Sultan Bahoo The Life and Teachings/GLOSSARY
- Aab-e-hayat The Water of life or vital water
- Abad Eternity, Eternal end
- Ahl-e-Bait The Sacred Family of the Prophet Mohammad Sall’Allahu Alayhi Wa’alihi Wasallam
- Ahwal Spiritual states
- Ain-ul-yaqeen Seeing the Divinity
- Baqa Billah Immortal or perpetual with Allah
- Batil Falsehood
- Batin Inward, innerself, esoteric self
- Batini ankh The inward eye, eye of soul
- Bayat Oath of allegiance
- Chemiya Akseer Alchemy (the process of converting metal into gold)
- Daimi Hazoori Eternal presence
- Darood-o-Salam Blessings of Allah
- Deedar Vision
- Deedar-e-Elahi Vision of Allah
- Deen The true faith
- Ehsaan The station of spiritual excellence and perfection
- Faiz Beneficence
- Fana Annihilation
- Fana Fillah Annihilation in Allah
- Fana-Fi-Rasool Annihilation in the Holy Prophet
- Fana-Fi-Shaikh Annihilation in the Mentor
- Gharq Wrecked, engrossed, absorbed
- Ghayb Unseen, non-manifested, hidden
- Haq The Truth
- Haqeeqat The Truth, the Reality
- Haq-ul-Yaqeen Experiencing the closeness of Divinity
- Haraam Unlawful
- Haram Holy, sacred
- Ijtihad Individual effort and striving
- Ilham or Ilhamat The spiritual inspirations
- Ilm-e-Laduni Divine Knowledge
- Ilm-ul-Yaqeen The knowledge of Divinity
- Imam The spiritual leader
- Jalal The Divine Majesty, Wrath
- Jalwa Manifestation
- Jamal The Beauty
- Jamia Comprehensive
- Jamiat Accumulation of all the Divine Attributes and spiritual stations in oneself
- Kabeera, Sagheera Major or minor sins
- Kamal Perfection
- Kamil Akmal The supreme and perfect
- Karam Generosity
- Karamat Miracle
- Laduni God-given, Knowledge direct from Allah
- Lahut Lamakan Station beyond all stations
- Laqa-e-Elahi Meeting with Allah
- Lauh-e-Mahfooz The Guarded Tablet upon which the destinies are inscribed
- Mahjoob Veiled
- Majazi Metaphorical
- Majlis-e-Mohammadi Assembly of the Holy Prophet Sall’Allahu Alayhi Wa’alihi Wasallam
- Majzoob Lost in Divine Meditation
- Manazil Waystations
- Nafas Breath
- Nafi Negation
- Nafs Baser self, lower self, ethereal self
- Nafs-e-Ammarah The depraved self, which commands to commit sins
- Nafs-e-Lawama The self that blames, conscious of faults
- Pehchan Recognition
- Qaba Qausain Two bows length, extreme nearness to Allah
- Qalam The Supreme Pen
- Qalb The heart, soul
- Qalb-e-Saleem The pure heart
- Qubd A spiritual state, contraction, the heart is firmly gripped by Allah
- Rabubiyat Lordship
- Rab-ul-Arbab Lord of the Lords
- Rafzi Dissenter
- Raza Consent, submission to the Will of Allah
- Riyazat Ascetic discipline, mystic exercise
- Sabir Enduring
- Sahib-e-Musamma The possessor of the Essence and the Personal Name of
- Ism-e-Allah Zaat Allah alongwith all His attributes
- Sahib-e-Sir’r The possessor of Divine Secret
- Saliheen The righteous ones, the pure ones
- Salik Traveller
- Tafakkur Reflection, meditation
- Tafrid Isolation or inward solitude
- Tajalli Self Disclosure
- Tajrid Detachment from everything other than Allah
- Talab To seek or demand
- Ulama Men of outward knowledge or the learned masters
- Ummat Nation
- Ursh Divine Throne, Empyrean
- Vaseela The means, mediator, source
- Visal Union (with Allah)
- Waham Conversation with Allah
- Wahdaniyat Unity or unification
- Wahdat Oneness
- Wahi Revelation
- Wali The friend of Allah
- Zaat The Essence, The Divine Self
- Zahid An ascetic
- Zahir Superficial, apparent or physical
- Zawal Decline
- Ziarat Privilege of seeing