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ABERCROMBY Alexander Transactions of the Royal Society of Ediu. 1 ABERCROMBY John Chalmers's General Biograph. Dictionary 2 ABERCROMBY Patrick Chalmers's Life of Ruddiman ; Douglas's Peerage ; Abercromby's Martial Atchievements ; Biographic Universelle 2 ABERCROMBY (Sir) Ralph Public Characters ; History of the Expedition to Egypt &c. . . . * 4 ABERNKTHY John An. Obituary 1832 . . . .13 ADAM Alexander Life of Dr Adam (by Alexander Henderson); Edin. Monthly Magazine 1810 . 16 ADAM Robert Annual Register xxxiv.; Scots Maga- zine 1808 19 ADAMSON Henry Campbell's Introduction to the History of Scottish Poetry 20 ADAMSON Patrick Calderwood's History of the Kirk of Scotland Wodrow Edition ; Autobiography and Diary of James Melvil; Biographia Britanuica 21 AIDAN Saint Bede's Eccles. History .... 85 AIKMAN William Scots Magazine 1794; Cunningham's Lives of Painters &c. .... 88 AITON William Obituaries of the Magazines ... 41 ALES Alexander Mackenzie's Lives of Scots Writers . 41 ALEXANDER William Earl of Stirling Biog. Brit. ; Bannatyne Miscellany; Scot of Scotstarvet's Staggering State of Scots Statesmen ; Johnson and Chalmers's British Poets .... 42 ALEXANDER I. King of Scots Dalrymple's Annals of Scotland . . 46 ALEXANDER II. King of Scots Dalrymple's Annals .... 47 ALEXANDER III. King of Scots Dalrymple's Annals . . .4?V. ALLAN David Brown's Scenery Edition of the Gentle Shepherd 49 ALSTON (Dr) Charles Pnlteney's Sketches of the History of Botany; Bower's History of the University of Edinburgh . 51 ALVES Robert Campbell's Hist. Scot. Poetry 52 ANDERSON Adam Macpherson's Edition of Anderson's History of Commerce; Chalmers's Gen. Biog. Die. 52 ANDERSON Alexander Button's Mathematical Dictionary . 63 ANDERSON James Chalmers's Ruddiman; Anderson's Diplomata 54 ANDERSON James D.D 55 ANDERSON James LL.D. Scots Magazine 1809 ; The Bee . . 56 ANDERSON John M.A. Prefaces to his works; Wodrow's History; Tombstone . . .58 ANDERSON John (Professor) Gentleman's Magazine 1798; Glasgow Mechanics' Magazine 1825 ; Cleland's Annals of Glasgow .... 60 ANDERSON Robert M.D. Annual Biography and Obituary ; Encyclopedia Britannica 1th edition . . 62 ANDERSON Walter D.D. His works; Edinburgh Review 1755; Oral Information 64 ANNAND William Biog. Brit 67 ARBUTHNOT Alexander Biog. Brit.; Irving's Lives of Scottish Poets ; M'Crie's Melville ... 67 ARBUTHNOT John M.D. Biog. Brit. ; Retrospective Review viii 68 ARMSTRONG John M.D. Chalmers's Biog. Die.; Anderson's British Poets; Gentleman's Magazine 1792 74 ARNOT Hugo Family Information; Scots Magazine Obituary 80 40 AYTON (Sir) Robert Bannatyne Miscellany; Pinkerton's Scottish Poems . ... . -83 BAILLIE Robert Biog. Brit. ; Encyclopedia Brit. 1th edition; Baillie's Letters and Journals; Tytler's Life of Lord Kames . . 86 BAILLIE Robert of Jerviswood Burnet's History of his own Times; Kirkton's Church History ; Wodrow ; Rose's Observations on Fox's Historical Work ; Russell's Life of Lord William Russell; Memoirs of Lady Grizel Baillie; Fountainhall's Notes; Wood's Peerage . 88 BAILLIE Matthew M.D. Edinburgh Annual Register ; Annual Obituary 1824 92 BAIRD (Sir) David Annual Obituary 1830; Royal Military Calendar ...... 96 BALCANQUEL Walter D.D. Life of George Heriot (by A. Constable); Wood's Atbense Oxonienses by Bliss ; Boyd's Obituary in Bann. Miscel.; Hales's Golden Remains . . .100 BALFOUR Alexander Life by Mr D. M. Moir prefixed to " Weeds and Wildflowers . . 101 BALFOUR (Sir) Andrew M.D. Edin. Month. Mag. 1810; Scots Mag. 1803 ; Bower's Hist. Edin. Univ. . . .103 BALFOUR (Sir) James Goodall's Preface to his Practicks . . 105 BALKOUR (Sir) James Memoria Balfouriana by Sir R. Sibbald ; Scots Mag. 1803; Life prefixed to Haig's edition of his Historical works ; Collection of Letters in Advocates' Library 107 BALFOUR. Robert Dempster ; Mackenzie's Scots Writers . 115 BALIOL John and Edward [ Kings of Scots Biog. Brit.; Dalrymple's Annals; Tytler's History of Scotland; Henry's History of Britain 116 121 BALLANTYNE John Obituaries of the Magazines ; Family Information 123 BALLENTYNE (or BALLENDF.N) John Maitland's Edition of Bellenden's Boece ; Lord Treasurer's Books General Register House 124 BALNAVES Henry Mackenzie's Scots Writers ; M'Crie's Life of Knox; Irving's Scot. Poets . . 127 BANNATYNE George Memoir by Sir Walter Scott in Bann. Miscel. 129 BARBOUR John Encycloped. Brit. 7th edition; Jamieson's edition of The Bruce . . . .133 BARCLAY Alexander Biog. Brit. ; Lives of Eminent Scotsmen ; Encyc. Brit. 7th edition ; Mackenzie . 139 BABCLAY John M.A. Oral Information; Scots Mag. fauim . 140 BABCLAY John M.D. Encyc. Brit. 1th edition; Oral Inform. . 147 BARCLAY Robert Life 12mo 1802; Biog. Brit . . 149 BARCLAY William and John Life of John Barclay by Lord Hailes; Chalmers's Gen. Biog. Die. . . 157 158 BASSANTIN (or BASSANTOUN) James Biog. Brit.; Memoirs of Sir James Melville Bannatyne edition . . . 160 BASSOL John Mackenzie's Scots Writers . . .161 BAXTER Andrew Biog. Brit. ; Tytler's Kames . . .163 BAYNE (or BAINE) James M.A. Oral Information ; Scots Magazine . 166 BEATON (Cardinal) David Histories of the Period ; Dempster ; Biog. Brit. ....... 167 BEATON James Biog. Brit. ; Pitscottie's History . . 182 BEATON James Biog. Brit. ; Spottiswood's History . 183 BEATSON Robert LL.D. Obituaries of the Magazines . . .185 BEATTIE James Forbes's Life of Beattie ; Oral Inform. . 185 BELL Andrew D.D. An. Obit. 1833; Bell's "Experiment in Education 1797; Lancaster's Improvements in Education 1803; Edinburgh Review, lix; Wood's Ace. of Sess. Schools, 196 BELL Benjamin Scots Mag. 1801 ; Oral Information . 199 BELL Henry Oral Information. . . . . . 200 BELL John of Antermony [ M'Ure's Hist of Glasgow new edition; Quarterly Review 1817 . . . 203 BELL John Family Information . . . .204 BELLENDEN William Parr's Preface to Bellenden; Remarks on new edition of Bellendenus 1787 ; Edin. Mag. 1787 ; Bee v. . . . 207 BERNARD Abbot Bee iv. . 212 BERRY William Bee xiv. . . .- . . . . 212 BINNING Hugh Christian Instructor 1829; Memoir pre- fixed to his "Evangelical Beauties 1829 ; Scots Worthies, . . . .215 BISSET Peter Mackenzie 's Scots Writers . . .216 BISSET Charles Gent. Mag. Ixi. 216 BLACK Joseph [ M.D Transact of Edin. Roy. Soc. v.; Thom- son's Hist of Chemistry; Scots Mag. 1808 218 BLACKADDER John Life by Andrew Crichton . . .222 BLACKLOCK Thomas Life by Mackenzie prefixed to Blacklock's Poems; Blackwood's Mag. ii. 496; Eu- rop. Mag. 1791; Scots Mag. 175C 1791 1793; Life in New Annual Reg. 1793; Forbes's Life of Beattie ii. 370; Bee iv. 136; ib. xv. 120; Life of Home 131 ; Johnson and Chal. English Poets edit. 1810 225 BLACKWELL Alexander and Elizabeth Tytler's Kames; Gentleman's Magazine; Nichols's Lit. Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century 241 BLACKWELL Thomas Biog. Brit.; Oral Information . 244 BLACKWOOD Adam Eulogium prefixed to bis works ; Mackenzie's Lives; Moreri's Gen. Die.; Niceron; Nicholson's Scot. Hist. Lib.; Granger 246 BLACKWOOD Henry Idem 248 BLACKWOOD William Blackwood's Magazine 1834; Family Information 248 BLAIR Hugh Life of Finlayson; Dr Hill's Account of his Life and Writings; Scots Mag. 1801 ; Public Characters 1800 1801 ; Tytler's Kames ; Boswell's Johnson . . 251 BI.AIE James 256 BLAIR John Mackenzie's Scots Writers . . .257 BLAIR John LL.D. Chalmers's Biog. Die. . . . .257 BLAIR Patrick M.D. Pulteney's Sketches; Bower; Nichols's Lit. An. 258 BLAIR Robert Scots Worthies ; Wodrow's Lives MS. . 259 BLAIR Robert Anderson's Brit. Poets . . . .261 BOECE Hector Maitland's Edition of Bellenden's Boece 262 BOGUE David Family Information . . . .268 BOSTON Thomas Memoirs by himself; Acts of General Assembly of the Church of Scotland; Pamphlets on the Marrow Controversy 270 BOSWELL James Douglas's Baronage; Gentleman's and European Magazines; Aikia's General Biography; Croker'a edition of Boswell's Johnson; Edin. Lit. Journal; Edin. Review; Private Information . 276 BOSWELL Alexander Periodical works passim; Oral Inform. . 288 BOSWILL James Obituaries of the Time . ... 288 BOWER Archibald Gent. Mag. passim; Edin. Mag. 1785 5 Life of Bishop Douglas prefixed to his works; Chalmers's Biog. Die.; Family Information . . . 292 BOWER Walter Irving's Scot. Poets; Encyclop. Brit ilk edition .... 296 BOYD Mark Life by Lord Haile*; Biog. Brit.; Granger 296 BOYD Robert Bower; Scots Worthies; Life by Andrew Rivet prefixed to his Prelections on St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians London 1662; Wodrow's Lives MS. . 298 BOYD Zachary Memoir prefixed to edition of the Last Battell Glas. 1851; Christ Inntr. 1828 Baillie's Letters . . . . .800 BROWN James Gent. Mag. 807 BROWN John Memoir by the Rev. J. B. Patterson prefixed to Brown's Self-Interpret. Bible . 308 BROWN John M.D. Life by his Son prefixed to his works; Scots Mag. 1799; Oral Information . 817 BROWN John [ Artist Bee xv. 27; Campbell's Hist. Scot. Poet.; E. of Buchan's Works; Europ. Mag. 1799 818 BROWN William Lawrence D.D. Encyc. Brit. 1th edition . . . .320 BROWN Thomas [M.D. Life by Welsh 322 BRUCE James Life by Head Family Library . . 327 BRUCE Michael Mirror No. 36; Anderson's British Poets 339 BRUCE Robert King of Scots Histories of the Period .... 344 BRUCE Robert Divine Scots Mag. 1803; Scots Worthies . 883 BRUNTON (Mrs) Mary Life by Dr Brunton prefixed to "Emmeline 890 BRUCE Rev. Alexander Family Information . . . .892 BRTDONE Patrick Annual Obit. 1820; Oral Information . 397 BUCHAN Elspeth Scots Mag. 1784; Gent. Mag. 1791 . 398 BUCHAN William M.D. Gent. Mag. 1805; Kerr's Life of Smellie 400 BUCHANAN Dugald Reid's Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica . . 402 BUCHANAN Claudius D.D. Pearson's Life of C.Buchanan; Oral Inform. 403 BUCHANAN Francis M.D. Family Information; Edin. Rev.; Statist. Ace. of Scotland . . . 406 BUCHANAN George Memoirs by Dr Irving . . . 410 BURNET Gilbert Life attached to his History . . .428 BURNET James (Lord Monboddo) Scots Magazine 1797; Tytler's Kames; Brewster's Encyc..j Oral Information 437 BURNS Robert Life by Heron; Lives by Currie Lockhart &c. ; Oral Information . **0 CALDEHWOOD David Histories of the Period . CALLINDER John Percy's Letters to George Paton; Orme's Bibliotheca Biblica; Blackwood's Edin. Mag.; Scots Mag.; Transac. Scot. Antiq. iii.84 46S CAMERON Richard Scots Worthies; Histories of the Period 466 CAMPBELL Alexander Obit notice in Edin.. Weekly Journal 1824; Personal Knowledge; Family Information 467 CAMPBELL Archibald marquis of Argyle [ Wodrow's Analecta MS. Wodrow Guthry Burnet Laing Baillie Fox Biographia Brit. &c. 469 CAMPBELL Archibald ninth earl of Argyle [ Historical work of Mr Fox with Hose's Observations; Wodrow Laing Fountainhall Fox Burnet Hume's Narrative published by the Hon. George Rose Biographia Brit. &c. . . . .483 CAMPBELL (Dr) George Life prefixed to his work on the Gospels; Edin. Monthly Mag. 1810 ... 489 CAMPBELL John second duke of Argyle [ Histories of the Period . . . .493 CAMPBELL John LL.D. [ Biog. Brit.; Bee iii. 8j Edin. Mag. 1790; Boswell's Johnson . . . .505 CAMPBELL Lieut.-Col. John (?) . . .508 CANT Andrew Bower i. 297; Balfour's Histor. Works; Wodrow's Analecta MS.; Kennedy's Annals of Aberdeen . . . .510 CARGILL Donald Wodrow's Analecta; Scots Worthies; Histories of the Period . . . .513 CARLYLE Rev. Dr Alexander Scots Mag. 1757 1805; Edin. Mag. 1821 1822; Mackenzie's Life of Home; Oral Information 515 CARSTAIRS William Histories of the Period ; Life prefixed to his State Papers; Christian Instr. 1827 616 CHAMBERS David Mackenzie's Scots Writers; Tytler's Life of Craig; Keith's History . . .628 CHALMERS George Annual Obit. 1826; New Mon. Mag. 1826; Oral Information ; Encyclopedia Britannica 1th edition 629 CHAPMAN (Dr) George Scots Mag. 1806 531 CHARLES I. Histories of the Period* . . . .531 CHEPMAN Walter Pitcairn's Criminal Trials; Blackwood's Edin. Mag. L; Traditions of Edinburgh 536 CHEYNE George M.D. [ Biog. Brit. 538 CLAPPEKTON Hugh An. Obit. 1829; M'Diarmid's Sketches of Nature; Lander's Records of Clapperton 541 CLEGHORN George Wood's Parish of Cramond; Lettsom's Memoirs 551 CLELAND William Blackwood's Edin. Mag. L 608 ; art. John Cleland in Chalmers's Biograph. Die.; Watt's Biblio. Brit> Border Minstrelsy 552 CLERK John of Eldiu [ Life by Professor Playfair in Transac. Edin. Roy. Soc. viii.; Quar. Rev. 1830 555 COCHRANE Archibald ninth earl of Dundonaid [ An. Obit. 1832 ; Wood's Peerage . . 560 COCKBUBN John of Ormiston [ Farmer's Mag. 1804; Edin. Mag. 1795; Family Memoir MS. . . .561 COLQUHOUN Patrick An. Obit. 1821; Ed. Mag. 1821 . . 564 CONSTABLE Archibald Private Information; Personal Knowledge; Encyc. Brit. 1th edition . . .567 COUTTS Thomas New An. Register 1825 . .571 CRAIG James M.A.[ Chalmers's Biog. Die. .... 572 CRAIG John [ Divine Scots Worthies; Wodrow's Ana MS.j Histories of the Period . . .572 CRAIG John Mathematician Watt's Biblio. Brit. . . . .573 CRAIG (Sir) Thomas Life by P. F. Tytler . . . .574 CRAIG William Scots Mag. 1813; Information communicated by Sir William Macleod Bannatyne . . . . . . .576 CRAWFORD David Chalmers's Biog. Die.; Ban. Club's edit. of Historic of King James the Sext . 578 CREECH William Life prefixed to his Fugitive Pieces; Oral Information 579 CRICHTON James Biog. Brit.; Life by P. F. Tytler . . l CRUDEN Alexander Life prefixed to his Concordance; Biog. Brit.; Scots Mag. 1756 1770 . . 14 CRUICKSHANKS William Chalmers's Biog. Die. . . . .17 CULLEN William Thomson's Life of Cullen; Authorities stated in notes to the article . . 18 CUNNINGHAM Alexander fifth Earl of Glencairn [ Keith's Hist.; Pinkerton's Scott. Poems; M'Crie's Knox; Wood's Peerage; Saddler's State Papers 38 CUNNINGHAM Alexander Historian Tytler's Kames; Edin. Mag. 1789 . . 39 CURRIE James M.D. [ Life by his Son 2 vols. 8vo ... 40 DALGAENO George Napier's Supp. to Encyc. Brit. . . 44 DALRYMPLE Alexander Gent. Mag. 1802; Scots Mag. 1816 . 44 DALRYMPLE (Sir) David (Lord Hailes) Supp. to 4th ed. of Encyc. Brit.; Scots Mag. 1793 ; Edinburgh Mag. i. 167 415 ; G'ent. Mag. Ixii. 47 DALRYMPLE James Viscount Stair [ Park's Ro. and Nob. Authors; Murray's Lit. Hist of Galloway; Histories of the Period; Wood's Peerage . . . 84 DALRYMPLE John second Earl of Stair [ Wood's Peerage; Tale of a Grandfather ; Histories of the Period ... 56 DALZELL (Sir) Thomas Playfair's Family Antiquities ; Family Information; Swift's Life of Crichton . 58 DALZELL Andrew M.A. [ Scots Mag. 1807; Gent. Mag. Ixxxvii. . 61 DAVID I. King of Scots Histories of the Period .... 62 DAVIDSON John Scots Worthies; Calderwood's History; Wodrow's Lives MS. . . .64 DEMPSTER Thomas M'Kenzie's Lives ; M'Crie's Melville SBC. 67 DEMPSTER George Edin. An. Register 1818; Croker's Boswell; Farmer's Mag. . . .69 DICK (Sir) Alexander Trans of Ed. Roy. Soc. ii. ; Boswell's Johnson and Tour to Hebrides ... 73 DICK (Rev.) John Life prefixed to his Theological Lectures 74 DICKSON David Authorities given in notes ... 78 DOIG David LL.D. [ Tytler's Kames ; Edin. Mag. 1801 1802 82 DONALDSON John ent. Mag. 1801; Scots Mag. 1802; Edwards's Supp. to Walpole's Anecdotes 86 DONALDSON Walter Bayle's General Die. ... 87 DOUGALL John [ 87 DOUGLAS (Sir) Charles Gent. Mag. ; Quarterly Review xlii. . 88 DOUGLAS Gavin Biog. Brit ; Irving's Lives; Sibbald's Chronicle; Pinkerton's Anc. Scott. Poems; Henry's Hist of Gr. Brit. . 90 DOUGLAS (Sir) James Barbour; Histories of the Period . . 101 DOUGLAS James Earl of Morton [ Histories of the Period ; Chalmers's Life of Queen Mary 115 DOUGLAS James M.D. Authorities given in notes . . .130 DOUGLAS John Authorities given in notes . . .132 DOUGLAS John D.D. Bishop of Salisbury [ Life prefixed to his Works folio; Aunual Reg. 1807; Boswell's Johnson . . 132 DOUGLAS Robert Wodrow's Ana. MS.; Histories of the Period 134 DRUMMOND George Scots Mag. 1766 1802; Gent. Mag. xxxvi. ; Bower's Hist. Edin. Univ. . . .136 DRUMMOND Robert Hay Life prefixed to his Sermons; Forties's Life of Beattie 139 DRUMMOND William of Hawthornden [ His Works edited by Ruddiman; Drayton's Poems; Ben Johnson's Works by Gifford ; Douglas's Baronage . . 140 DRUMMOND (Sir) William An. Obit. 1829; Edin. Rev.; Works pamm 154 DRYSDALE John D.D. [ Trans of Ed. Roy. Soc. iii. ; Scots Mag. 1793 157 DUNBAR William Pinkerton's Ancient Scottish Poems ; Lord Treasurer's Books Gen. Register House 158 DUNCAN Adam Viscount Duncan [ MS. from a Correspondent . . .162 DUNCAN Andrew M.D. Senior [ Family Information; An. Obit. 1829 . 169 DUNCAN Andrew M.D. Junior [Family Information . 175 DUNCAN William Biog. Brit. 179 DUNDASSES of Arniston [ Trans of Edin. Roy. Soc. ii. ; Scots Mag. 1787 1801 ; Wood's Peerage . . 180 DUNDAS (Sir) David Public Characters 1803 1804; An.0bit.1823 187 DUNDAS Henry Viscount Melville [ Pub. Char. 1798 1799; Boswell's Johnson; Tomline's Life of Pitt; Hist of Reign of George III. 189 DUNLOP William Christ. Inst. 1827; App. to Wodrow 8vo edit. 203 DUNS John de Scotus [ Life in Scots Mag. 1817 by Pinkerton; Biog. Brit. 204 DURHAM James Scots Worthies; Wodrow's Ana. MS.j Baillie's Letters; Memoir prefixed to Durham on Scandal Glas. 1740 . . 207 ELLIOT George Augustus (Lord Heathfield) [ Brydges's Ed. of Collins's Peerage; Drink- water's Siege of Gibraltar; Chalmers's Biog. Die. 210 ELLIOT Murray Kynnynmond Gilbert Earl of Minto [ Gent. Mag. 1814; Playfair's Peerage; MS. notes by a friend of the Earl . . 212 ELPHINSTONE James Nichols's Anecdotes; Boswell's Johnson; Forbes's Beattie 214 ELPHINSTON William Bee iv. ; Histories of the Period . ERSKINE John Scotus [ Chalmers's Gen. Biog. Die. . . ^ ERSKINE David (Lord Dun) Scots Mag. 1764 223 ERSKINE David Stewart Earl of Buchan [ New Scots Mag. ii. . . - 223 ERSKINE Ebenezer Life by the Rev. Frazer; Acts of General Assembly of the Church of Scotland of the Associate Presbytery and of the Associate Synod; Pamphlets of the Period &c. &c. .... 225 ERSKINE Henry Lord Cardross [ Wood's Peerage ; Histories of the Period 242 ERSKINE (Hon.) Henry Ed. An. Register 1819; Edin. Lit. Jour- nal ; An. Obit. 1818 . . . - 243 ERSKINE John of Dun [ Scott's Lives of Reformers; Wodrow's Ana. MS. ; M'Crie's Knox and Melville 247 ERSKINE John Earl of Mar [ Wood's Peerage ; Histories of the Period 250 ERSKINE John of Carnock [ Wood's Peerage ; Erskine's Institutes . 264 ERSKINE (Dr) John Life by Sir H. Moncrieff Wellwood; Scots Mag. 1803; An.- Obit. 1821; Guy Mannering 266 ERSKINE Ralph Life Introductory to the folio edition of his Works ; Acts of General Assembly of the Church of Scotland of the Associate Presbytery and of the Associate Synod ; Pamphlets of the Period . . .273 EESKINE Thomas Alexander Earl of Kellie Wood's Peerage; Tradit. Information 277 EKSKINE Thomas Lord Erskine [ An. Obit. 1825; Ed. An. Reg. 1823 i Histories of the Period . 278 FALCONER William Anderson's British Poets; Clarke's edit of "The Shipwreck;" Life by Irving; Europ. Mag. 1830 . . .282 FERGUSON (Dr) Adam Scots Mag. 1797 1816; An. Obit. 1817; Public Characters 1799 1800 . . 286 FERGUSON James His Autobiography prefixed to his Select Mechanical Exercises; Nichols's Lit. Anec.j Button's Mathematical Die. . 291 FERGUSSON Robert Life by Sommers; Life by Irving; Life by Peterkin; Campbell's Hist. Scot. Poetry; Life by Mr. James Inverarity in Supp. to Encyc. Brit. 8d edit. ; Edin. Lit. Journal; Family Information . . .302 FINLAYSON James D.D. [ Scots Mag. 1808 817 FLEMING Robert Life prefixed to his Works . . .821 FLETCHER Andrew of Salton [ Life by Earl of Buchan ; Histories of the Period . . . 323 FLETCHER Andrew of Milton [ Bee xi. ; Home's History of Rebellion of 1745 331 FORBES Alexander Lord Pitsligo [ Memoir prefixed to his "Thoughts concern- ing Man &c., ed. 1829, . . .333 FORBES Duncan of Culloden [ Culloden Papers; Tytier's Kames; Histories of the Period; Edin. Review . 335 FORBES Patrick Biog. Brit.; Burnet'3 Life of BedeU . 351 FORBES John Life by Garden prefixed to his Works 1703; Keith's Catalogue . . .354 FORBES (Sir) William of Pitsligo [ Family Papers and Information . . 855 FORDYCE David Chalmers's Biog. Die. . . . .371 FORDYCE George Edin. Mag. xl.; Gent. Mag. 1802; Rees's Cyclopedia 372 FORDYCE James D.D. [ Funeral Sermon by Dr. J. Lindsay; An. Reg. 1796; Scots Mag. 1796 1797 . 374 FORDYCE (Sir) William M.D. [ . . .377 FORDUN John &c. [ Tytler's Lives of Scottish Worthies . 378 FORRESTER Rev. Thomas Bee iv.; Milne's Ace. of Melrose; Maidment's Pasquils 380 FORSYTH William Rees's Cyclopedia; Gent. Mag. 1804 1805 882 FOULIS Robert and Andrew Notices and documents illustrative of the Literary History of Glasgow presented to the Maitland Club by Richard Dun- can Esq 383 FRASER Simon Lord Lovat [ Histories of the Period ; Life of Lovat 1797 385 FULTON George Private Information .... 404 GALL Richard Starke's Biographia Scotica 1805 . . 405 GARDEN Francis Life prefixed to his Travelling Memoranda; Family Information; Papers in the Douglas cause .- . .405 GARDINER James LifebyDoddridge; Wodrow's Ana. MS. 409 GED William Edin. Mag. 1792 ; Letters to George Paton ; Private Information . . . .419 GEDDES (Dr) Alexander Edin. Mag. xl. ; Scots Mag. 1802; Life by J. Mason Good ; Notices in his own writings &c. f ...... 420 GEDDES James Chalmers's Biog. Die. .... 428 GEDDES Michael Birch's Life of Tillotson ; Athense Oxon. 228 GERARD Alexander D.D. [ His Works; Supp. to Encyc. Brit. 3d edit.; Forbes's Beattie; Funeral Sermon by Rev. Skene Ogilvie; Proposals for plan of Education in Marischal College . 429 GERARD Gilbert D.D. [ Biographic Universelle ; Family Inform. 433 GIB Adam Art. Seceders in Encyclop. Brit. ; Starke's Biog. Scot.; Scots Mag. 1765 . . 435 GIBBS James Europ. Mag. 1789 ; Walpole's Anec. ; Maitland's Hist of London; Hist of Oxford ; Hist of Cambridge; Plans of Ratcliffe Library by Gibbs ; Cunningham's Lives of British Painters &c. . . .436 GIBSON (Sir) Alexander Douglas's Baronage; Forbes's Journal of the Session; Lament's Diary; his own Decisions 441 GIBSON Patrick Family Information .... 442 GILLESPIE George Scots Worthies; Wodrow's Ana. MS. . 445 GILLESPIE (Rev.) Thomas Scots Mag. passim ; Authorities quoted in notes; Private Information . . 447 GILLESPIE (Rev.) William Murray's JLit. Hist of Galloway . . 453 GLASS John Life appended to his collected Works ; History of the Glassites; Writings of Mr. Sandeman &c. ..... 453 GLENNIE James An. Obit. 1818 . - . . . .455 GOODAL Walter Chalmers's Ruddiman; Introduction to Pinkerton's Inquiry; Minutes of Faculty of Advocates . . . .458 GORDON Alexander Nichols's Bowyer 469 GORDON (Lord) George Wood's Peerage; Histories of the Period; Magazines passim . . . .460 GORDON James Chalmers's Biog. Die. . . .472 GORDON Robert of Straloch [ Family Information . . .472 GORDON Robert Contributed by a Local Inquirer . . 475 GORDON Thomas Murray's Lit. History of Galloway; art. Trenchard in Biog. Brit.; Chalmers's Biog. Die. 479 GORDON William of Earlston [Hist of the Period ; Wodrow's Ana. MS. 481 GOW Nathaniel Family Information . . .482 GOW Neil Scots Mag. 1809 ; Family Information . 487 GRAHAM Dougal New edition of M'Ure's Hist of Glasgow 492 GRAHAME (Rev.) James Edin. An. Reg. 1812; Blackwood's Mag.i. 494 GRAHAM James Marquis of Montrose [ Wood's Peerage; Histories of the Period 498 GBAHAM John Viscount Dundee Wood's Peerage; Histories of the Perioa 527 GRATNGER James Gent. Mag. lxi. ; Chal. Biog. Die. . . 532 GRANT (Sir) Francis Haig and Brunton's Lords of Session; Biog Brit; Wodrow's Ana. MS.; Political Pam- phlets of the Period . 633 GREIG (Sir) Samuel Scots Mag. 1789 . . B37 GREGORY David Encyclopedia Britatmica; Aikin's General Biog. Die.; Life and Writings of Dr. John Gregory; Button's Mathemat. Die. &c 538 GREGORY James Life by Tytler prefixed to his Works 641 GREGORY James M.D.[ Edin. Mag. 1821 ; Bell's Letters on Professional Character ; Private Information 544 GREGORY (Dr) John Smellie's Lives 545 GREY Alexander MS. contributed by a Local Inquirer . 648 GUILD William Sheriff's Life of Guild Aberd. 1799 . 650 GUTHRIE Henry Authorities quoted in notes . . .661 GUTHRIE James Scots Worthies ; Wodrow's Ana. MS. . 653 GUTHRIE William Divine Scots Worthies; Memoir prefixed to the Christian's Great Interest ; Life by the Rev. William Muir . . . .556 GUTHRIE William [ Miscellaneous Writer Disraeli's Calamities of Authors; Boswell's Johnson 559 HACKSTON David of Rathillet [ Scots Worthies; Wodrow's Hist.; Crichton's Memoirs . . 562 HALKET Anne Ballard's Memoirs . 665 HALL (Sir) James Gent. Mag. 1832; Family Information; Transactions of Royal Society . . 666 HALYBURTON Thomas Leland's Deistical Writers; Life written partly by himself . . . .569 HAMILTON Antony Moreri's Gen. Die.; Works of Count A. Hamilton ; Evelyn's Diary . . 570 HAMILTON Gavin Bee xvi.; Scots Mag. 1793; Biog. Univ. . 573 HAMILTON Patrick Lawson's Memoirs of Hamilton &c. . 675 HAMILTON Robert LL.D. [ An. Obit. 1830 ; Family and Local Information; Works and Life prefixed to Progress of Society 576 HAMILTON James first Duke of Hamilton [ Burnet's Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton ; Histories of the Period . . 583 HAMILTON James fourth Duke of Hamilton [ Histories of the Period ; Lives English and Foreign London 3704 . . .659 HAMILTON John Life by Lord Hailes . . . .697 HAMILTON John Archbishop of St. Andrews [ Mackenzie's Lives ; Histories of the Period; Crawford's Officers of State . 600 HAMILTON (Sir) William Wood's Peerage; Biographic Contemporaire; Baldwyn's Lit. Journal 1804; Antiquites Etrusques Greques et Romaines par D'llaucerville . HAMILTON William M.D 6 HAMILTON William of Bangour [ Anderson's Brit Poets; Tytler's Kames; the Lounger; Transactions of Scot Antiq. iii. . ...? HART Andrew Baun. Miscel. .... - 15 HENRY the Minstrel Irving's Lives of Scot. Poets; Jamieson's edit of Bruce and Wallace; Tytler's Scot. Worthies 15 HENDERSON Alexander Scots Worthies; Retrospective Review xiii. 219; Chambers's Hist of Rebellions 1638-1660; Cook's Hist of Church of Scotland ;Wodrow's Ana. MS. . . 17 HENRY (Dr) Robert Life prefixed to his History; Scots Mag. 1796 ; Calamities of Authors; Edin. Rev. and Magazine i.; Political Herald; Magazines of the Period passim ... 28 HENRYSON Edward LL.D. [ Authorities quoted in note* 54 HENRYSON Robert Abridged from Memoir by Dr Irving prefixed to Bannerman Club edit of Henry son's Fables 36 HEPBURN James Bonaventura Authorities quoted in notes ... 39 HEPBURN Robert Tytler's Kames ..... 42 HEED David Percy's Letters to Patou; Scots Mag. 1810; Private Information . . 43 HERIOT George Memoirs (by A. Constable) 12mo 1822; Authorities quoted in notes . . 43 HERON Robert Murray's Lit. Hist of Galloway; D'Israeli's Calamities of Authors ... 46 HILL (Dr) George Life by Dr Cook; Acts of General Assembly of the Church of Scotland; Letters to Dr Hill on the Constitution and Management of the Church of Scotland &c. 50 Hoc (Sir) Roger Authorities quoted in notes ... 57 HOLYBUSH John Mackenzie's Lives i. ; Hist. Lit. Gentis Scot. MS. Adv. Lib.; Bulaei Historia TMversitatis Parisiensio ... 69 HOME Henry (Lord Kames) [ Life by Tytler; Magazines passim ; Smellie's Lives; Works .... 61 HOME John Life by Mackenzie; Boswell's Johnson; Stewart's Life of Robertson . .72 HOPE John Earl of Hopetoun [ Edin. Annual Reg. 1823 ; Napier's Penins. Campaigns; An. Obit. 1824 . . 79 HOPE (Sir) Thomas Wood's Parish of Cramond and Peerage 84 HOHNER Francis Annual Register ; (Constable's) Edinburgh Magazine; Cobbett's Register . . 86 HORSLEY John Life by Rev. Mr Hodgson quoted in the. article ...... 9C HUME Alexander Sibbald's Chronicle of Scottish Poetry; Leyden's Collection of Scottish Descriptive Poems; Dempster; Memoir prefixed to his Hymns and Sacred Songs Ban. Club 92 HUME David of Godscroft [ Sources of information mentioned in the article .'.... 96 HUME David Life by Ritchie; Life by himself; Mackenzie's Life of Hume; Hardy's Mem. of Charlemont;' Life by Smellie; Warburton's Letters to Herd; Collection of fugitive letters in possession of the editor 102 HUME Patrick Alexander and Hugh Earls of Marchmont [ Marchmont Papers ; Wood's Peerage; Crawford's Officers of State; Fox's Hist. Work; Observations on the same by Rose; Haig and Brunton's Historical Ace. of the Court of Session; Oswald's Correspondence 133 HUME Patrick Tytler's Kames ; Blackwood's Edinburgh Mag.iv .144 HUNTEE (Dr) Henry Memoirs 1805; Gent. Mag. Ixii.; Rees's Cyclopedia H4 HUNTER William Life by Symmons 1783; References throughout the article; Monthly Re- view li. Ixxv. Ixxvi. &c. . . .147 HUNTER John Life by Edward Home; Periodical Works passim 156 HUTTON (Dr) James Trans of Ed. Roy. Soc. ?. ... 175 INGLIS (Sir) James Leyden's edit of Complaynt of Scotland ; Irving's Lives of Scot. Poets; Sibbald's Chronicle; Lives of Em Scotsmen . 182 INNES Thomas His Works passim ; Wodrow's Ana. MS.j Pinkerton's Inquiry; Edin. Review xii. 280 0.183 IRVINE Christopher Sibbald'a Bibliotheca Scot. MS. Adv. Lib.; Prefaces to his Publications; Acts of Scottish Parlia.; Family Information; Catalogue of Scots Writers edited by Mr J. Maidment . 137 JACK Gilbert Funeral Oration ; Freheri Theatrum Virorum Eruditorum ; Works . . 139 JACK Thomas M'Crie's Life of Melville; Onomasticon Poeticum 191 JAMES I. King of Scots Histories of the Period; Tytler's Lives of Scot. Worthies . . 193 JAMES IV. Histories of the Period . 205 JAMES V. Histories of the Period . . . .212 JAMES VI. Life of James the First Constable's Miscellany; Hist of the Period; Pitcairn's Criminal Trials ; Edin. Lit. Journal . 228 JAMESONE George Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting; Bee xiv. ; Council Records of Aberdeen; Pennant's Tour in Scotland; Histories of Aberdeen; Survey of the City of Aberdeen by Philopoliteius ; Cunning- ham's Lives of Painters . . 242 JARDINE George A.M. [ Family Information . . . . 248 JOHNSTON (Sir) Archibald of Warriston [ Authorities quoted in notes . . .252 JOHNSTON (Dr) Arthur Authorities quoted in notes . 264 JOHNSTONE James Gent and Month. Magazines 1802; Doddridge's Letters p. 354 . . . 270 JOHNSTON John Authorities quoted in notes . 271 JOHNSTON Robert Authorities quoted in notes . . . 274 JONES Paul Life of Paul Jones ; Private Information 275 KAY John Family Information . . . . 281 KEILL James Authorities quoted in notes . . . 284 KEILL John Authorities quoted in notes . . . 284 KEITH-ELPHINSTONE George Viscount Keith [ Wood's Peerage; Edin. Annual Reg. 1823; An. Obit. 1824 289 KEITH George fifth Earl Marischal [ Authorities quoted in notes and Historical Works connected with Aberdeen and the Universities of Scotland . 293 KEITH (the Hon.) James MS. Memoir in possession of the Editor 298 KEITH Robert Preface to Russell's edition of his Catalogue 305 KENNEDY James Mackenzie's Lives; Crawford's Officers of State; Histories of the Period . . 807 KER John Duke of Roxburghe [ Wood's Peerage; Quarterly Review xliv Dibdm's Bibliographical Decameron j Nichols's Preface to the Roxburghe Catalogue .... 809 KER Robert Earl of Ancrum [ ^PQle'^Roy.^and Nob. Authors by Park ; Private Information KIRKALDY William Chalmers's Life of Queen Mary; Memoir by Mr Graham Dalyell . . 318 KIRKWOOD James Watt's Bibliotheca; Sibbald's Bib. Scot. MS. Adv. Lib.; Chalmers's Ruddiman 325 KNOX John Life by M'Crie . . . LAING Alexander Gordon Composed chiefly from Family Information by the late Rev. William Craig Dalkeith brother-in-law to Major Laing . . 336 LAING Malcolm Ed. An. Reg. 1818; Biographic dea Contemporains; Fox's Letters . . . 845 LAUDER (Sir) John Lord Fountainhall [ Authorities quoted in notes; Family Information ...... 349 LAUDER William Authorities quoted in notes . .. . 356 LAW John Life by J. P. Wood . . .561 LEIGHTON Robert Life by Murray; Life by Pearson; Burnet's History of his Own Times ; Bower's Hist of the Univ. of Edin. . . .376 LEITH (Sir) James Histories of Peninsular War; Family Information ...... 388 LESLIE Alexander Earl of Leven [ Histories of the Period ; Wood's Peerage 396 LESLIE David Lord Newark [ Histories of the Period ; Wood's Peerage 403 LESLEY George Life by Lord Hailes; Scots Mag. 1802; other authorities quoted in notes . 407 LESLIE John Bishop of Clogher and his son Charles [ Chalmers's Biog. Die. ; Memoir of Charles Leslie prefixed to late Oxford edition of his Works 411 LESLIE John Bishop of Ross [ Mackenzie's Lives; Histories of the Period; Chalmers's Biog. Die. ; Bann. Club edition of his " Historic . . 413 LESLIE (Sir) John Family Information; Report of the Case of Mr Leslie; Obit. Notices in Caledonian Mercury and Edin. Courant . . 416 LEYDEN John Life by Scott in Edin. An. Reg. 1811 ; Life to his prefixed Poems . 426 LIUDKL (Dr) Duncan Authorities quoted in notes . . 44( LINDSAY (Sir) David Life by G. Chalmers prefixed to his Works; Irving's Lives of Scot. Poets . . 449 LINDSAY John Earl of Crawford and Lindsay His Wife [ 8vo } Wood's Peerage . . 453 LINDSAY Robert of Pitscottie [ Preface to his Chronicles . . .459 LITHGOW William His Travels; Traditionary Information . 460 LIVINGSTONE John Life published in 1754; Murray's Lit. Hist. of Galloway 464 LOCKHART (Sir) George Authorities quoted in notes . . .471 LOCKHART George of Carnwath [ Lockhart Papers; Stuart Papers; Histories of the Rebellion of 1715 ; Pamphlets of the Period &c. . . . .476 LOCKHART (Sir) William of Lee [ Authorities quoted in notes . . .481 LOGAN George Chalmers's Life of Ruddiman and other authorities quoted in notes . . 488 LOGAN John Anderson's Brit. Poets ; Private Information 490 LOTHIAN (Dr) William Trans. Ed. Roy. Soc. i. . . . . 493 LOVE John Chalmers's Ruddiman .... 493 LOW George Preface to Fauna Orcadensis . . .494 LOWE John Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song 495 MACDIARMID John Atheuseum iii. ; D'Israeli's Calamities . 496 MACDONALD Andrew D'Israeli's Calamities; Campbell's Hist. Scot. Poetry; Ediu. Mag. 1819; Gent. Mag. Ix. ; Biographia Dramatica . 497 MACFARLANE Robert Gent. Mag. Ixxiv. 500 MACINTYRE Duncan Reid's Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica; Private Information 501 MACKENZIE George Earl of Cromarty [ Wood's Parish of Cramond . . .604 MACKENZIE (Sir) George Ruddiman's edition of his Works; Authorities quoted in notes . . . .505 MACKENZIE Henry British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits; Ballantyne's Novelist's Library; Private Information 513 MACKINTOSH (Sir) James An. Obit. 1834; Inverness Courier Newspaper 51? MACKNIGHT (Dr) James Life by his son prefixed to his Work on the Epistles 525 MACLAURIN Colin Biog. Brit.; Culloden Papers . . 529 MACNEIL Hector Edin. An. Reg. 1818; Ed. Lit. Journal ii. 639 MACPHEHSON James Scots Mag. 1796; Brewster's Encyc.; all the Works connected with the Ossian Controversy alluded to in the article 541 MAIR (or MAJOR) John Authorities quoted in notes . . .553 MAITLAND (Sir) Richard Authorities quoted in notes . . .556 MAITLAND William Nicholas Bouyer 553 MALCOLM (Sir) John A. Obit. 1834; Carlisle Patriot . . 663 MALLET David Anderson's British Poets; An. Reg. ix. xxiii.; Wilkes's Correspondence . 567 M'GAVIN William Funeral Sermon by the Rev. Greville Ewing; Family Information . 572 MELVILLE Andrew Life by M'Crie 1 MELVILLE James His Diary; Authorities quoted in notes 8 MELVILLE (Sir) James Memoirs by himself Bann. Club edition; Wood's Peerage .... 23 MESTON William Life prefixed to bis Poems; Aberdeen Mag ....... 29 MICKLE William Julius Scots Mag. 1789; Johnson and Chalmers's British Poets; Oral Information . 81 MILLAR John Life by Craig ; Edin. Rev. iii. . 83 MITCHELL Joseph Biographia Dramatica . . . 36 MUNRO Alexander M.D. Secundus (including Memoir of Dr Munro Primus) Life by Dr Duncan Edin. An. Reg. 1817; An. Obit. 1818; An. Reg. 1780; Life prefixed to Works of Dr Munro Primus 37 MONTEATH George Cunningham Family Information . . .44 MONTGOMERY Alexander Life prefixed to Irving's edition of his Works ...... MOOR James LL.D. [ Appendix to Notices and Documents illustrative of the Literary History of Glasgow presented by Richard Duncan Esq. to the Maitland Club '.;* i^rx* 47 MOORE (Dr) John Anderson's edition of his Works; Scots Mag. 1790; Edin. Encyc. . MOORE (Sir) John Rees's Cyc.; An. Reg.; Public Characters ; Scots Mag. 1809 ; Dr Cleland's Enumeration; Narrative of the Campaign in Spain by Dr James Moore &c. MORISON Robert Pulteney's Sketches; Rees's Cyc. Oxon. ii MUNRO (Sir) Thomas Life and Correspondence 3 vols. . MURE (Sir) William Lyle's Ballads and Songs MURRAY Alexander D.D. [ Life by Sir H. Moncrieff Wellwood; Murray's Lit. Hist of Galloway . MURRAY Patrick Lord Elibank [ Park's Walpole; Wood's Peerage; Boswell's Johnson . . . . .77 MURRAY (Sir) Robert Authorities quoted in notes ... 79 MURRAY William Earl of Mansfield [ Authorities quoted in notes ... 81 MILNE Robert Chalmers's Gen. Biog. Die. ... 87 NAPIER John Life by Earl of Buchan; Wood's Peerage; Button's Dictionary; Library of Entertaining Knowledge .... 88 NICOLL Alexander D.C.L. [ Family Information . . . .92 OGILVIE John D.D. [ Lives of Scottish Poets ii.; Scots Mag. 1814 OGILVY John Aikin's Gen. Biog.; Starke's Biog. Scot. PARKER David Lit. Hist of Galloway PARK Mungo Scots Mag. 1815; Edin. Mag. 1819; his Travels; Lives of Travellers in the National Library; Lander's Travels; Private Information .... PATERSON William Statistical Account of the Parish of Tin- wald; History of the Settlement of Darien; History of the Bank of England; M'Crie's Lives of Bryson and Veitch &c. . i . PATRICK Saint Trans of Antiq. Soc. of Scotland ii PENNECUIK Alexander Scots Mag. 1805 1806 .... PERRY William An. Obit. 1823 ; Edin. Mag. 1822 PINKERTON John Authorities quoted in notes . PITCAIRNE (Dr) Archibald Life by Webster 1781; Chalmers's Ruddiman; Tytler's Kames . . -128 PLAYFAIR John Authorities quoted in notes . . .130 PLAYFAIR William An. Obit. 1824 . . . 18 POLLOK Robert Authority quoted in note . . . 138 PONT Robert Authorities quoted in notes . . .141 PONT Timothy Authorities quoted in text and notes . 143 PRINGLE (Sir) John Life by Dr Kippis; Sir H. Moncrieff Wellwood's Life of Dr Erskine . . 144 RAEBURN (Sir) Henry An. Obit. 1824; Cunningham's Lives of Painters; Family Information . . 146 RAMSAY Allan Poet [ Life by Chalmers prefixed to an edition of his Works London 1800; Life by W. Tennant Author of Anster Fair; Notices hi the Scots Mag. Pamphlets &c . . .161 RAMSAY Allan Painter [ Cunningham's Lives of Painters; Edward's Walpole; Tytler's Kames; Ed. An. Reg. 1813 ; Chalmers's Gen. Biog. Die.; Private Information . . 168 RAMSAY Andrew Michael Biog. Brit.; Memoir by himself; Swift's Works; Private Information . . 160 REID (Dr) Thomas Authorities quoted in text and notes . 162 RENWICK John Edinburgh Encyclopedia; Edin. Mag. 1821 168 RENWICK James Life by A. Shields; Wodrow's History; Scots Worthies fcc. ... 171 RICHARDSON William Scots Mag. 1814; the Student (a small periodical work published at Glasgow) quoted in Edin. Mag. 1820 . . 176 ROBERTSON Alexander Family Papers ROBERTSON William Life by Stewart ; Life of Home ROBISON (Dr) John Life by Professor Playfair ROLLOCK Robert Spotswood's History of the Church of Scotland; Aikin's General Biography; M'Crie's Melville &c 189 ROSE George Ed. An. Register 1818 .... 194 Ross Alexander Miscellaneous Writer Grainger's Biograph. Hist. iii. ; Hudibras ; Censura Literaria iv. ; Sir R. Sibbald's MS 196 ROSS Alexander Divine [ Contributed by a Local Inquirer . . 1W ROSS Alexander Poet [ Life by Alex. Thomson and other authorities quoted in text and notes . . 198 ROW John Memorials of the Family of Ure ; Council Records of Aberdeen; Polemical Pamphlets- of the Period> . ROXBURGH William ROY William Watt's Bibliotheca ; An. Register xxxii. 523 An. Obit. 1817 RUDDIMAN Thomas Life by George Chalmers RUNCIMAN Alexander Cunningham's Lives of Painters; Scots Mag. 1802 RUSSELL Alexander Scots Mag. 1771 RUSSELL William Life by Dr Irving in Blackwood's Mag. iii. ; Chalmers's Gen. Biog. Die. . RUTHERFORD John Greig's Supp. to Encyc. Brit. . RUTHERFORD Samuel History of the Church of Scotland; Livingston's Characteristics; Scots Worthies; Life by the Rev. Thomas Murray Edin. &c RYMER Thomas Sir Walter Scott's edition of Sir Tristram; Irving's Lives of Scottish Poets SAGE John Life by Gillan; Greig's Supp. to Encyc. Brit. ; Chalmers's Ruddiman . SCOTT Michael Edin. Mag. 1820 SCOTT (Sir) Walter Life forming Supplement to Chambers's Edinburgh Journal; Private Inform. SCOUGAL Henry Contributed by a Local Inquirer . SCRIMGER Henry M'Kenzie's Lives; M'Crie's Melville &c. SHARP James Wodrow's History; Life of Archbishop Sharp SHORT James Trans of Ant. Soc. of Scotland SIBBALD James Family Information .... SIBBALD (Sir) Robert Pulteney's Sketches; Edin. Mag. xl; Boswell's Johnson .... SINCLAIR George Records of Univ. of Glasgow; IJdin. Rev. xx. ; Wodrow's Life of D. Dickson SIMSON (Dr) Robert Life by Dr Traill Encyc. Brit. SKINNER John Ecclesiastical Magazine 1833 SMELLIE William Life by Robert Kerr .... SMKTON Thomas Authorities quoted in notes . SMITH Adam Life by Dugald Stewart . SMOLLETT Tobias Life by Anderson; Private Information SOMERVTELE (Dr) Thomas Annual Obit. 1824; Private Information; Historical Works . . . .803 SPOTISWOOD John [ Superintendent Wodrow's Biograph. Collections . . 306 SPOTiSWOOD John Archbishop [ Life prefixed to his History; Stevenson's History of the Church and State of Scotland; Historical and Critical Dictionary &c. . . r V . 806 SPOTISWOOD (Sir) Robert Life prefixed to his Praeticks ; History of the Rebellious from 1638 to 1660 in Constable's Miscellany . . .811 STEUART (Sir) James Life prefixed to his Works; Orig. Letters from Lady M. W. Montague to Sir James Steuart 813 STEWART Dugal An. Obit. 1829; Edinburgh Encyclopedia 316 STEWART (Dr) Matthew Life by Playfair in Trans. R. Soc. Ed. i. 824 STEWART (General) David An. Obit. 1831 326 STONE Edmund Button's Mathem. Dictionary . . 328 STRAHAN William Authorities quoted .... 829 STRANG (Dr) John Authorities quoted .... 331 STRANGE (Sir) Robert Scots. Mag. 1761 1762 ; Gent. Mag. Ixii.; Chalmers's Gen. Biog. Die. . . .836 STUART Mary Histories of the Period; Bell's Life of Mary Queen of Scots . . .838 STUART James Earl of Moray [ Histories of the Period . . . 849 STUART John Earl of Bute [ Wood's Peerage; Nichols's Anecdotes; Brydges's Peerage . . .852 STUART Gilbert Authorities quoted . . . . .855 TANNAHILL Robert Family Information . . ... 861 TAYLOR James Family Papers . .... 365 TELFORD Thomas Obituary notices &c. .... 368 THOMSON (Dr) Andrew Life prefixed to Posthumous volume of Sermons 370 THOMSON James Authorities and Sources of Information quoted ...... 873 THOMSON (Dr) William An. Obit. 1818 . . ;f v >> . 878 TURNBULL William MTJre's History of Glasgow; Keith's Scottish Bishops &c. . . . . 879 TYLER William Trans of Roy. Soc. Ed. iv.; Life of Beattie 383 TYLER Alexander Fraser Trans of Roy. Soc. Ed. viii . . .885 TYLER James Life published anonymously; Private Information 891 URQUHART (Sir) Thomas Retrospective Rev. vi 894 WALLACE William Forduu; Rymer's Foedera; Anderson's Numismata ; Barbour ; Henry the Min- strel; English Chronicles; Statistical Account of Scot. ; Dalrymple's Annals ; Tytler'a History of Scotland; Henry's Britain . . - . 8% WALLACE James Scots Worthies; M'Crie's Lives of Veitcli and Bryson &c. 411 WALLACE Robert D.D. [ Scots Magaz. 1771 1809 ; Retrospective Rev. ii. ; Ritchie's Life of Hume ; Family Information 415 WARDLAW Henry Spotswood's History of the Church of Scotland; Keith's Scottish Bishops; History of St. Andrews &c. . . 417 WATSON Robert D.D. [ Encyc. Brit.; Bee vii> viii.; Scots Mag. 1781; Croker's Boswell; Prefaces to Works 420 WATT James Edin. Encyc. articles Watt Bleaching and Inland Navigation; Edin. Rev. vol. xiii.; Cleland's Progress of the Commerce and Manufactures of Glasgow; Tred- gold on the Steam Engine; Galloway on the Steam Engine; Gregory's Mechanic vol. ii; Private Information . 422 WATT Robert M.D. [ Family Information WAUGH Alexander D.D.[ Life of Dr Waugh 8vo .... WEBSTER Alexander D.D. [ Scots Magaz. 1802; Chamber's Scottish Songs ; Traditional Information . - 442 WEDDERBURN Alexander Earl of Rosslyn [ Brydges's Peerage ; History of the Reign of George III. ; Family Memoirs MS. 446 WEDDERBURN James Family Memoirs MS.; Sibbald's Chronicle of Scottish Poetry ... 448 WEDDERBURN David Authorities quoted in notes . . .450 WELCH John Scots Worthies ; M'Crie's Life of Knox * . 452 WELLWOOD (Sir) Henry Moncrieff Bart. D.D. [ Christian Instructor 1828 . . .456 WILKIE William D.D. [ Anderson's British Poets . . .461 WILLIAM King of Scots Dalrymple's Annals . . . . 464 WILLOCK John Authorities quoted in notes* . . 465 WILLISON John Life prefixed to his Works 4to . . 467 WILSON Alexander Life prefixed to his Ornithology in Constable's Miscellany ; Life in Sparkes's Library of American Biography . . 468 WILSON Florence Dempster Mackenzie's Scots Writers; Buchanan's Works . . . .478 WINRAM John Wodrow's Biog. Collections MS. . . 478 WISHART George Knox's History; Spotswood; M'Crie's Knox ; Tytler's History of Scotland . 480 WISHART George Bishop [ Keith's Catalogue; Balfour's Annals; Wodrow's History; Constable's Miscellany xxxiL *8 4 WITHERSPOON John Christ. Instruc. 1829; Funeral Sermon by Rodgers ^ WODROW Robert Life prefixed to his History Glasgow 1828 . . ... WYNTOWN Andrew Irving's Lives of Scottish Poets; Ellis 9 Specimens YOUNG Patrick Aitkin's Gen. Biog. Dictionary
ABEBCBOMBIE John M.D.[ Edin. Quarterly Medical Jour.; Obituaries 1
AGNEW (Sir) Andrew [ Playfair's Domestic Antiq.; Sir W. Scott Tales of a Grandfather; Scots Mag. . 4
ALISON (Rev.) Archibald M.A. LL.B. Penny Cyclopedia ; An. Reg. ; Gent. Mag. 7
ALLAN (Sir) William Art. TJuion JOUTH.; Family Information; Obituaries 9
ANDEESON (Rev.) Christopher Life by his Nephew ;
ARMSTRONG John of Gilnockie [ Pitscottie; Sir Walter Scott's Border Antiquities
BAILLIE Joanna Family Information ....
BALTOIJR (Dr) Robert Family Information .
BALMER (Rev.) Robert D.D. [ Life prefixed to his Lectures and Dis-
BABTON Andrew Buchanan's and Tytler's Hists. of Scotland 35
BELL (Sir) Charles [ Penny Cyclopedia . . ...nv:
BELL James Private Information .
BIBNIK (Sir) Richard Gent. Mag. .....
BLANE (Sir) Gilbert M.D. [ Penny Cyclopedia . . . .
BURNES (Sir) Alexander Burnes' Travels in Bokhara; Histories of India; Obituaries . . . .?- -fll
BURNET James Cunningham's Lives of Eminent Painters 57
BURNS Allan Annual Register . . . . .59
BURNS John M.D. [ Family Information .... 60
CALDER (Sir) Robert Bart. James's Naval Hist.; Naval Hist and Biog. of Great Britain ; Alison's Hist of Europe . . ..... 62
CAMERON Donald of Lochiel [ Smibert's Clans of the Highlands of Scotland; Browne's Hist of the Highlands ; Memoirs of Sir Ewan Cameron pub. by Abbotsford Club ..... 68
CAMPBELL (Sir) Archibald Bart. G.C.B. &c. Annual Register ..... 74
CAMPBELL (Rev.) John Dr Gardener's Memoirs of Eminent Missionaries . . . . . .76
CAMPBELL Thomas Dr Beattie's Life of Campbell . . 81
CHALMERS Alexander M.A. F.S.A. [ Geut. Mag ........ 95
CHALMERS (Rev.) Thomas D.D. [ Hanna's Life of Dr. Chalmers ; Oral communications; Personal Recollections . 98
COCHRANE (Sir) Alexander Forrester Inglis G.C.B. Marshall's Naval Biog .. . . .145
COMBE Andrew M.D. [ Life by George Combe W.S. . . .148
COOK (Rev.) George D.D. [ Fifeshire Journal ..... 154
CUNNINGHAM Allan Hog's Reminiscences; An. Obit.; Gent. Mag.; Frazer's Mag. . . . .155
DALE David Authority stated iu note . . .161
DALZELL (Sir) John Graham Bart. Gent. Mag. ...... 177
DOUGLAS Archibald (Bell-the-Cat) Hume of Godscroft; Tytier's History of Scotland; Scottish Histories . . 179
DOUGLAS David Taunton Courier; Penny Cyclopedia . 185
DOUGLAS James Earl of Douglas [ Hume of Godscroft ; Scottish Histories 187
DOUGLAS William (Knight of Liddesdale) Hume of Godscroft; Tytler's Hist of Scotland; Sir W. Scott's Historical Notices 191
DOUGLAS (Sir) William Fordun; Buchanan .... 197
DRUMMOND (Captain) Thomas Life of and article on Drummond Light in Penny Cyclopedia .... 199
DUNCAN (Rev.) Henry D.D. [ Life by Rev. George Duncan . . 201
DUNCAN John Annual Register . . . . .211
DUNCAN Thomas R.S.A. A R.A. [ Gent. Mag. ; Art Union Journal . . 212
FORDYCE (Colonel) John Family Information; Personal Recollections 214
GALLOWAY (Sir) Arcliibald K.C.B. [ Gent. Mag 218
GALT John Gait's Autobiog. and Reminiscences . 219
GARDNER George Family Information; Personal Recollections 228
GREIR Walter Life prefixed to his Sketches by Sir Thos. DickLauder 232
GILTILLAN Robert Life prefixed to his Poems by W. Anderson 234
GILLESPIE (Rev.) Thomas D.D. [ An. Reg.; Edin. Courant; Personal Recol- lections . 236
GILLIES John LL.D. F.R.S. F.A.S.[ An. Obit.; Penny Cyclopedia ; An. Reg. 237
GORDON (Rev.) Robert D.D. [ Free Church Mag. ; Personal Recollections 239
GRAHAM Thomas Lord Lynedoch [ Military Hist and Biog. of Great Britain; Gent. Mag. ; Alison's Hist of Europe 245
GRANT Mrs. of Laggan [ Edin. Courant 252
GRANT (Sir) William An. Obit. 255
HALDANE James Alexander Memoirs of Robert and James Haldane by Alexander Haldane Esq. . . .257
HALDANE Robert Do. do. . . . 266
HALL (Captain) Basil Penny Cyclopedia ; Rose's Biog. Die. ; Captain Hall's published Works . . 279
HENDERSON Thomas Penny Cyclopedia; An. Reg. . . . 286
HEPBURNE James Earl of Bothwell [ Calderwood's History Wodrow edition; Tytler's Hist of Scotland; Mignet's Hist of Queen Mary; Scottish Histories 289
HERIOT John Popular Encyclopedia ; Gent. Mag. . 297
HEUGH (Rev.) Hugh D.D. [ Life by the Rev. H. M. Macgili . . 299
HOGG James Hogg's Autobiographies; Obituaries; Lock- hart's Life of Sir Walter Scott . . 802
HORSBURGH James Asiatic Journal . .... 816
INGLIS Henry David Gent. Mag.; Literary Gazette . . 318
IRVING (Rev.) Edward Jones's Life of Irving; Dr Hannah Life of Dr. Chalmers; Personal Recollections 320
IVOEY James Marquis of Northampton's Address to the Royal Society Nov. 1842 834
JAMIESON (Rev. Dr) Scotsman ; Gent. Mag. . . . .838
JEFFREY Francis Lord Life by Lord Cockburn . . 840
KEITH (Sir) Robert Murray Keith's Life and Correspondence . 854
KEMP George Meikle Chambers's Edinburgh Journal . . 360
KEMP Kenneth G. Annual Register .- - 864
KNOX William Life prefixed to the last edit of his Poems ; Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott . 865
LANDSBOROUGH David D.D. [ Family Information . . . 868
LAING William Caledonian Mercury 369
LAUDER (Sir) Thomas Dick Tail's Magazine; Oral Communications 370
LISTON Robert Annual Register . . . . . 875
LOCKHART John Edin. Courant; Lockhart's Life of Sir W. Scott ..'.... 876
LOUDON John Claudius Memoir by Mrs. London ; Gardener's Mag. 381 LOVE (Rev. Dr) John Communication from a Friend; Personal Recollections 384
MACADAM John Ayrshire Journals . . . 387.
M'CHEYNE (Rev.) Robert M. Life by the Rev. A. Bonar . . .389
M'CRIE (Rev.) Thomas D.D. [ Life by the Rev. Thomas M'Crie D.D. LL.D .398
MACDONALD (Lieutenant-Colonel) John Gent Mag. 407
MACGILL (Rev.) Stevenson D.D. [ Life by Dr Burns; Personal Recollections .... . 409
MACINTOSH Charles Memoir by his Son . . 415
M'KAiL (Rev.) Hugh Scots Worthies; Wodrow's History; Naphtali . . -416
MACKENZIE Sir Alexander Mackenzie's Voyages . . .421
MACKINNON (Colonel) David United Service Journal . . .423
MACNISH (Dr.) Life by Delta (Dr Moir) . fi6
MAITLAND John Duke of Lauderdale [ Burnet; Wodrow; Histories of the Period 430
MALCOLM (Sir) Charles Annual Register 442
MALCOLM III. King of Scots Scottish Histories; Hailes ; Scottish Antiquaries 433
MALCOLM (Sir) Pulteney Gent. Mag.; An. Reg 443
MAYNE John Gent. Mag.; Notes to Johnson's Musical Museum; Introduction to the last edition of the Siller Gun .... 446
MIDDLETON Earl of Douglas British Peerage; Wodrow ; Burnet; Histories of the Period . . 449
MILL James Morning Chronicle; Obituaries . . 455
MOIR David Macbeth M.D. [ Life by Thomas Aird prefixed to Moir's Poetical Works 458
MONCEEIFF Lord Edin. Courant; Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk; Cockburn's Life of Lord Jeffrey; Family Communications . 464
MONTGOMERY James Life by Holland and Everett; Personal Recollections 469
MOTHERWELL William Life by James M'Conechy prefixed to Motherwell's Poems . . . .474
MURRAY (Sir) George United Service Journal . . .476
NAPIER Macvey Annual Register 480
NASMYTH Alexander Edin. Courant 481
NASMYTH Peter Lit. Gazette 483
NICHOLSON Peter Builder's Journal 485
NICOLL Robert Life prefixed to his Works; Memoir ot Nicoll in Tait's Mag. by Ebenezer Elliott . . . . .487
NIMMO Alexander Gent. Mag. 490
PICKER Andrew Athenaeum 492
PRINGLE Thomas Life by Leitch Ritchie prefixed to Pringle's Poems . . . -494
RANDOLPH Thomas Earl of Murray [ j Barbour's Bruce; Wynton's Chronicle; Buchanan's History of Scotland ; Haile's Annals of Scotland . . . .499
REID John M.D. [ Life by George Wilson M.D. . 506
SCOTT David Life by W. B. Scott ; North British Review for May 1849 .
SCOTT Michael Notice prefixed to Tom Cringle's Log m Blackwood's Standard Novels
SINCLAIR (Sir) John Life by Rev. John Sinclair; Memoir by Catherine Sinclair; Quarterly Agricultural Journal .
STEVENSON Robert Memoir by A. Stevenson in new Philosophical Journal; Personal Recollections 536
STRUTHERS John Autobiography prefixed to his Poetical Works .' 544
TENNANT William Hogg's Weekly Instructor; Memoir prefixed to Chambers's edition of Anster Fair . . * 549
THOL James Annual Register 654
THOMSON George Wilson's Land of Burns; Communications of a Friend 555
THOMSON (Rev.) John Memoir in Hogg's Instructor . < 559
THOMSON Thomas Life of by David Laing in Bannatyne Club Papers; An. Reg. . . . .570
THOMSON Thomas (Professor of Chemistry) Family Information . . . .563
TOD (Colonel) Tod's Annals of Rajast'han; Tod's Personal Narrative; Asiatic Journal . . 675
TRAILL (Rev.) Robert Historical Notices of the Period; MSS. of Robert Traill; Family Memorials . 679 j
TROTTER Thomas M.D. [ Notices in Trotter's Essay on Scurvy; Newcastle Journal; An. Reg. . . 582
TITLER Patrick Fraser Communications of Family and Friends . 583
VEDDER David U. Presbyterian Mag.; Glasgow Citizen; Scotsman; Stirling Advertiser . . 590
WALLACE William Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society vol. vi . * . .692
WARDLAW (Rev.) Ralph 1XD. Scottish Congregational Mag. for 1850 and 1853; Funeral Discourses and Services; Glasgow Examiner .... 695
WELSH (Rev.) David D.D. [ Memoir by A. Dunlop . . . .601
WILKIE (Sir) David Life by Allan Cunningham . 609
WILSON John Notices by a Student; Journals; Obituaries 626
WILSON W. Rae Family Communications; Obituaries . 634
WOOD (Sir) Andrew Pitscottie; Buchanan; Life of Wood in Tait's Mag.j Notes on Sibbald'a History of Fife 637
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