Teh (sic) prisoner's welcome/The yellow-hair'd laddie
The auld Yellow-hair'd Laddie
The yellow-hair'd laddie,let sat down on yon brae,Cries, Milk your ewes lassie,let none of them gae,And ay she milked,and ay she sang,The yellow hair'd laddie,shall be my gudeman.And ay she milked, &c.
The weather is caul'd,and my claithing is thin;The ewes are new clipped,and the winna bught in;They winna bught in,though I should die,O yellow-hair'd laddie,be kind unto me.They winna bught in, &c.
The goodwife cries butt the house,Jenny come ben,The cheese is to make,and the butter's to kirn,Though butter and cheese,and a' should sour.I'll crack we' my love,ae haff hour;It's ae haff hour,and we's e'en make it threeFor the yellow-hair'd laddie,my husband shall be.It's ae haff hour, &c.