Talmud (Rodkinson)/Book 2

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Talmud (Rodkinson Edition)
Book 2: Tracts Erubin, Shekalim, Rosh Hashana
1552638Talmud (Rodkinson Edition) — Book 2: Tracts Erubin, Shekalim, Rosh Hashana

Tract Erubin

  1. Introduction to Tract Erubin
  2. Synopsis of Subjects
  3. Chapter I: Size of Erubin
  4. Chapter II: Use of Wells and Gardens on the Sabbath
  5. Chapter III: Location of Erubin and Limits on Sabbath Travel.
  6. Chapter IV: Sabbath Travel
  7. Chapter V: Town Boundaries and Legal Limits
  8. Chapter VI: Erubin of Courts and Partnerships
  9. Chapter VII: Erubin in Courts and Alleys
  10. Chapter VIII: Erubin of Limits, Food Required for Erubin, Erubin of Courts
  11. Chapter IX: Combining of Roofs on Sabbath
  12. Chapter X: Sundry Sabbath Regulations

Tract Shekalim

  1. Preface to Tract Shekalim
  2. Synopsis of Subjects
  3. Chapter I
  4. Chapter II
  5. Chapter III
  6. Chapter IV
  7. Chapter V
  8. Chapter VI
  9. Chapter VII
  10. Chapter VIII

Tract Rosh Hashana

  1. Introduction to Tract Rosh Hashana
  2. Synopsis of Subjects
  3. Chapter I
  4. Chapter II
  5. Chapter III
  6. Chapter IV