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Statutes of Canada/1867-68/Chapter 57

From Wikisource
Statutes of 1867-68, 31 Victoria
Chapter LVII
Statutes of Canada, 1867-68
by the Parliament of Canada

Note: This is the original Act as it was initially passed. Because it was passed before 1985, this Act may have been consolidated in the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985. Any other subsequent amendments hosted on Wikisource may be listed using What Links Here.

2130086Statutes of Canada, 1867-681867-68the Parliament of Canada


An Act for the organization of the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Canada

[Assented to 22nd May, 1868.]

Preamble.Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Department constituted.1. There shall be at the seat of Government of Canada, a Public Department to be called the Department of Marine and Fisheries, and the Governor in Council may appoint, by Commission under the Great Seal of Canada, a fit and proper person to manage and direct the said Department, Minister.who shall be styled the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, and who shall hold Office during pleasure.

Secretary of Minister.2. The Governor may appoint an Officer to be called the Secretary of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, and such other Officers as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the business of the said Department, as well at the seat of Government as in other portions of Canada, and may at his pleasure remove them or either of them, and appoint others in their stead.

Powers and duties of Secretary.3. The Secretary of the Minister shall have authority (subject always to the Minister and his directions), to oversee and direct the other officers and servants of the Department; he shall have the general control of the business of the Department, and in the absence of the Minister, and during such absence may suspend from his duties any officer or servant of the Department who refuses or neglects to obey his directions as such Secretary, but such power of suspension shall be exercised by the Minister alone when present.

In case of absence of Secretary.4. During the illness or absence of the Secretary, the Minister may appoint another officer temporarily to discharge the duties of such Secretary, who shall for the time be vested with all the powers, and charged with the duties of the said Secretary.

What matters shall be under the control and management of the Department; and to what extent.5. The duties, powces and functions of the said Department shall extend and apply to the subjects and Boards and other public bodies, officers and other persons, services and properties of the Crown, enumerated in the Schedule to this Act, of which the said Department shall have the control, regulation, management and supervision; so far as the same may be or might be or have been had or exercised by any Public Department under and in accordance with the provisions of Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, or of any Provincial Parliament or Legislature now in force in Canada in relation to such subjects, boards and other public bodies, officers and other persons, services and properties of the Crown, or any of them, or without violating the provisions of any such Act or Acts, save and except such as may vest any such control, regulation, management or supervision in any other Public Department.


The administration of any Laws made or to be made relating to the following subjects—

1. Sea, Coast and Inland Fisheries and the management, regulation and protection thereof, and anything relating thereto;

2. Trinity Houses and Trinity Boards, Pilots and Pilotage, and Decayed Pilots' Funds;

3. Beacons, Buoys, Lights and Light-Houses and their maintenance;

4. Harbours, Ports, Piers and Wharves, Steamers and Vessels belonging to the Government of Canada, except Gunboats or other Vessels of War;

5. Harbour Commissioners and Harbour Masters;

6. Classification of Vessels, and examination and granting of Certificates of Masters and Mates, and others in the Merchant service;

7. Shipping Masters and Shipping Offices;

8. Inspection of Steamboats and Boards of Steamboat inspection;

9. Enquiries into causes of Shipwrecks;

10. Establishment, regulation and maintenance of Marine and Seamen Hospitals and care of distressed seamen, and generally such matters as refer to the Marine and navigation of Canada.

This work is reproduced under the terms of the Reproduction of Federal Law Order for enactments of the Government of Canada. This document is not an official version, and not endorsed by the Government of Canada.

This work is also in the public domain in the U.S. because it is an edict of a government, local or foreign. See § 313.6(C)(2) of the Compendium II: Copyright Office Practices. Such documents include "legislative enactments, judicial decisions, administrative rulings, public ordinances, or similar types of official legal materials" as well as "any translation prepared by a government employee acting within the course of his or her official duties."

Canadian legislation is under Crown Copyright pursuant to Section 12 of the Copyright Act for 50 years after the year of first publication. That section and the lack of modern case law make it unclear whether these documents remain protected by perpetual Crown rights and privileges after that term ends.

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