Statutes concerning forcible entries and riots confirmed
Original text
[edit]Item accordez est & assentuz q lestatuz & ordeinances faitz & nient repellez de ceux q font entrees a forte mayn en tres & tentz ou auts possessions qconqes & lour teignent einz ove force, & auxint de ceux q font insurreccions ou gantz chivaches riotes routes ou assemblees en destourbance de la pees ou de la coe lay ou en affray du poeple, soient tenuz & gardez & pleynement executz; ajouste ycelles a toutz les foitz q tielx forcibles entrees soient faitz, & pleint en veigne a Justices de la pees ou a ascun de eux q mesmes les Justices ou Justice pignent ou pigne poair sufficeant du Conte, & voisent ou voise al lieu ou tiel force soit fait, & sils troevent ou troeve ascuns q teignent tiel lieu forciblement, aps tiel entree faitz, soient pris & mys en pscheine gaole a y demrer convict p record des mesmes les Justices ou Justice tanqils eient fait fyn & ranceon au Roy; & q toutz gentz du Conte sibn Viscont come auts soient entendantz as ditz Justices pur aler & enforcier mesmes les Justices pur arester tielx malfesours sur peine demprisonement & de faire fyn au Roy. Et en mesmes le mane soit fait de ceux q font tielx forcibles entrees en benefices ou offices de seinte Esglise.
Translation into English
[edit]Item, it is accorded and assented, that the ordinances and statutes, made and not repealed, of them that make entries with strong hand into lands and tenements, or other possessions whatsoever, and hold them with force, and also of those that make insurrections, or great ridings, riots, routs, or assemblies, in disturbance of the peace, or of the common law, or in affray of the people, shall be holden and kept, and fully executed; joined to the same, that at all times that such forcible entry shall be made, and complaint thereof cometh to the justices of the peace, or to any of them, that the same justices or justice take sufficient power of the county, and go to the place where such force is made; and if they find any that hold such place forcibly after such entry made, they shall be taken and put in the next gaol, there to abide convict of the record of the same justices or justice, until they have made fine and ransom to the king: and that all the people of the county, as well as the sheriffs as other, shall be attendant upon the same justices to go and assist the same justices to arrest such offenders, upon pain of imprisonment, and to make fine to the King. And in the same manner it shall be done of them that make such forcible entries in benefices or offices of Holy Church.
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