Syria, the Land of Lebanon/Index
Roman numerals refer to chapters, Arabic to pages
Abana River, 67-71, 88f, 106
Abila, 69
Abilene, Tetrarchy of, 69
Ain el-Beida, 130
Ain Fijeh, 70
Ain el-Wu'ul, 130
Aleih stories, 61f
Aleppo, Province of, 8
Anti-Lebanon 7, 63, 67-71, 178, 204
Aurelian, 135-137, 205
Assassins, the, 10
Awaj River, 89n
Baalbek, XIII
Climate, 188
Great stones, 198-200
History, 189-191
Ruins, 192-197
Situation, 184f
Baal-gad (Baalbek), 189
Barada, see Abana
Bashan, Land of, 75
Bedouins, 129-131, 143
Beirut, City, 7, III
Bay, 35
Cape, 29
Caves, 31
Commerce, 36
History, 26f
Modern aspects, 37f
Name, 29
Olive orchards, 30
Political strife, 40f
Religious strife, 38f
Sand dunes, 30
Schools, 41-43
Water supply, 33
Beirut, Province of, 8
Bika', 63-65, 184f, 178, 204
Bliss, Daniel, 146-149
Bosra, 78
Butrus, Patriarch, 156-162
Byblos, 4, 7
Cathedral Rocks, 174
Cedar Mountain, 167, 176-179
Cedars of Lebanon, XII
Chrysorrhoas, see Abana
Coele-Syria, see Bika'.
Coffee, 107-109
Committee of Reform, 40
Cross, Festival of, 179
Damascus, VII-IX, 7, 15
Ananias, Tomb of, 119
Bargaining in, 98-101
Bazaars, 96-104
Beggars, 104
Cafés, 106f
Cemeteries, 116
Commerce, 95, 111
Dogs, 104
Dome of Victory, 88
Fame of, 90
Fertility, 92f
Gate of Allah, 115
Healthfulness, 70
History, 91
Jews, 118
Khans, 110
Kisan Gate, 117
Lepers, 117
Meidan, 114-116
Modern aspects, 91
Name, 90
Night noises, 105f
Omayyade Mosque, 89, 120-127
Population, 96n
Quarters, 118
Residences of rich, 111-113
St. Thomas' Gate, 106
Saladin, Tomb of, 119f
Street called Straight, 118f
Street calls, 101f
Water supply, 70
Damascus, Province of, 8
Death, River of, 4
Deir el-Kamr, 17
Der'a, 77
Diman, 164
Dog River, 4, 33-35
Druse Massacres, 14-17, 78
Druse Mountain, 77f
Druses, 11-17, 78, 84, 115, 138
ed-Durazy, 11, 67
Earthquakes, 4, 32, 102
Eastern Mountains, see Anti-Lebanon
Edrei, 77
Emesa, see Homs
Feruzi, 152, 154-156
Fish, Sacred, 203f
George, St., 27-29, 116
Ghuta of Damascus, 93
Greek Catholic Church, 9
Greek Orthodox Church, 9
Hama, 64, 211-218
Hamath, see Hama
Hamath, Entering In of, 152, 204
Hauran, 75-87
Hauran, Jebel, 77
Hejaz Railway, 76f, 81
Heliopolis (Baalbek), 190
Hermon, Mount, 7, 65-67, 77, 178
Hollow Syria, see Bika'.
Homs, 136, 152, 190, 205-208
Homs, Lake of, 205
Institutes of Justinian, 42
Islam, see Mohammedanism
Ismailians, 10
Jebail, 4
Jesus Christ, 12, 27, 67, 122, 170
Job, the Patriarch, 78-80
Kadisha River, 166, 174
Kanawat, 78
Kanobin, Monastery of, 174
Karayatein, 129
Kasyun, Mount, 88
Keneiseh, Mount, 5, 52, 62, 67
Keshaya, Monastery of, 175f
Lebanon Mountains, I, 60-68
Lebanon, Province, 8, 16f
Leja, 83-85
Leontes River, 64
Maronites, 9, 14-17
Metawileh, 10
Mirage in Bika', 186
Missionaries, XI
Attitude to Jesus, 122
Images forbidden, 112f
Position of women, 113f
Power of, 124f
Muzeirib, 76
Palmyra, X, 69
History, 133-138
Modern Village, 138, 140
Ruins, 138-140
Tombs, 132
Persons incidentally mentioned:
Abdul Hamid II., 76f, 108n
Abel, 69, 88
Abraham, 88, 90f, 98, 101
Abulfeda, 93
Adam, 88
Alexander the Great, 26
Amenhotep, Pharaoh, 26
Ananias, 119
Antar, 142
Antoninus Pius, 190
Antony, Mark, 133
Argyll, Duke of, 146
Asad Pasha, 110
Ashur-nasir-pal III. 34
Augustus, 26
Aurelius, Marcus, 34
Baldwin of Flanders, 26, 91
Balkis, Queen of Sheba, 129, 190
Benjamin of Tudela, 190
Bildad the Shuhite, 78
Cain, 69
Constantine the Great, 129, 191
Diocletian, 137
Dodge, Wm. E., 146
Domna, Julia, 190, 207
Dorotheus, Professor, 42
Eliezer, 90
Esarhaddon, 34
Fakhreddin, 30
Fatima, 116
Hadrian, 168
Hakim Biamrillah, 11
Hamzeh ibn Ahmed, 11
Helena, St., 179
Heliogabalus, 191n, 207
Herod the Great, 26, 91
Hiram of Tyre, 168, 173, 183
Ibrahim Pasha, 30, 84
Idrisi, 93
Jesup, Morris K., 146
John the Baptist, 121, 123, 215
Josephus, 84, 90
Justinian, 42, 137, 168
Longinus, 135
Louis VII. of France, 91
Mohammed, 12, 93f, 116
Mukadassi, 188
Naaman, 89n, 117, 120
Nicodemus, 96
Nureddin, 91
Odenathus II., 134
Og, king of Bashan, 77
Paul, St., 91, 116f.
Pompey, 26
Post, Dr. Geo, E. 168
Rameses II., 26, 34, 79
Rib-addi, 26
Richard Cœur de Lion, 28
Robinson, Edw., 195, 204n
Rustum Pasha, 168
Sapor of Persia, 134
Selim, Sultan, 34
Sennacherib, 26, 34
Severus, Septimius, 190, 207n
Shalmaneser II., 34
Solomon, 133, 190
Tamerlane, 91, 137
Tancred, 205
Theodosius the Great, 175
Tiglath-pileser III., 34, 91
Titus, 26
Uz, 90
Vahballathus, 134
Valerian, 134
Varius, see Heliogabalus
Vespasian, 26
William II. of Germany, 120
William of Tyre, 78
Phallic worship, 11
Pharpar, 89n
Pilgrim Route, 114, 122
Protestants, 40
Qadesh, see Homs, Lake of
Railways, 60, 72f, 76f, 82, 210
Ras Baalbek, 149-152
Ras esh-Shukkah, 4
Rayak, 67
Saladin, 97, 91, 119f
Semakh, 73
Sirocco, 80
Smuggling, 32
Suk Wadi Barada, 69
Sunnin, Mount, 5, 52, 67, 178
Suweida, 78
Syria, II
Boundaries, 6
Manners and customs, 18-22
Names, 6
Population, 8
Provinces, 8
Religions, 9-13
Syrian Desert, 7, 95, 129-132, 141
Syrian Protestant College, IV, 42f, 146f
Syrians, 16, 22-25
Tadmor, see Palmyra
Tell el Amarna Letters, 26
Tell Biseh, 211
Trachonitis, see Leja
Transfiguration, the, 67
Tripoli, 8, 178, 201
Uz. Land of, 78
Vilayets of Syria, 8
el-Wesen, 140
Women, position of, 90, 113f
Yarmuk Valley, 73-75
Zebedani Valley, 67f
Zenobia, Queen, 69, 134-137, 205