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Talk:Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights

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Latest comment: 17 years ago by Jayvdb in topic Article 69.



--Jarekt 22:24, 24 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Article 69.


The original text of Article 69 in polish is:

Współtwórcami utworu audiowizualnego są osoby, które wniosły wkład twórczy w jego powstanie, a w szczególności: reżyser, operator obrazu, twórca adaptacji utworu literackiego, twórca stworzonych dla utworu audiowizualnego utworów muzycznych lub słowno-muzycznych oraz twórca scenariusza.

which was translated as:

Coauthors of an audiovisual work shall be persons who have made a creative contribution to its establishment, including, in particular: the director, the cameraman, the author of the adaptation of a literary work, the author of musical or textual and musical works created for the audiovisual work and the author of the screenplay.

The second person mentioned is "operator obrazu" which according to w:pl:Operator filmowy whould be "cinematographer" not the "cameraman" which was the word used in the current translation. The same word was used in the article http://www.pluscamerimage.pl/index.php?lang=en&pg=234de0004d59f11&PHPSESSID=a7089cdfdf1f1b84fd778983e95f8b78. In http://www.stars-in-black.pl/kkf_komp.htm term "operator obrazu" was translated as "the director of photography" which is the term which User: replaced the term "the cameraman" with in recent edit of this document. Also w:Cinematographer explains that "the director of photography" and "cinematographer" are equivalent. As a result I believe that the correction by User: is valid and should be kept.--Jarekt 01:39, 25 February 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thank you! John Vandenberg (chat) 02:20, 25 February 2008 (UTC)Reply