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Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1964

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The Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1964 (1964)

Source: The Public General Acts and Church Assembly Measures 1964. HMSO. London. 1965. Volume II. Page 1239.

1361530The Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1964

An Act to revise the statute law of Scotland by repealing obsolete, spent, unnecessary, or superseded enactments, and to facilitate the citation of statutes. [31st July 1964]

BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-

Repeal of obsolete etc. enactments.

1. The Acts of the Parliament of Scotland specified in Schedule 1 to this Act (which to the extent specified in column 3 of that Schedule are obsolete, spent or unnecessary or have been superseded by other enactments) are hereby repealed to that extent.

Citation of Acts.

2. Each of the Acts specified in Schedule 2 to this Act may, without prejudice to any other mode of citation, be cited by the short title specified in relation thereto in column 3 of that Schedule.

Reference of Schedules to 1908 Revised Edition.

3. The Schedules to this Act are to be read as referring to the Revised Edition of the Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland prepared under the direction of the Statute Law Committee and printed by authority in 1908.

Short Title.

4. This Act may be cited as the Statute Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1964.



Session and Chapter Title or Subject matter Short Title Citation in 12mo. Edition
1424 c. 13 Of mynis of golde and silver The Royal Mines Act 1424 1424 c. 12
1424 c. 25 Of hostilaris in burowis townis and truchfaris The Innkeepers Act 1424 1424 c. 24
1429 c. 20 Of soverte askit be ony of the kingis liegis that hes doute of his life The Lawburrows Act 1429 1429 c. 129
1449 c. 6 Of takis of landis for termes The Leases Act 1449 ... 1449 c. 18
1469 c. 3 Tuiching the new Inventionis of selling of landis be chartir and sesing and takin again of reversions The Reversion Act 1469 1469 c. 27
1469 c. 4 Anent the prescriptioun of obligationis nocht folowit within the space of twenty yeris The Prescription Act 1469 1469 c. 28
1469 c. 12 Anent the distrenying of tenandis for the lordis dettis The Diligence Act 1469... 1469 c. 36
1474 c. 6 Anent the breif of tutorie The Tutors Act 1474 ... 1474 c. 51
1474 c. 9 Anentis the Act of prescripcione of obligacionis The Prescription Act 1474 1474 c. 54
1487 c. 17 That certane commissionaris of borrowis convene in ilk yere The Royal Burghs Act 1487 1487 c. 111
1491 c. 6 Of landis fallin in ward to oure soverane lord or ony uthir baroun The Liferent Caution Act 1491 1491 c. 25
1491 c. 7 Of the tennentis of landis that ar uthir wayis alterit The Leases Act 1491 ... 1491 c. 26
1491 c. 19 Of the commoun gud of all burrowis The Common Good Act 1491 1491 c. 36
1503 c. 9 Anent recent spulye ... The Spuilzie Act 1503 ... 1503 c. 65
1503 c. 45 Anent the distrenyeing of oxin hors or othir gudis pertening to the pleucht The Diligence Act 1503 1503 c. 98
1532 c. 2 Concerning the ordour of Justice and the institutioun of ane college of cunning and wise men for the administracioun of Justice The College of Justice Act 1532 1537 cc. 36-41
1535 c. 14 The remeid for distructioune of housis places woddis forestis orchartis yardis and hanyngis of landis The Liferent Caution Act 1535 1535 c. 15
3rd Dec. 1540 c. 10 The ordour of summoning of all personis In ciuil actiounes The Citation Act 1540 ... 1540 c. 75
14th March 1540 c. 10 Ratificatioune of the Institutioune of the college of iustice The College of Justice Act 1540 1540 c. 93
1540 c. 22 The panis Imput to wrangous Jugis The Judges Act 1540 ... 1540 c. 104
1540 c. 37 That na faith be gevin to euidentis selit without subscripcioun be the principale or notare The Subscription of Deeds Act 1540 1540 c. 117
1555 c. 3 Anent warning fra redemit landis and the pane for non removing The Lands Redemption Act 1555 1555 c. 30
1555 c. 6 The ordour for summoning of parteis to compeir befoir the Justice or uthers jugeis The Citation Act 1555 ... 1555 c. 33
1560 c. 1 The Confessioun of fayth professed and beleued be the protestantis within the Realme of scotland publischeit be thame in parliament and be the estaitis thairof ratifeit and apprevit as hailsome and sound doctrine groundit vpoune the infallibill trewth of godis word The Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1560 -
1560 c. 2 Concerning the jurisdictioun and autoritie of the bischope of Rome callit the Paip The Papal Jurisdiction Act 1560 -
1563 c. 17 Anent the creatioun of notaris The Notaries Act 1563 ... 1563 c. 79
1567 c. 8 Anent the Kingis aith to be geuin at his Coronatioun The Coronation Oath Act 1567 1567 c. 8
1567 c. 12 Anent the iurisdictioun of the kirk The Church Jurisdiction Act 1567 -
1567 c. 15 Anent thame that committis incest The Incest Act 1567 ... 1567 c. 14
1567 c. 16 Anent lauchfull mariage of the awin blude in degreis not forbiddin be Goddis worde The Marriage Act 1567 1567 c. 15
1578 c. 11 The Ratificatioun of the preuilegis of burrowis with additioun The Burghs Act 1578 ... 1578 c. 64
1579 c. 6 Anent the trew and haly kirk and of thame declarit not to be of the same The Church Act 1579 ... 1579 c. 68
1579 c. 7 Anent the iurisdictioun of the kirk The Church Jurisdiction Act 1579 1579 c. 69
1579 c. 8 Dischargeing of mercattis on sondayis The Sunday Act 1579 ... 1579 c. 70
1579 c. 13 For pwnishment of personis that contempnandlie remanis rebellis and at the horne The Registration Act 1579 1579 c. 75
1579 c. 16 Aganis sic as troublis thair nychtbouris be criminale persute saikles The Criminal Letters Act 1579 1579 c. 78
1579 c. 18 Anent the inserting of witnesses in obligationis and writtis of importance The Subscription of Deeds Act 1579 1579 c. 80
1579 c. 19 Anent prescriptioun in causses of spulyie and eiectionis The Prescription (Ejections) Act 1579 1579 c. 81
1579 c. 21 Anent prescriptioun in certane causses of debt The Prescription Act 1579 1579 c. 83
1579 c. 45 Declaratioun Anent the preving of lettres of hornyng and executionis thairof be witnesses The Hornings Act 1579 ... 1579 c. 94
1581 c. 2 Anent prouisioun of ministeris and certane stipendis for thame at all paroche kirkis The Stipends Act 1581 ... 1581 c. 100
1581 c. 22 Additioun to the act of Lawborrowis The Lawburrows Act 1581 1581 c. 117
1581 c. 23 Anent deforcementis breking of arreistmentis and alienationis maid in defraud of crediouris The Breach of Arrestment Act 1581 1581 c. 118
1581 c. 26 Anent the conuentioun of burrowis The Convention of Burghs Act 1581 1581 c. 119
1584 c. 2 Ane act confirming the kingis maiesties Royall power over all statis and subiectis within this Realme The Sovereignty Act 1584 1584 c. 129
1584 c. 4 Ane act dischargeing all Jurisdictionis and Jugementis not approuit be Parliament and all assembleis and conventionis without our souerane lordis speciall licence and Commandment The Unlawful Jurisdictions Act 1584 1584 c. 131
1584 c. 6 That ministeris sall not be Jugeis nor exerce ony vther ordinare office that may abstract thame fra thair office The Disqualification of Ministers Act 1584 1584 c. 133
1584 c. 15 Ane act anent the better executioun of decreittis The Execution of Decrees Act 1584 1584 c. 139
1584 c. 10 Anent decreittis gevin vpoun dowbill poinding or horning The Decrees in Absence Act 1584 1584 c. 3
1585 c. 25 Declaratioun of the lord Hamiltoun To be curatour to the erle of arrane his brother The Curators Act 1585 1585 c. 18
1587 c. 30 For reformatioun of the extraordiner nowmer and monyfauld abuses of officiaris of Armes The Officers of Arms Act 1587 1587 c. 46
1587 c. 37 Aganis extraordiner impositionis layed vpoun victuallis The Tolls Act 1587 ... 1587 c. 54
1587 c. 54 For the help and augmentatioun of the kingis Maiesties rentis in his thesaurarie and casualities The Jurors Act 1587 ... 1587 c. 75, c. 77
1587 c. 57 For the furtherance and furthsetting of the criminall iustice ower all the Realme The Criminal Justice Act 1587 1587 c. 91, c. 92
1587 c. 114 Act inhibiting the burrowis to sell or dispone thair fredomes without consent of the estates in parliament The Burghs Act 1587 ... 1587 c. 113
1592 c. 8 Act for abolisheing of the actis contrair the trew religioun The General Assembly Act 1592 1592 c. 116
1592 c. 9 Anent depositioun of vnqualifiet personis frome thair functionis and Beneficis The Deposition of Ministers Act 1592 1592 c. 117
1592 c. 29 Concerning the office of lyoun king of armes and his brether herauldis The Lyon King of Arms Act 1592 1592 c. 127
1592 c. 31 For furthering of the kingis commoditie be the Mynes and metallis The Mines and Metals Act 1592 -
1592 c. 59 That the Copies of lettres or chargis be subscryvit be the executor thairof The Citation Act 1592 ... 1592 c. 141
1592 c. 61 That Compensatioun de liquido ad liquidum be admittit in all Jugementis The Compensation Act 1592 1592 c. 143
1592 c. 62 Anent damnage and expenses of pley The Expenses Act 1592 1592 c. 144
1592 c. 72 Anent deforceing and trubling of the kingis officiaris of armes The Deforcement Act 1592 1592 c. 152
1593 c. 34 Act for the better executioun of decreittis and actis The Hornings Act 1593 ... 1593 c. 181
1594 c. 22 Anent the declyning of the senatouris off the college of iustice quha ar father brother or sone to the pairties The Declinature Act 1594 1594 c. 212
1594 c. 24 That nane salbe compellit to produce procuratories or instrumentis of resignatioun preceptis of clare constat or vther preceptis of sesing of landis or annuelrentis possessit be thame befoir the space of fourtie yeiris The Prescription Act 1594 1594 c. 218
1594 c. 26 Anent the bying of landis and possessionis dependand in pley be Jugeis or memberis of courtis The Land Purchase Act 1594 1594 c. 220
1594 c. 27 That cautioun be found in actionis of eiectioun The Ejection Caution Act 1594 1594 c. 217
1594 c. 30 For pvnisement of parricide The Parricide Act 1594 1594 c. 224
1597 c. 3 Kirkyard dyikis suld be biggit The Kirk Dykes Act 1597 1597 c. 232
1597 c. 17 All fewis may be decernit null ffor nocht payment of the dewtie albeit na provisioun be maid thairanent in the infeftment The Feu-duty Act 1597 1597 c. 250
1597 c. 40 The panis of Law burroues Suld be payit . . The cautioner may be Perseuit or the Principall The Lawburrows Act 1597 1597 c. 273
1600 c. 22 Anent hornyngis ... The Hornings Act 1600... 1600 c. 13
1600 c. 23 The negligence of the kingis officiaris may be supplyit be thair successouris The Crown Proceedings Act 1600 1600 c. 14
1606 c. 1 Act anent the kingis maiesteis prerogatiue The Sovereignty Act 1606 1606 c. 1
1607 c. 6 Act Anent woddis parkis planting dowcattis et cetera The Theft Act 1607 ... 1607 c. 3
1607 c. 13 Act in fauouris of the frie burrowis Regall aganis vnfremen The Convention of Burghs Act 1607 1607 c. 6
1617 c. 12 Anent prescriptioun of heretable Rightis The Prescription Act 1617 1617 c. 12
1617 c. 13 Anent reductioun of Retouris and summondis of Errour The Reduction Act 1617 1617 c. 13
1617 c. 14 Anent Exequutoures ... The Executors Act 1617 1617 c. 14
1617 c. 16 Anent the Registratione of reuersiones Seasingis and vtheris writis The Registration Act 1617 1617 c. 16
1617 c. 17 Anent the Lowsing of Arreistmentis The Arrestments Act 1617 1617 c. 17
1617 c. 19 Anent Dowcatis ... The Dovecotes Act 1617 1617 c. 19
1621 c. 6 Act anent Comprysingis The Diligence Act 1621 1621 c. 6
1621 c. 7 Anent adiudicatiounes ... The Adjudication Act 1621 1621 c. 7
1621 c. 18 A ratificatioun of the act of the lordis of counsell and Sessioun made in Julij 1620 aganis vnlauchfull dispositiones and alienationis made be dyvoures and banckruptis The Bankruptcy Act 1621 1621 c. 18
1621 c. 20 Act ordaning annuelrent to be dew efter Horning The Hornings Act 1621 ... 1621 c. 20
1633 c. 3 Anent his Majesties royall prerogative and Apparell of kirkmen The Sovereignty Act 1633 1633 c. 3
1661 c. 6 Act anent the Kingis Majesties prerogative in choiseing and appointing of the Officers of State, Lords of Privy Council and Session The Crown Appointments Act 1661 1661 c. 2
1661 c. 7 Act anent his Maiesties Prerogative in calling and dissolveing of Parliamentis and makeing of Lawis The Parliament Act 1661 1661 c. 3
1661 c. 13 Act anent his Maiesties Prerogative in the Militia and in making of Peace and War or treaties and leagues with forraine Princes or Estates The Prerogative Act 1661 1661 c. 5
1661 c. 47 Act allowing Messingers of Armes to execute Summons of Treason The Messengers of Arms Act 1661 -
1661 c. 211 Act anent the precedencie of the President of the Session the Lord Register the Lord Advocat The Precedence Act 1661 -
1661 c. 218 Act anent execution of poinding to follow vpon inferior Judges decreits The Poinding Act 1661 ... 1661 c. 29
1661 c. 243 Act concerning the Registration of Compriseings The Registration Act 1661 1661 c. 31
1661 c. 244 Act concerning heretable and moveable Bands The Bonds Act 1661 ... 1661 c. 32
1661 c. 247 Act anent the redemption of the fee of Lands granted under reversion from the aires and asignayes of the fiars The Redemptions Act 1661 -
1661 c. 281 Act for the due observation of the Sabboth day The Sunday Act 1661 ... 1661 c. 18
1661 c. 283 Act anent Arreistments The Arrestments Act 1661 1661 c. 51
1661 c. 284 Act for planting and incloseing of ground The March Dykes Act 1661 1661 c. 41
1661 c. 338 Commission and Instructions to the Justices of the Peace and Constables The Justices of the Peace Act 1661 1661 c. 38
1661 c. 344 Act for ordering the payment of Debts betuixt Creditor and Debitor The Diligence Act 1661 1661 c. 62
1663 c. 4 Act in favours of Minors anent the dueties of the lands comprised from them. The Minority Act 1663 ... 1663 c. 10
1663 c. 31 Act anent Manses and Gleibs The Manses Act 1663 ... 1663 c. 21
1669 c. 5 Act concerning poinding befor the days of the charge expyre The Poinding Act 1669 ... 1669 c. 4
1669 c. 14 Act concerning Prescriptions The Prescription Act 1669 1669 c. 9
1669 c. 15 Act concerning Interruptions The Interruptions Act 1669 1669 c. 10
1669 c. 38 Act anent incloseing of Ground The March Dykes Act 1669 1669 c. 17
1669 c. 95 Ratification in favours of the Lord Lyon King at armes &c. The Lyon King of Arms Act 1669 -
1672 c. 2 Act concerning Pupils and Minors and their Tutors and Curators The Tutors and Curators Act 1672 1672 c. 2
1672 c. 6 Act Discharging Second Summonds &c. The Summons Execution Act 1672 1672 c. 6
1672 c. 16 Act concerning writs passing the great and privie Sealls The Writs Act 1672 ... 1672 c. 7
1672 c. 24 Act for the Ann due to the Executors of Ministers The Ann Act 1672 ... 1672 c. 13
1672 c. 40 Act concerning the Regulation of the Judicatories The Courts Act 1672 ... 1672 c. 16
1672 c. 45 Act concerning Adjudications The Adjudications Act 1672 1672 c. 19
1672 c. 47 Act concerning the priviledges of the Office of Lyon King at Armes The Lyon King of Arms Act 1672 1672 c. 21
1681 c. 5 Act concerning probative witnesses in writs and Executions The Subscription of Deeds Act 1681 1681 c. 5
1681 c. 79 Act concerning Declinators The Declinature Act 1681 1681 c. 13
1681 c. 83 Act concerning the Sale of Bankrupts Lands The Judicial Sale Act 1681 1681 c. 17
1681 c. 85 Act concerning the Oaths of Minors The Oaths of Minors Act 1681 1681 c. 19
1681 c. 86 Act concerning Bills of Exchange The Bills of Exchange Act 1681 1681 c. 20
1685 c. 14 Act explaining the nynth act of the Parliament 1669 concerning Prescriptions The Prescription Act 1685 1685 c. 14
1686 c. 4 Act ordaining Interlocutors to be subscribed by the Judges The Interlocutors Act 1686 1686 c. 3
1686 c. 5 Act ordaining all executions to be subscrived by the witnesses without necessity of stamping The Citation Act 1686 ... 1686 c. 4
1686 c. 21 Act for Winter herding The Winter Herding Act 1686 1686 c. 11
1686 c. 30 Act appoynting the Publication of the testimonies of witnesses The Evidence Act 1686... 1686 c. 18
1689 c. 28 The Declaration of the Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland containing the Claim of Right and the offer of the Croune to the King and Queen of England The Claim of Right ... 1689 c. 13
1689 c. 4 Act abolishing Prelacie The Prelacy Act 1689 ... 1689 c. 3
1690 c. 7 Act Ratifying the Confession of Faith and settleing the Presbyterian Church Government The Confession of Faith Ratification Act 1690 1690 c. 5
1690 c. 49 Act anent the sale of Bankrupts Lands The Judicial Sale Act 1690 1690 c. 20
1690 c. 56 Act anent the Confirmation of Testaments The Confirmation Act 1690 1690 c. 26
1690 c. 61 Act in favours of the small vassalls of Kirklands who now hold of their Majesties The Udal Tenure Act 1690 1690 c. 32
1690 c. 63 Act and Commission for the Plantation of Kirks and Valuation of Teinds The Teinds 1690 ... 1690 c. 30
1693 c. 21 Act concerning Citations to the first and second Dyets The Citation Act 1693 ... 1693 c. 12
1693 c. 22 Act concerning the preference of Real Rights The Real Rights Act 1693 1693 c. 13
1693 c. 23 Act concerning the Registers of Sasines Reversions &c. The Register of Sasines Act 1693 1693 c. 14
1693 c. 24 Act for Summar Registrations and Discharging Transferrings active The Registration Act 1693 1693 c. 15
1693 c. 31 Act anent the Signing of Interlocutors immediately after Voting The Interlocutors Act 1693 1693 c. 18
1693 c. 38 Act for Setling the Quiet and Peace of the Church The Ministers Act 1693... 1693 c. 22
1693 c. 40 Act anent the Term of Whitsunday The Removings Act 1693 1693 c. 24
1693 c. 42 Act anent the Lords of Session their Advising with open doors The Court of Session Act 1693 1693 c. 26
1693 c. 43 Act anent Advising Criminal Processes with open doors The Criminal Procedure Act 1693 1693 c. 27
1695 c. 7 Act anent Principals and Cautioners The Cautioners Act 1695 1695 c. 5
1695 c. 8 Act Regulating the Sale and Payment of Bankrupts Estates The Judicial Sale Act 1695 1695 c. 6
1695 c. 36 Act anent Lands lying Run-rig The Runrig Lands Act 1695 1695 c. 23
1695 c. 54 Act for Preservation of Meadowes Lands and Pasturages lying adjacent to sand hills The Soil Preservation Act 1695 1695 c. 30
1695 c. 69 Act concerning the Dividing of Commonties The Division of Commonties Act 1695 1695 c. 38
1695 c. 72 Act anent Executry and Moveables The Confirmation Act 1695 1695 c. 41
1696 c. 5 Act for Declaring nottour Bankrupt The Bankruptcy Act 1696 1696 c. 5
1696 c. 8 Act anent the Nomination of Tutors and Curators The Tutors and Curators Act 1696 1696 c. 8
1696 c. 9 Act of Prescription anent Tutors and Curators accompts The Prescription Act 1696 1696 c. 9
1696 c. 15 Act allowing Securities &c. to be written book wayes The Deeds Act 1696 ... 1696 c. 15
1696 c. 19 Act for Registrating of Summonds that shall be made use of for Interruptions The Interruptions Act 1696 1696 c. 19
1696 c. 20 Act anent vitious Intromettors The Vitious Intromitters Act 1696 1696 c. 20
1696 c. 25 Act anent Blank Bonds and Trusts The Blank Bonds and Trusts Act 1696 1696 c. 25
1696 c. 35 Act against Killers Black Fish and Destroyers of the Fry and Smolts of Salmond The Salmon Act 1696 ... 1696 c. 33
1696 c. 38 Act anent Inland Bills and Precepts The Inland Bills Act 1696 1696 c. 36
1696 c. 41 Act anent Registration of Writts after the Granters decease The Registration Act 1696 1696 c. 39
1698 c. 4 Act concerning Registration of Probative Writs The Registration Act 1698 1698 c. 4
1700 c. 6 Act for preventing wrongous Imprisonments and against undue delayes in Tryals The Criminal Procedure Act 1701 1701 c. 6
1705 c. 48 Act for advancing and establishing the Fishing Trade in and about this Kingdom The Fisheries Act 1705 ... 1705 c. 2
1706 c. 6 Act for Securing the Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Government The Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Act 1707 1707 c. 6
1706 c. 7 Act Ratifying and Approving the Treaty of Union of the Two Kingdoms of SCOTLAND and ENGLAND The Union with England Act 1707 1707 c. 7
1706 c. 8 Act settling the Commoners to Represent Scotland in the Parliament of Great Britain The Election Act 1707 ... 1707 c. 8

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