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Tales of To-day and Other Days
various authors
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It is accurate, its maps are clear and legible, and its information full and exact.–Bos on Transcript.
Its handy form, large type, frequent maps (not folding) and flexible binding are among its meritorious points.–Nation, N. Y.

The best of the kind published.-Bulletin, Phila.

104 & 106 Fourth Avenue, New York.

The Anglomaniacs.

A Story of New York Society To-day.

By Mrs. Burton Harrison.

A Volume, 12mo, on Extra Fine Laid Paper, Dainty Binding, $1.00. Also in "Cassell's Sunshine Series," paper, 50c.

This is the story that has attracted such wide attention while running through the Century Magazine. There has been no such picture of New York social life painted within the memory of the present generation. The satire is as keen as a rapier point, while the story itself has its marked pathetic side. Never has the subject of Anglomania been so cleverly treated as in these pages, and it is not to be wondered at that society is deeply agitated as to the authorship of a story which touches it in its most vulnerable part.

"This delicious satire from the pungent pen of an anonymous writer must be read to be appreciated. From the introduction on board the Etruria to the final, when the heroine waves adieu to her English Lord, it is life, real, true American life, and we blush at the truth of the picture. There is no line not replete with scathing sarcasm, no character which we have not seen and known…. Read this book and see human nature; ponder upon what is there written, and while it may not make you wise, it certainly will make you think upon what is a great and growing social evil."–Norristown Daily Herald.

"The heroine is the daughter of an honest money-making old father and an ignorant but ambitious mother, whose money has enabled the mother and daughter to make their way into the circle of the 'Four Hundred.'"–N. Y. Herald.

104 & 106 Fourth Avenue, New York.




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89. The New Job. By Sacher Masoch.
90. Tales of To-day. Translated by E. P. Robins.


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The Story of a Virginia Plantation.


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The story deals with the peaceful times before the war, of the great struggle itself, and of the tragedies and comedies of the life that came after it. Mrs. Harrison is a Southern woman and was intimately associated with many of the scenes she describes. Indeed, there is foundation in fact for all the book contains.


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