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Sushruta Samhita, Volume 3/Chapter 8

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Sushruta Samhita, Volume 3
Chapter 8 : Classification and treatment of ocular affections.
2946080Sushruta Samhita, Volume 3 — Chapter 8 : Classification and treatment of ocular affections.


Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the classification of occular affection according to the different modes of treatment (Netra-Roga-Chikitsá-Vibhága-Vijnániya).1.

Classification:—We have already described the names and symptoms of the seventy-six kinds of eye disease. We shall now briefly and severally deal with the nature of treatment to be pursued in them. Of these seventy-six kinds eleven should be treated with incision operations (Chhedya), nine with scarification (Lekhya), five with excision (Bhedya), fifteen with venesection (Vyádhya); twelve cases should not be operated upon and seven admit only of palliative measures (Yápya), while fifteen should be given up by an experienced physician (Ophthalmic surgeon) as incurable. The two kinds of eye-disease of traumatic origin should be likewise held as incurable or admitting only of palliative measures at the best 2.

Names of the Chhedya and Lekhya eye-diseases:—Diseases which should be treated with incision are Arśo-vartma, Śushkárśas, Arvuda, Sirá-Pidaká, Sirá-jâla, the five types of Arman*,[1] and Parvaniká (thus numbering eleven in all). Diseases in which scarification should be resorted to (numbering seven in all) are Utsangini, Bahala-vartma, Kardama-vartma, Śyáva-vartma, Vaddha-vartma, Klishta-vartma, Pothaki, Kumbhikini, and Śarkará-vartma. 3-4.

Names of Bhedya and Vyádhya eye-diseases:—Optical diseases in which the affected localities should be treated with excisions, are Śleshmo-panáha, Lagana, Visa-vartma, Krimi-granthi and Anjana — thus numbering five in all. The two kinds of eye-disease beginning with Sirá viz., Sirotpáta and Sirá-harsha, the two kinds of Akshi-páka attended or unattended with swelling, viz., Saśothâkshi-páka and Aśothákshi-páka, and Anyatováta, Puyálasa, Váta-viparyaya and the four types of Abhishyanda and the four types of Adhimantha should be treated with Venesection (Sirá-vyadhana). 5-6.

Eye-diseases— not to be operated:—Operations should not be resorted to in cases of Śushkákshi-páka, Kapha-Vidagdha-Drishti, Pitta-Vidagdha-Drishti, Amládhyushita-Drishti, Śukra-roga, Arjuna, Pishtaka, Aklinna-vartma, Dhuma-darśin, Śuktiká, Praklinna-vartma and Valása — thus making twelve in all. In the traumatic forms also of eye-disease surgical operations are not advised by experts. 7.

Names of curable and incurable eye-disease:—Palliative or temporary relief is all that can be offered in any of the six types of Kâcha described before, as well as in the affection known as Pakshma-kopa, if the patient retains the faculty of sight. Four of the Vâyu-origined, two of the Pittaja, one of the Kaphaja, four of the blood-origined and four of the types caused by the concerted action of the three Doshas, as well as the two traumatic forms of optical affections should be regarded as beyond all cure. 8-9,

Thus ends the eighth chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the classification of eye-diseases according to the different modes of treatment.

  1. * See Chapter IV, para 2, Uttara-Tantara.