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Sultan Bahoo The Life and Teachings/About the Author

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Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the thirty first Shaikh of the Sarwari Qadri Order and the sixth Shaikh of this Order after Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo. After his Murshid, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh passed away, Mohammad Najib-ur- Rehman started giving Divine guidance and spiritual instruction. He started granting Ism-e-Allah Zaat and accepting allegiance on the 14th of August 2005. Since then, he has made great efforts and taken revolutionary steps to spread Faqr upon the entire Ummah. Soon, he realized that the golden teachings of Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh need to be spread among the masses and transmitted specially to the new generation in a language understood internationally. Hence, he took on himself the responsibility to translate, republish and recompile Sultan Bahoo’s books. According to his orders, the most important selected topics of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo’s teachings are translated in English language, keeping the true soul of his teachings alive.