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Statute Law Revision Act 1893/Schedule

From Wikisource
Statute Law Revision Act 1893

Notes: Only parts affecting the Constitution Acts are reproduced here.

367026Statute Law Revision Act 1893 — Schedule
Reign and Chapter Title
30 & 31 Victoria, c. 3         Constitution Act, 1867.
In part; namely,
From Be it therefore to same as follows.
Section two.
Section four to provisions where it last occurs.
Section twenty-five.
Sections forty-two and forty-three.
Section fifty-one, from of the census to seventy-one and
and the word subsequent.
Section eighty-one.
Section eighty-eight, from and the House to the end of the
Sections eighty-nine and one hundred and twenty-seven.
Section one hundred and forty-five.

Repealed as to all Her Majesty's Dominions.