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Telugu-English Dictionary/గో

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గోండ్రించు gondrintsu, ?>. n. To roar, as a wild beast.

గోండ్రుకప్ప gondrukappa, s. A very large and noisy frog.

గోకు goku, v. a. To scratch with the nails.

గోచి gochi, s. A piece of cloth to conceal the privities. 2. That part of the under garment which a Hindoo tucks up behind.

గోజారు godzaru, v> a. To ask, or beg, constantly.

గోజు godzu, s. Paste, or gum. 2, Confusion, trouble, dispute.

గోజు, గోజులాడు godzu, godzuladu, v. n. To be constantly annoying, or plaguing one.

గోటు gotu, s. A border, chiefly as applied to that of a female's jacket. 2. Gold or silver lace. 3. A gold bracelet worn by women. 4. Selfsufficiency.

wikt:గోడ goda, s. A wall.

గోదిగె godige, s- A mare.

గోడిపెట్టు godipettn, s. A blow on the head.

గోడీ godi, s. Manner, regularity.

గోడు godu, s. Perturbation, disquiet, affliction, distress. 2. The cause, matter, or circumstances of distress, or grief

గోణాము gonamu, 5. vide గోచి gochi, No. 1.

గోణి gorii, s. A bull.

గోతాము gotamu, s. A coarse bag - a gunny. Bag.

wikt:గోత్రము gotramu, s. A family, tribe, or lineage. No Hindoo can marry a wife of his own gotramu, she must be of another race. 2. A mountain.

గోద goda, s. Any horned cattle. గోదారి godari, s. The sediment of butter, newly melted-

గోదు godu, s. Gum ; paste.

గోధుమలు, గోధూమములు godhumalu, godhumamulu, 5. pM- Wheat.

గోపిచందనము gopicliandanamu,^. Yellow ochre.

గోపురము gopuramu, s. A town or city gate. This word- is now commonly applied to the high towers over the gates of Hindoo temples.

గోప్యము gopyamu, adj. Cherished, preserved. 2. Secret.

గోమయము gomayamu, s. Cow-dung.

గోమారి gomari, s. A kind of tick, infesting cattle.

గోము gomn, s. A good, flourishing, vigorous, or thriving state, or con- dition ; as applied to the growth of children, trees, crops, <fec,

గోముఖము goinukhamu, s. The act of smearing the floor over with cowdung.

గోమేధికము gomedhikamu, si A gem, of a yellowish or tawny colour.

గోరము gorarou, s. Danger, peril.

గోరసము gorasamu, s. Mill?. 2. Coagulated milk, butter milk.

గోరీ gori, s. A tomb.

గోరు goru, s. Making in the inflex. Sing. గోటి god, And in the nom. plu. గోళ్లు gollu, The nail, or claw, of the fingers, or toes. గోరుగల్లు gorugallu, ,9. An instrument for cutting the nails. పులిగోరు puligo rjj, s, A tiger's claw. గోరుచుట్టు gorutsuttu, The whitlow.

గోరుచిక్కుడుకాయ goruchikkndukaya, s. The bean termed Bolichos faboeformis.

గోరచనము gorochanamu, s. The biliary concretions, of a bright yellow colour, occasionally found in the gall bladder of cows or bullocks in India, much used by the natives in medicine, for their tonic and cordial qualities.

గోర్వెచ్చ gorvetstsa,ad/. Tepid, lukewarm. .9. Gentle warmth.

గోఱజము gorrajamu, s. The name of an animal.

గోఱడము gorradamu, s. Ridicule ; mockery, derision.

గోల gola, s. An ignorant, innocent, silly, or foolish female. 2. A loud outcry.

గోలీ golf, 9. A marble, or round ball, with which boys play.

గోలెము golemu, ,9. An earthen vessel for water.

గోళము golamu, s. A globe, ball, or any thing round, or globular. 2. A hoie. గోళించు golintsu, v. a. To fry.

గోవాళు govalu, s. A young man.

గోవు govu, s. A cow. గోపాలుడు gopaludu, A cowherd. 2. A name of Krishna.

గోష్ఠి goshthi, 6-. An assembly, or meeting. 2. Conversation, discourse.

గోసంగివాండ్లు gosangivandlu, s.plu.A. caste of the Chundalas or Chuc- klers, viz. The shoemakers, or tanners.

గోసాయీలు gosayilu, s.plu. A particular class of religious persons, called Gosawyees, who' never marry, and whose profession is traffic; the profits of which go to their Guru, called a Mahant.