Sweet was the time when first I felt
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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Oh that I were as in months past! by John Newton
- Sweet was the time when first I felt
- The Savior's pard'ning blood
- Applied, to cleanse my soul from guilt,
- And bring me home to God.
- Soon as the morn the light revealed,
- His praises tuned my tongue;
- And when the evening shades prevailed,
- His love was all my song.
- In vain the tempter spread his wiles,
- The world no more could charm;
- I lived upon my Savior's smiles,
- And leaned upon his arm.
- In prayer my soul drew near the Lord,
- And saw his glory shine;
- And when I read his holy word,
- I called each promise mine.
- Then to his saints I often spoke;
- Of what his love had done;
- But now my heart is almost broke,
- For all my joys are gone.
- Now when the evening shade prevails,
- My soul in darkness mourns,
- And when the morn the light reveals,
- No light to me returns.
- My prayers are now a chatt'ring noise,
- For Jesus hides his face;
- I read, the promise meets my eyes,
- But will not reach my case.
- Now Satan threatens to prevail,
- And make my soul his prey;
- Yet, Lord, thy mercies cannot fail,
- O come without delay.