flow from the hardest rocks, draw, we beseech thee, from our dry eyes, and stony hearts, desired tears of perfect compunction, that we may fully detest all sin, and only thirst after the happy and glorious vision of thee, our God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.


MY dear Lord Jesus Christ, redeemer of the world! Behold prostrate at thy feet, the most unhappy, and the most ungrateful creature on the face of the earth. My God! I have offended thee most grievously, in thoughts, words, and deeds. My heinous crimes fixed thee on the bloody cross. To rescue me from eternal damnation, thou didst agonize three hours on Mount Calvary. But oh! How much am I displeased with myself! How I grieve for having offended thee, a God of infinite goodness, and of infinite charity! I am astonished, and confounded at thy incomprehensible patience, in supporting the most provoking wretch that breathes. From the very bottom of my heart, I detest all my sins; and because I love thee, and will love thee above all things created, I steadfastly purpose, by thy holy grace, never to offend thee more, and to die a thousand deaths, rather than commit one mortal sin. Amen.


O MOST sweet Jesus! praying to the Father in the garden, sorrowful even unto death, and sweating in an agony of grief, have mercy on us.

Resp. Have mercy on us, O Lord! have mercy on us.

O most sweet Jesus! delivered by the traitor's kiss into the hands of thy enemies, seized and bound like a thief, and abandoned by thy disciples, have mercy on us.

Resp. Have mercy on us, O Lord! have mercy on us.

O most sweet Jesus! by the unjust verdict of the Jews found guilty of death, brought like a malefactor before the tribunal of Pilate, scorned and derided by impious Herod, have mercy on us.

Resp. Have mercy on us, O Lord! have mercy on us.

O most sweet Jesus! stripped of thy garments, and most inhumanely scourged at the pillar, have mercy on us.

Resp. Have mercy on us, O Lord! have mercy on us.

O most sweet Jesus crowned with thorns, blind-folded, buffeted, struck with a reed, clothed in derision with a purple garment, and many other ways scorned and reviled, have mercy on us.

Resp. Have mercy on us, O Lord! have mercy on us.

O most sweet Jesus! reputed more criminal than Barabbas, the murderer, rejected by the Jews, and condemned to the ignominious death of the cross, have mercy on us.

Resp. Have mercy on us, O Lord! have mercy on us.

O most sweet Jesus! loaded with a heavy cross, and led like an innocent lamb to the place of execution, have mercy on us.

Resp. Have mercy on us, O Lord! have mercy on us.

O most sweet Jesus! hanging between two thieves, derided, blasphemed, made to taste vinegar and gall, and enduring most horrible torments from the sixth to the ninth hour, have mercy on us.

Resp. Have mercy on us, O Lord! have mercy on us.

O most sweet Jesus! dead upon the cross, in the presence of thy holy Mother, and wounded in thy side with a spear, whence issued forth water and blood, have mercy on us.

Resp. Have mercy on us, O Lord! have mercy on us.

O most sweet Jesus! taken down from the cross, and bathed with the tears of thy most sorrowful Mother, have mercy on us.

Resp. Have mercy on us, O Lord! have mercy on us.

O most sweet Jesus! torn and bruised all over, thy body bearing the sacred marks of thy five most precious wounds, embalmed with spices, and laid in the sepulchre, have mercy on us.

Resp. Have mercy on us, O Lord! have mercy on us.

Vers. He truly bore our sorrows.

Resp. And he carried our grief.


O GOD! who, for the redemption of the world, didst vouchsafe to be born, circumcised, rejected by the Jews, betrayed with a kiss, bound like a malefactor, like an innocent lamb, led to slaughter, ignominiously brought before Annas, Caiphas, Pilate and Herod, accused by false witnesses, scourged with whips, buffetted, defiled with spittle, crowned with thorns, stripped of thy clothes, fastened to the cross, placed between two thieves ; to have vinegar and gall given thee to drink, and thy side pierced through with a spear: mayest thou, O Lord! by these most grievous pains, which I, though unworthy, do commemorate, and by thy most sacred death, and passion, free me from the pains of hell, and conduct me, whither thy mercy conducted the good thief, crucified with thee, who, together with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest for ever. Amen.


Let us adore the five most sacred wounds of Christ, our Lord, and each one in particular, with an assured confidence of obtaining, all blessings through his passion and death, offered for us to his eternal Father. We will also condole with the most holy Mother of Christ, whose soul was pierced with the sword of grief, standing under the cross of her beloved Son. We will likewise praise and magnify the most blessed Trinity, for so great and incomprehensible a benefit.


MY Lord, Jesus Christ! I humbly adore the most sacred wound of thy left foot. I render thee thanks for that cruel pain, suffered with so great love and charity. I feelingly compassionate thy torments, and the excessive grief of thy most afflicted Mother. I humbly beg pardon for all my sins, which I lament more than all imaginable evils, because they offend thee, O infinite goodness! And I resolve never more to sin. O! bring all sinners with me, to a true conversion, and give them light to discover the heniousness, the enormity, and brutality of a mortal crime.

Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.


MY Lord, Jesus Christ! I humbly adore the most sacred wound of thy right foot. I render thee thanks for that cruel pain, suffered with so great love and charity. I feelingly compassionate thy torments, and the excessive grief of thy most afflicted Mother. I supplicate thee to grant me strength against all temptations, and a prompt obedience in the execution of thy divine will. Comfort, O Jesus! all poor, miserable, afflicted, tempted and persecuted persons. Most just Judge! govern those who administer justice, and assist all laborers in the cure of souls, whether amongst Christians or Infidels.

Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.


MY Lord, Jesus Christ! I humbly adore the most sacred wound of thy left hand. I render thee thanks for that cruel pain, suffered with so great love and charity. I feelingly compassionate thy torments, and the excessive grief of thy most afflicted Mother. By them I petition thee, to deliver me from the pains of hell, and grant me patience and conformity to thy blessed pleasure in all the contradictions of this present life. I offer unto thee all my exterior and interior sufferings, in satisfaction for my sin, which have so often deserved eternal torments. I beg thee to pardon all my enemies, and others ill-affected towards me. Bless, O Lord! the sick with patience and health, support, with thy assisting grace, all those who are in agonies, that they may not perish.

Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.


MY Lord, Jesus Christ! I humbly adore the most sacred wound of thy right hand. I render thee thanks for that cruel pain, suffered with so great love and charity. I feelingly compassionate thy torments, and the excessive grief of thy most afflicted Mother. I supplicate thee to grant me a firm and resolute will, in all things relating to my salvation. Bless me with final perseverance in grace, to secure the enjoyment of that glory, which was purchased at the price of thy most sacred blood. Grant also, my Jesus! speedy peace and repose to the souls in purgatory. Cause thy holy servants in this world to make daily progress in perfection, especially those who are of this confraternity.

Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.


MY Lord, Jesus Christ! I humbly adore the most sacred wound in thy blessed side, rendering thanks for the immense love, manifested towards us, at the opening of thy inflamed heart. I feelingly condole the affronts, and the excessive grief of thy most afflicted Mother. Grant me pure love, and perfect charity, that loving thee above all things, and all things in thee, my miserable soul, by the assistance of thy sacred wound of thy blessed side. I humbly beg thee, dear Jesus! to protect thy holy Catholic Church, direct thy governing Vicar upon earth, all ecclesiastical orders, and secular persons, who are instrumental in bringing souls to do their duty. Preserve in thy happy service all Christian kings and princes. Reduce into the way of salvation all those that are gone astray, whether through malice or ignorance. Bring under thy sweet yoke all infidels, heretics, and other enemies of thy holy name.

Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.


O LORD Jesus Christ! God of my heart! by those five wounds, which the love of us inflicted on thee, succor thy servants whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood. Amen.

MOST merciful Redeemer, I humbly beseech thee, by the unspeakable torments, and the immense grief, which thou wast pleased to suffer for me, a contemptible creature, especially when thy divine soul was bitterly separated from thy blessed body, that thou wilt secure my poor soul at the final separation, and comfort me then, as thou didst the good thief saying to me: this day thou shalt be with me in Paradise. Amen.

Let us have recourse to the ever immaculate Virgin, Mother of God, beseeching her to protect us under the shadow of her wings, until the wrath of God be appeased; and to obtain for us true contrition, and perseverance in the holy grace of her blessed Son. We will also petition for what each one, here present, stands in need of, according to his spiritual or temporal necessities, to the greater glory of God. To merit these favors, we will pray in union with that more than seraphic love, wherewith the dolorous Mother stood under the cross of the bleeding Jesus.

Stabat Mater Dolorosa.

BENEATH the world's redeeming wood
The most afflicted Mother stood,
Mingling her tears with her Son's blood.

As that flowed down from ev'ry part,
Of all his wounds she felt the smart,
What pierced his body pierced her heart.

Who can with tearless eyes look on
When such a Mother, such a Son,
Wounded and gasping does bemoan.

O worse than Jewish heart, that could,
Unmoved, behold the double flood,
Of Mary's tears, and Jesu's blood.

Alas! our sins, they were not
In this atoning sacrifice,
For which he bleeds, for which he dies.

When graves were open'd, rocks were rent,
When nature and each element
His torments and her grief resent:

Shall man, the cause of all his pain,
And all his grief, shall sinful man
Alone insensible remain?

Ah, pious mother, teach my heart,
Of sighs and tears the holy art,
And in thy grief to bear a part.

The sword of grief, which did pass through
Thy very soul, O may it now
Upon my heart a wound bestow.

Great Queen of Sorrows, in thy train,
Let me a mourner's place obtain,
With tears to cleanse all sinful stain.

To heal the leprosy of sin,
We must the cure with tears begin,
All flesh's corrupt without their brine

Refuge of sinners, grant that we
May tread thy steps, and let it be
Our sorrow not to grieve like thee.

O may the wounds of thy dear Son
Our contrite hearts possess alone,
And all terrene affections drown.

Those wounds, which now the stars outshine,
Those furnaces of love divine.
May they our drossy souls refine;

And on us such impressions make,
That we of suffering for his sake,
May joyfully our portion take.

Let us his proper badge put on,
Let's glory in the cross alone,
By which he marks us for his own.

That when the dreadful trial's come,
For every man to hear his doom,
On his right hand we may find room.

O hear us Mary, Jesus hear!
Our humble pray'rs secure our fear,
When thou in judgment shalt appear.

Now give us sorrow, give us love,
That so prepared, we may remove,
When call'd to seats Of bliss above. Amen.

V. The sword of sorrow has pierced thy soul.

R. That out of many hearts cogitations may be revealed.


WE beseech thee O Lord Jesus Christ! that the blessed Virgin Mary may effectually intercede for us with thy clemency, both now, and at the hour of our death. She, who at the hour of thy passion, had her most holy soul run through with the sword of sorrow; who lives and reignest with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

Let us say Our Father, and Hail Mary, three times, in memory of the three hours our dear Redeemer hung upon the cross, and apply them to the souls of the departed of this confraternity.

Our Father, &c.

Let us also say an Our Father, and a Hail Mary, for such as are in the lamentable state of mortal sin.

Our Father, &c.

Let us again say an Our Father, and a Hail Mary, for him or her of this confraternity, that is to die next, that he or she may be prepared, and depart heartily fortified with the holy sacraments of the Church.

Our Father, &c.

Let us dispose ourselves by acts of perfect contrition and pure love of God, to receive worthily the benediction of our Lord and Saviour in the adorable sacrament of the altar.

MERCIFUL Redeemer, and holy God of infinite patience! great is my confusion to appear in thy divine presence, having so frequently postponed thee, the omnipotent Creator of the universe, ta vile and contemptible creatures. I am a miserable worm of the earth, who utterly detest my horrid confidence of sinning in thy most pure sight; I own myself a notorious criminal, and I plead guilty at the bar of thy dread tribunal. Thou mightest have been glorified in thy justice, by suddenly striking me dead, and by condemning me to eternal flames, for base indignities committed against thee. But thou wert pleased to be glorified in the high prerogative of thy mercy, by calling me back to repentance. I abhor all my crimes of thought, word and deed, not for the hope of reward, or fear of punishment, but for thy own sake, and because thou dost infinitely abominate them. Oh! my God of majesty and mercy! look upon those sacred marks in thy hands, feet and side, which thou retain est in thy glorified body, to plead my pardon. By that tender love, which induced thee to create, redeem and sanctify me, unite the abyss of thy; merits to the abyss of my misery. I declare before thy throne, and before the whole court of heaven, that I freely choose, to die here upon my knees, rather than to live any longer, to rob thee of due honor, by one mortal sin. My heart was Created for thee, and I love thee more than myself. Every respiration coming from me, especially the last, when I breathe out my soul, shall be an irrevocable protestation of my pure and sincere love of thy divine Majesty. Sweet Saviour of perishing mankind! who openest thy hand, and fillest every creature with benediction, give me now, such a blessing as thou didst bestow on thy beloved disciples, when ascending in triumph from Mount Olivet, that I may live and die in this happy disposition. Amen.

When this exercise is performed in public, it is terminated by the. benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, and after the prayer, Deus qui nobis sub sacramento, the following is added.

O LORD Jesus Christ, who at the sixth hour, to redeem the world, wert nailed to the cross, and didst pour forth thy precious blood for the remission of our sins; we humbly pray, that after our death we may joyfully enter the gates of Paradise. Amen.


JESUS, my God and my Saviour, sacrificed on the altar of the cross for the redemption of mankind, I, N. N., though most unworthy, yet confiding in thy infinite mercy, and moved by-an earnest desire and tender devotion towards . thy adorable sufferings and life-giving death, do dedicate myself as a perpetual offering to thy divine Majesty, in the pious associations of thy painful agony, and of thy blessed Mother grieving under the cross. I most humbly beseech thee, by thy bitter passion, and the dolorous separation of thy divine soul from thy sacred body, that I may never depart from thee by deadly sin. Be pleased likewise to grant me the favor, that I, and all the associates, both now and at the hour of our death, may obtain full remission of our sins, and, being fortified with the Sacraments of thy Holy Church, may, with thee, and by thee, triumph over the devil and death. Amen.


MOTHER of God, Mother of mercy! I beseech thee, by that cruel sorrow which pierced thy afflicted soul, when, standing under the cross of thy beloved Son, thou didst see him die for our salvation, that thou Wilt please to be favorable to me both now and at the last period of my mortal life. Permit not, oh! great Comforter of sinners! that it be ever said, that thou didst leave a soul in extreme necessity which had recourse to thee: but vouchsafe to look on me, and all associates, with those eyes of tender passion, as then thou didst behold bleeding Jesus, when expiring on Mount Calvary; that with thee we may praise him, the Father, and the Holy Ghost, for all eternity. Amen.