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Telugu-English Dictionary/తా

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తాండవము tandavamu, 5. Dancing, especially with violent gesticula- tion, and particularly applied to the frantic dance of Siva.

తాంబాళము tambalamu, s. A large metal vessel, or plate.

తాంబూలము tambulamu, s. Beetle and nut.

తాకట్టు takattu,s.A pawn, or pledge.

తాకీదు takidu, s. An order -, an injunction.

తాకు takn, v. a. To touch or hit. 2. To oppose in battle.

తాకించు takintsu, v. Cans. To cause to touch. వానికితలదాకినది vanikita- ladakinadi, lit. To him his head touched. He is now sensible of bis error.

తాగాడి, తాగాణి tagadi, tagarii, s. A beam, placed across the mouth of an open well.

తాగు tagu, v. a> To drink. తాగించు, తాపు tagintsu, tapu, p. Cans. To cause to drink,

తాగుబోతు tagubotu, s. A drunkard.

తాచు tatsu, 5. A deadly hooded snake, termed the Cobra de capella.

తాచు tatsu, v. a. To kick.

తాజా tadza, adj. Fresh, new. 2. Pleased,

తాట tafa, s. The bark of a tree. 2. The human skin.

తాటి tati, adj. Of or belonging to the palmyra tree.

తాటించు tatintsu, v. a. To move the cheeks, as in chewing. 2. To flutter with the wings.

తాటోటు tatotu, s. Deceit, knavery.

తాడు tadu, s. Making in the inflex. sing. తాటి tati, The palymra tree. 2. A rope. జానకితాడు janakitadu, The match of a matchlock.

తాత tata, s. A grandfather. తాతమ్మtatamma, A grandmother, great grand-mother on the father's side. lit. The third mother.

తాత్పర్యము tatparyamn, a-. Object, desigD, purpose, intent. 2. Opinion, sentiment. 3. Purports తానము tanamu, s. An ablution bathing.

తాను tanu, pro. He, she, or it. This is what ma}? be termed the reflective pronoun, as it is always used with reference to some nominative of the third person preceding it in the same sentence ; and no other pronoun in the language can be used, more than once in the same sentence, with reference to the same person or thing. In the plural, it makes తారు, తాము, తమరు taru, tamu, tamaru.

తాప tap a, s. A ladder. In the plural, this noun denotes Steps* stairs.

తాపము tapamu, s. Heat, burning. 2. Inflammation; fever. 3. Distress.

తాపి, తాపీ tapi, tapf, s. A trace. 2. A secret. 3. A bricklayer's trowel.

తాఫా tapha, s. A set, or company.

తాబందు tabandu, s. A species of petticoat.

తాబేలు tabeln, s. A turtle ; a tortoise.

తామర tamara, s. The lotus. 2. The ring worm. తామరతూడు tamaratudn, The fibre of the lotus. తామరతేగ tamaratega, It's bulbous root; a lotus plant.

తామరదంపము tamaradampamu, s> Prosperity, improvement, or in. crease of a family. తామరదంపమవు tamaradampamavu, To prosper. These words are derived from the foregoing, and allude to a comparison with the lotus, which is always deemed a most auspicious flower.

తామసము tamasamu,<zr/?'. Affected by, or appertaining to the third quality, that of darkness or vice. s. Indolence, laziness. 2. Anger, wrath. తామసి tamasi, An angry person. తామసుడు tamasudu, An incendiary, a malignant or mischievous man.

తామసించు tamasintsu, v- n. To delay, tarry, or linger.

తాయము tayamu, s. A rarity.

తాయిత్తు, తాయెత్తు tayittu, tayettu* s. An amulet.

తారకము tarakamu, s. Protection,

తారతమ్యము taratamyamu, s. More or less. 2. State or condition. 3. Comparison, or distinction.

తారసమగు-తారసించు, తారసిల్లు tarasamagu--t'^rasintsu, taiasillu, v. a. To meet, or approach. 2. To engage in battle.

తారీఖు tarikhu, s. Date, era. తారు taru, r. n. To lurk, or lie in wait. 2. To wander. 3. To move about, in a busy officious manner. 4. To become lean or emaciated.

తారుమారు taruinarii, s. Disorder, confusion.

తార్కాణ tarkaria, 5. Proof.

తార్కాణించు tarkarintsu, v. a. To convince ; to prove.

తార్చు tartsu, v. a. To join as planks, &c. 2. To set as precious stones.

తార్పు tarpu, s. Joining as planks, &:c. 2. Setting* as precious stones,

తాఱు tarru, v. n. To run. 2. To abscond. 3. To lurk, or lie in wait.

తాఱించు tarrintsa, v. Cans. To cause to run etc.

తాలించు talintsu, v. a. To season food. తాలింపు talimpu ; 5. The seasoning of a dish.

తాలిక talika, s. Any substance rol- led into a round shape, between the fingers, or bands.

తాలిబొట్టు talibotfu, s. The small piece of gold tied by the bride- groom, at the marriage ceremony, round the neck of the bride.

తాలు tain, s. vide తప్పలు tappalu.

తాల్చు taltsu, v* a. To dress, or put on. 2. To assume a form, or shape. 3. To twist thre d by the spindle. 4. To fan, or winnow, in a basket. గర్భముదాల్చు garbhamudaltsu,To conceive a child. ఎగదాల్చు egadaltsu, 'l'o deceive.

తాళకము talakamu, s Yellow orpiment.

తాళపత్రిక talapatrika, s. A cymbal-

తాళము talamu, s. Beating time in music.2. Musical time, or measure. 3. A short span, one measured by the thumb and the middle finder. 4. A cymbal of bell metal, or brass. 5. The palmyra tree. తాళవృంతము talavrintamu, A fan of palmyra leal

తాళము talamu, s. A lock. 2. A key; but the latter meaning is more properly expressed by తాళముచెవి, తాళముచెయ్యి talamuchevi, talamuchevyi.

తాళి tali, s. A breast plate. 2. vide తాలిబొట్టు talibottu.

తాళు talu, v. n. To bear, or suffer. 2. To forbear, or take patience. 3. To wait, or stop.

తాళుకొను tdlukonu,*. Comp. To take patience.

తాళిమి tilimi, s. Forbearance, pati- ence.

తాళ్వారము, తావారము talwaramu, tavaramu, s. A shelving roof, supported by pillars. తావరము tavaramu, adj. Fixed, sta- tionary, stable, immoveable.

తావలము tavalamu, s. A place. 2. A house, residence, or abode.

తావళము tavalamu, 5. A string of beads, &c.

తావి tavi,s. Fragrance, scent, odour. తావినూనె tavinune, Uttur.

తావు tavu, s. A place. 2- An abode, residence, or bouse.