Suggestive programs for special day exercises/Memorial Day/Training
(From the Department)
All business should be suspended and the day devoted to commemorating the memory of the union soldiers living and dead. Let the citizens turn out and make the day one long to be remembered as it day of patriotic education
Let not the sacredness and solemnity of the occasion be marred by games and other sports, but let us all consecrate ourselves anew at a common shrine of patriotism. We believe with James W. Patterson that “If all our youth, springing up from whatever nationality, could be brought to know and reflect upon the origin, history and nature of our political institutions, and were early made to realize their cost in treasure and blood and the unspeakable benefits they have conferred upon the American people, we should have the unity and strength of public spirit, and the sensibility to the common reputation and interests that would be stronger than the pride of dominion and a surer defense than armies and navies.”
Let the rising generation be inspired with an ardent love for their
country, an unquenchable thirst for liberty, and a
profound reverence for the Constitution and the
Union. Let the American youth never forget
that they possess a noble inheritance
bought by the toils and suffer-
ings and blood of
their ancestors.
Keep fresh in the hearts of the rising generation a reverence for the ’Stars and Stripes‘—— the only Flag. —Gen. John Palmer.
By courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Goff, authors of “The United States and Her Neighbors.” (From School Education, 1895.)