Telegraphic Code to Insure Privacy and Secrecy in the Transmission of Telegrams/Fractions
1/32—(one-thirty-second) | 00101 | Accession |
1/16—(one-sixteenth) | 00102 | Accidences |
3/16—(three-sixteenths) | 00103 | Accidental |
5/16—(five-sixteenths) | 00104 | Acclaims |
7/16—(seven-sixteenths) | 00105 | Acclimate |
9/16—(nine-sixteenths) | 00106 | Acclivity |
11/16—(eleven-sixteenths) | 00107 | Accolade |
13/16—(thirteen-sixteenths) | 00108 | Accolent |
15/16—(fifteen sixteenths) | 00109 | Accompany |
1/10—(one-tenth) | 00110 | Accomplish |
1/5—(one-fifth) | 00111 | Accompt |
3/10—(three-tenths) | 00112 | Accordance |
2/5—(two-fifths) | 00113 | Accorded |
1/2—(one half) | 00114 | According |
5/10—(five-tenths) | 00115 | Accordions |
3/5—(three-fifths) | 00116 | Accostable |
7/10—(seventh-tenths) | 00117 | Accosted |
4/5—(four-fifths) | 09118 | Accosting |
9/10—(nine-tenths) | 00119 | Accoucheur |
1/8—(one-eighth) | 00120 | Accountant |
1/4—(one-fourth) | 00121 | Accounted |
3/8—(three-eighths) | 00122 | Accounting |
5/8—(five eighths) | 00123 | Accoutre |
3/4—(three-fourths) | 00124 | Accredited |
7/8—(seven eighths) | 00125 | Accrescent |
1+1/8 | 00126 | Accretion |
1+1/4 | 00127 | Accrued |
1+3/8 | 00128 | Accruing |
1+1/2 | 00129 | Accubation |
1+5/8 | 00130 | Accumbency |
1+3/4 | 00131 | Accumbent |
1+7/8 | 00132 | Accumulate |
2+1/8 | 00133 | Accuracies |
2+1/4 | 00134 | Accurate |
2+3/8 | 00135 | Accursed |
2+1/2 | 00136 | Accusable |
2+5/8 | 00137 | Accusants |
2+3/4 | 00138 | Accusing |
2+7/8 | 00139 | Accustom |
3+1/8 | 00140 | Aceldama |
3+1/4 | 00141 | Acephalous |
3+3/8 | 00142 | Acervation |
3+1/2 | 00143 | Acetous |
3+5/8 | 00144 | Achievable |
3+1/4 | 00145 | Achieve |
3+7/8 | 00146 | Achromatic |
4+1/8 | 00147 | Acidified |
4+1/2 | 00148 | Acidifying |
4+3/8 | 00149 | Acidities |
4+1/2 | 00150 | Acidness |
4+5/8 | 00151 | Acidulate |
4+3/4 | 00152 | Acidulous |
4+7/8 | 00153 | Acolythist |
5+1/8 | 00154 | Aconite |
5+1/4 | 00155 | Acotyledon |
5+3/8 | 00156 | Acquaint |
5+1/2 | 00157 | Acquiesce |
5+5/8 | 00158 | Acquirable |
5+3/4 | 00159 | Acquired |
5+7/8 | 00160 | Acquiring |
6+1/8 | 00161 | Acquitment |
6+1/4 | 00162 | Acquittal |
6+3/8 | 00163 | Acquitting |
6+1/2 | 00164 | Acrimony |
6+5/8 | 00165 | Acronycal |
6+3/4 | 00166 | Acropolis |
6+7/8 | 00167 | Acrostic |
7+1/8 | 00168 | Actinia |
7+1/4 | 00169 | Actionable |
7+3/8 | 00170 | Actionary |
7+1/2 | 00171 | Actively |
7+5/8 | 00172 | Activeness |
7+3/4 | 00173 | Actress |
7+7/8 | 00174 | Actuality |
8+1/8 | 00175 | Actuary |
8+1/4 | 00176 | Actuates |
8+3/8 | 00177 | Actuating |
8+1/2 | 00178 | Aculeated |
8+5/8 | 00179 | Acuminous |
8+3/4 | 00180 | Acutely |
8+7/8 | 00181 | Acuteness |
9+1/2 | 00182 | Adamant |
9+1/4 | 00183 | Adamantean |
9+3/8 | 00184 | Adamantoid |
9+1/2 | 00185 | Adaptable |
9+5/8 | 00186 | Adaptation |
9+3/4 | 00187 | Adapted |
9+7/8 | 00188 | Addeem |
0+1/8 | 00189 | Addenda |
0+1/4 | 00190 | Addibility |
0+3/8 | 00191 | Addible |
0+1/2 | 00192 | Addicted |
0+5/8 | 00193 | Addicting |
0+3/4 | 00194 | Additional |
0+7/8 | 00195 | Addorsed |