Summarized Detainee Statement (ISN 142)

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Summarized Detainee Statement (2004)
767053Summarized Detainee Statement2004


Summarized Detainee Statement

The Detainee made no initial statement but indicated that he would answer any questions asked.

Answers in response to questions by the Personal Representative:

I am not a member of the Taliban and did not participate in the jihad in Afghanistan. I did attend training camps and at one learned to shoot a Kalishnakov rifle . Then I got sick and received medical treatment at the camp . I learned to fire a weapon to defend myself, my brother, and my father. I doesn' t have any enemies, but everyone is fighting with each other over there (in Pakistan). I did not attend the camp to learn how to fire the weapon for the purpose of committing or assisting in future hostile acts against the United States or its allies in the war on terrorism . I attended another camp to please and worship Allah and to tell people to follow the Quran, do their duties , and not to fight against each other. I do not own a rifle . I went to Afghanistan from Pakistan to serve . I was making beds and giving food and water to the Pakistanis there . I did not fight against anyone. Later an airplane came and there was a big light and people were dying. Then we started heading back toward our homes in Pakistan. We were captured by some "English People" and were handcuffed . Then I was put in jail. I did not firea weapon at any time against the U . S. or its allies.

Answers in response to questions by the Recorder:

I did not go to Afghanistan to train or to learn to fire a weapon. They did not send me to serve in Konduz. I went to preach. They were Pakistan people and they were coming and I came with them. The people I served were Pakistan people.

Answers in response to questions by the Tribunal Members:

I went to serve with the Pakistani people. I was serving with them. I did not see the fighting going on and I don't know why they were there . No, the Pakistanis were not fighting anyone. There was no fighting going on over there. After a while the planes came and there was a bombardment from the planes . There were many people over there like English people. They arrested me. Like the hospital here, there were hospitals there in Pakistan as well. I did not see the fighting. I went there to serve them and the planes came over and then came the bombs.



I certify the material contained in this transcript is a true and accurate summary of the testimony given during the proceedings.

  Tribunal President

ISN 142
Enclosure (3)