Swedenborg, Harbinger of the New Age of the Christian Church/Index
Figures refer to pages.
Adam and Eve, the Most Ancient Church, 5, 6.
Anatomy, studies in, 92.
Atheism in 18th century, 14.
Barnard, Sir John, quoted, 15.
Behm, Sara, 25.
Belgium, visited, 76.
Bengel, quoted, 14.
Benzelius, Ericus, Archbishop, 26, 48, 56-73, 92.
Benzelius, Ericus, the younger, 38, 45, 58, 63.
Bishops, friendly and otherwise, 218, 228, 237.
Brain, study of, 113, 125-128.
Brunswick, Duke of, 76.
Canal, between North and Baltic seas, 58, 61, 62.
Candlesticks, representation of, 192.
Carlyle, quoted, 16.
Censor of books, 67.
Change of heart, necessary, 24.
Charity, come again, 20.
Charles XI, friendly to Swedberg, 24.
Charles XII, appointed Swedberg bishop, 25; returned to Sweden and employed Polheimer and Swedenborg, 51; appointed Swedenborg Assessor, 51, 54; interested in Dædalus, 57, 62; in salt works, 57 ; in canal, 58, 61.
Christianity, regarded as mere prejudice of infant race, 16.
Church, Most Ancient, represented by Adam, 6. Ancient, 6-8. Hebrew, 9, 10. Christian, new age, 1, 283-285; error of first age, 12-18. Reformed, error, 13, 14. New, of whom formed, 195; when to come, 227, 228, 285; organization, 285, 286.
City of God, the end of creation, 115, 116, 123, 131, 132.
Claudius, Matthius, quoted, 253-254.
Coleridge, quoted, 117.
College of Mines, Swedenborg appointed to, 51, 52; composition, 55; records, 55; duties, 56, 90.
Collin, quoted, 270-273.
Consummation of the Age, chapter 1.
Creation, its order that of spiritual development, 5.
Creator, highest conception of, 2; man in His image, 2; knowledge of is supreme end in view, 29, 70, 93, 94-105, 122, 131.
Cuno, quoted, 230-237.
Deism, in 18th century, 14.
Descartes, 60, 61.Disciples, of the Lord, looked for reward, 12.
Doctrine, to be drawn from the Scriptures, 142.
Dörner, quoted, 15.
Dreams, no revelation by, 266.
Dumas, quoted, 79.
Elizabeth, Empress of Russia, 262.
Emerentia Polhem, 63, 64.
England, visited, 31, 162.
Enlightenment, from love of truth for truth's sake, 141-143.
Esberg, nephew of Benzelius, 62.
and new church, 204.
Fire, in Stockholm, 244-246.
Fires of hell, remorses of conscience? 70.
France, condition in 18th century, 16; visited, 38, 92.
Frederic, King, 91.
Gardener and wife, 274-281.
Genesis, spiritual content of first chapter, 4.
Gentiles, receive the light, 10, 11.
Germany, condition of in 18th century, 16; visited, 76.
Gjörwell, quoted, 268.
Gospel, first accepted through hope or fear, 12; preached anew in world of spirits, 200.
Heaven, speculations about, 132-134; the new, of whom formed, 193, 194, 201.
Hebrew, nation and language prophetic, 9; maternal service for Christianity, 10.
Holland, visited, 38, 76.
Holy Spirit, the second coming with, 1, 191; experience with, 145-147, 169.
Holy Supper, attendance at, 147. 163.
Höpken, favored by Swedenborg, 215; quoted, 219-224.
Isaksson, Daniel, 23.
Italy, visited, 93.
Judgment, of the Christian Church, 17-20; in the world of spirits, 21, 193; Swedenborg's part in, 200; effect of, 200.
Jung-Stilling, quoted, 237-243.
Lecker, Archbishop, quoted, 16.
Leibnitz, quoted, 15.
Lewis, publisher, quoted, 209.of man with God, 100-105; and for the Head of human society, 133, 134; how He now shows Himself, 171, 186; His first coming the beginning of permanent dwelling with men, 189; distinction between the human and the Divine in Him, 206-208.
Luther, revolt against the Roman church, 13; his error, 13, 14.
Metals, study of, 73, 74, 79, 89; recommendations to Diet about, 83, 84.
Muses, referred to, 50.
Nathorst, Professor, quoted, 68.
Newburger, quoted, 128.
Nexus, need of, the Son of God, 100-105.}}
Philosophy, elemental, 60, 61, 66, 77-79, 86-88, 90; spiritual, 95-105.
Pierce, Professor, quoted, 135.
Polheimer, 44, 49, 51, 54, 56.
Proofs, printer's, not well corrected, 267.
Purpose, the Divine, mirrored in the universe, 2; revealed in Scripture, 3; is man in the image of his Creator, 5.
Receipt, lost and found, 246-248.
Regeneration, nature of, 137-175; need of the world to learn, 150; deep, of Swedenborg, 173-175.
Representations, and correspondences, 124, 125.
Retzius, quoted, 129.
Roberg, Dr., 53, 61.
Robsahm, quoted, 170-172, 257-268.
Rules of life, 137, 138.
Russia, war with opposed by Swedenborg. 211.
Russians, approach of, 45.
Salt works, 57.
Sandel's eulogy, 64.
Schlegel, quoted, 8, 9.
Series and Degrees, 113, 115.
Shearsmith, Richard, Swedenborg's stay in his family, 281, 282.
Ships, carried overland, 64.
Son of Man, sign of, 18, 106, 283, 284.
Spirits, presence perceived first without sight, 144; first spoken with, 170.
Springer, quoted, 226.
Spurgin, quoted, 117.
Stiernhjelm, referred to, 50.
Sun of Heaven, darkened, 14, 17; Divine presence in, 70; God the Sun of wisdom, 120; dependence on its light, 137; the Divine face to be seen in, 152.
Sunday child, Jesper Swedberg and family, 27.
Swedberg, Anna, 26, 31, 32, 44, 53.
Swedberg, Hedwig, 38.
Swedberg, Jesper, 23-26; at Upsal, 24, 25; Brunsbo, 25; revised Swedish Bible, 24; age, preaching, marriage, 25; family ennobled, 27, 68; author and in charge of missions, 27, 28; sense of heavenly protection, 28, 29; death, 91.
Swedenborg, Emanuel, parentage, 23; childhood, 24, 29; birth and name, 26; education, 30; plans of life, 30 et seq.; learns book-binding and music, 31; travels, 31, 75, 76, 85, 90, 92, 93, 209, 210, 228; studies Newton, 31, 32; visits Flamsteed, 32; love for his family and home, 32; immoderate desire for study, 33; learns trades, 33, 40; makes globes, 33, 34; his method for determining longitude, 34-36, 48, 49, 77; new methods in astronomy, 34; study of English poets, 35, 43, 44; lacks money abroad, 35; consults Halley, 35; study and practice of poetry, 36, 220; mathematical ambition, 36, 38, 40; goes to France, 27, 92; describes microscope and clock, 37, 38; visits distinguished men, 39; inventions, 41-43, 46, 47; interest in Polheimer's, 44, 49; wants to form a Society for Learning and Science, 44; seeks employment from Government, 46; writes letters in French, 48; appointed Assessor, 51-54, 75, 85; assists Polheimer, 54, 56; declines professorship of astronomy, 59; early essays, 59, 60, 65; tires of working for nothing, 70-72; plans in 1718, 71-73; betrothed to daughter of Polheimer, 63, 64; transports ships overland, 64, 220, writes on tremulations, 66; agrees with Baglivius, 66; geological studies, 67; first signature as "Swedenborg," 67, 68; seat in Diet, 68; studies in metallurgy, 73, 74, 79, 88, 89; salary as Assessor, 75, 85, 91; favored by Duke of Brunswick, 76; addresses to the Diet, 79-84, 211-217, 266; magnetic theory, 90; attendance at College of Mines, 55, 56, 79, 85, 90-92; studies anatomy, 92; uses experiments of others in preference to his own, 107, 108; discoveries, 128-130; faculty of reflection, 108; rules of life, 138; spiritual experience, 137-175; knew only later what he was being prepared for, 140, 141, 160, 162, 172; enlightened by love of truth for truth's sake, 143; instructed by dreams, 143-166; perceives presence of spirits but without seeing them, 144; temptations, 146-166, 264, 265; learned to be led not by spirits or angels, but by the Lord alone, 149, 187; was a mild Lutheran, 150, found himself most unworthy, 152, 163; new motto—I am Thine and not mine, 157; fainting fit, 167; appeared to write a fine hand, 167; habit of abstraction, 168, tacit respiration, 168; knew nothing at first of spirits, 168, 169; learned about different kinds, 169; first spoke with them, 170; warned against over-eating, 171; told what his work was to be, 172; deep regeneration, 173; full preparation for his work, 175, 186; in open company with spirits and angels many years, 180; suffering from spirits, 196; first affixes his name to theological works, 203; manner of later life, 209-248; food, 227, 258; gave receipts from Arcana to propagation of the Gospel, 210; opposed war with Russia, making of whiskey, and Bank loans on other than real estate, 211; defended the Government, 212-214; favored alliance with France, 215; was of the constitutional party, 215-217; fond of his garden and of children, 217, 223; on friendly terms with royal family, bishops, and all men of standing, 218; authority on finance, 220; predicts his arrival, 228; knew Springer's secret affairs, 229; society manners, 234, 267; learns subject of talk with deceased friend, 240; learns death of Emperor Peter, 111, 242; tells of fire in Stockholm, 244-246; where to find lost receipt, 246-248; understood French, English, Dutch, German, and Italian, 260; protested against judgment of his books by House of the clergy; handwriting, 267; declined to obtain interview without sufficient reason, 272; appearance, 272, 273; his communication with other world easily believed at Stockholm, 273; talk with gardener and wife, 274-280; tells of little blind girl, 278, 279; predicts time of death as it proved, 282; burial, recent removal of remains,
282, 283.
Wolf, Christopher, letter from, 92.
Works of Swedenborg,
Scientific:—Principles of Chemistry, 77; Miscellaneous Observations, 77; Philosophical and Mineral Works,
85-90, 94, 251; Economy of the Animal Kingdom, 93, 106-118; Infinite and Final Cause of Creation, 95; Rational Psychology, 113, 130 Animal Kingdom, 118-132, 162, 163, 167; Worship and
Love of God, 166, 172.
Theological:—Heavenly Arcana, 177-188, 209, 210; Spiritual Diary, 144 et seq.; Apocalypse Explained, 193-208; Final Judgment, 194, 202; Heaven and Hell, 194; Earths in the Universe, 194; The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine, 194; Apocalypse Revealed, 194, 202; Doctrines of the Lord,