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Talk:After action report: Firebase Ripcord, 23 July 1970

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Latest comment: 17 years ago by in topic Formatting
Information about this edition
Edition: Transcribed edition from published photocopy
Source: http://www.ripcordassociation.com/Newsletters/27-aug-90.pdf
Contributor(s): User:Crockspot
Level of progress: progress description and icon
Notes: This is a US Army document of which a direct scan or photocopy was published in the Ripcord Report, a periodical of the FSB Ripcord Association, August 1990 edition. I tried to transcribe as accurately as possible (given the formatting limitations on right justification), including typos, line breaks, page breaks, and capitalization. See source link above, pages 16-18, for comparison.
Proofreaders: User:Crockspot

PDF upload?


I have extracted the three pages which are the photocopy of the letter from the Ripcord Association's newsletter to their own pdf file. Is that something that would be appropriate to upload to Wikisource and link (as an image file?) into the article? - Crockspot 21:59, 26 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

The link would be fine. The question is where to upload it. Wikimedia Commons would probably be best. --Benn Newman (AMDG) 22:02, 26 November 2006 (UTC)Reply
I uploaded the file to WC, and externally linked it and the original source at the end of the article. The wikimedia template is a little confusing, I couldn't get it to point at the correct file, so I just did an inline link. Crockspot 23:27, 26 November 2006 (UTC)Reply



I would not recommend so rigidly appling the formating from the original. In my browser (which is not maximized) it looks quite bad. Otherwise it looks to be done properly--BirgitteSB 00:50, 27 November 2006 (UTC)Reply

Operation Texas Star After Action Battle Report by Gen John J Hennesey. There is much more information from this report concerning the battle of Ripcord that should be included,ie, FSB Henderson, ect. There were three diversionary attacks by the NVA 324B Div precedeing the actual battle begining on 1 July 1970. This abridged version which only contains signifigant combat events of Operation Texas Star and the battle of FSB Ripcord is located at the Ripcord Association site, also located at www.netmaximus.com/page32.html-- 15:20, 24 February 2008 (UTC)Reply