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Telugu-English Dictionary/బా

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బాండువ banduva, 5. An earthen pot..

బాంధవుడు bandhavudu, s. A relation or kinsman.

బాంధవ్యము bandhavyamu, s. Affinity, relationship, alliance.

బాకా baka, s. A large trumpet, such as is used at Hindoo festivals.

బాకి, బాకీ baki, baki, s . The residue, the remainder. 2. Balance ; arrears, adj. Remaining. 2. Wide. బాకినోరు bakinoru, A wide mouth* బాకీవుండు bakfvunda, To be in debt; to owe a balance. బాకీతీర్చు bakitlrtsu, To liquidate, or clear, a balance, or debt.

బాకు baku, s. A short dagger, poignard, or creese.

బాగములు bagamulu, s. phc. Cut areca nuts.

బాగా bag4 adv. Well, properly, rightly ; in good, or sound, order, or repair. 2. In good healtji. adj. Handsome, beautiful.

బాగు bagu, s. Good, or sound, state, or condition. 2. Beauty. 3. Health. adj. Good, proper, well, sound, 2. Handsome. 3. Healthy. బాగుచేయు bagucheyu, v. a. To mend, or repair. 2. To cure. మా, మహా-బాగు m&, maha-bagu, adv. Very good; very well ; yes.

బాజా baja, s. Music ; musical performance.

బాజాఱు badzarru,s. A bazar, or range of shops. బాజాఱుఖబరు badzarm- khabaru, The rumour, or common talk, of the day.

బాట b&ta, 5. A road, way, or path. బాటసారి batasari, s. A traveller.

బాడవ badava, s. A common sewer, for conveying filth out of a town.

బాడిగె b£dige, s. Hire, rent.

బాడిసె-బాడితె, బాడాసువు b£dise-ba"dite, badasuvu, s. A hatchet, or axe.

బాడె bade, s- Mud, mire.

బాణము banamu, s. An arrow. 2. A Firework. ఆకాశబాణము akasabanamu, A sky rocket. బాణముతొడుగు bartamutodugu, To fix, or place, an arrow in the bow. బాణముప్రయోగించు banamuprayogintsu, To shoot an arrow. బాణముకాలుచు banamukalutsu, To fire sky rockets, .or other fireworks.

బాణలి banafi, s. Making in the inflex. Sing.

బాణటి bariati, A kitchen utensil, of iron or pm$s, used as a frying pan,

బాణాకఱ్ఱ ban£karra, s. An iron mounted mace, or heavy stick.

బాతి bati, adj. Great, large. 2. Desired, wished for. 3. Regretted.

బాతు batu, §. A duck.

బాదంకాయ badankaya, s. An almond.

బాదు badu, v. a. To beat, flog, or chastise, s. Fees in grain, paid to the village servants, before the division of the crop.

బాధ badha, s. Pain, trouble, affliction, torment, torture. 2. Opposition, contradiction. బాధించు badhintsu, v. a- To torment, annoy, or cause pain:

బాధకము badhakamu, s. Any thing opposing, impeding, or causing difficulty-, any argument, cr fact, which can be urged in refutation, or in contradiction of another $ inconvenience, annoyance. 2. In grammar, an exception from the general rule.

బాధ్యత badhyata, s. vide బాధ్యము b&dhyamu.

బాధ్యము badhyamu, s. Relationship, 2. An obligatory duty. 3. A right, or claim to possession, adj. Related to. 2. Incumbent on. 3. Having a right, or claim. బాధ్యపడు badhyapadu, v. n. To be obliged, or under obligation to another. బాధ్యపఱచు baclhyaparratsu, v. a. To oblige, or place another under obligation. బాన bana, s. A large earthen pot, much used by washermen,

బానిసె banise, s. A maid servant, or female slave.

బాపడు bapadu, s. A brahman.

బాపన bapana, acZ/. Of or belonging to brahmans. బాపనవాడు bapanavadu, A brahman. బాపనత-బాపనక్క, బాపనది bapanata-rbapanakka, bapanadi, s. A bralimani woman.

బాబా b&ba, s. A horse. బాబారౌతు babarautu, Kubera, the god of riches, whose steed is the horse.

బాబు babu, s, A father. 2. A point, matter, subject, or item.

బాము bamu, s. Embarrassment} entanglement. 2. Birth, production.

బార bara, s. A fathom ; the measure from the tip of the middle finger of one hand, to that of the other, with both arms stretched to their full extent, adj. Twelve. ఏకుబార పోసుకొను ekubara posukonu, To spin threads.

బారకాడి barakadi, 5. A yoke in which untrained animals are placed, with those already trained.

బారసాల barasala. s- The ceremony, of naming a child.

బారాది baradi, adj. Much, many,

బారి ban", s. Annoyance, trouble. 2. The front of an enemv. 3. The inclined pit near a deep well, down which bullocks are driven, to raise the water, by a pulley. బారిసమరు barisamaru, v. a. To kill.

బారు baru, 5. A line, row, rank, or range. 2. An army. 3. The evolution, or exercise, of troops. బారువాండ్లు baruvandlu, s. Infantry, బారుచేయు barucheyu, To load, as a gun, &c.

బారుచావు, బారచాపు barutsapu, baratsapu, 5. Long cloth ; a technical term, applied in India to a particular kind of cotton cloth, woven in long webs.

బారువ baruva, s. A candy, the greatest Telugu weight, equal to about 500-lb. Avoir.

బాల bala, adj. Young, tender. 2. Puerile, childish. 3. Foolish, s. A woman. 2. A girl under eight years of age. బాలకుడు balakudu, s. A boy, or infant. 2. A fool.

బాలింతరాలు balintaralu, s. A woman in child bed.

బాలిక bafika, s. A girl, under eight years of age.

బాలుడు baludu, s. A boy, under eight years of age.

బాల్యము balyamu, s. Childhood, in-fancy.

బాళి bali, s. Sorrow j grief, anxiety. బావ bava> s. The son of a mother's brother, or of a father's sister, if older than one's self. 2. A man's brother in law, if older than one's-self. 3. A woman's brother inlaw, if older than her husband, vide మఱది, బావమరిది marradi, bavamaridi, A man's brother in law, either older, or younger, than himself.

బావి bavi, s. A well.

బావిలీగొలుసు baviligolusu, s. A gold chain, suspended as an ornament from the tip of the ear. It is worn by men only.

బావిలీలు bavililu, s. plu. Ornaments worn by female Hindoos, on the tip of the ear.

బావు, బావుకొను bavu, bavukonu, v; a. To eat by large handfuls.

బావురుపిల్లి bavurupilli, s. A male cat.

బావురుమనివుండు bavurumanivundu,?. n. To be solitary, or deserted.

బాష్పము bashpamu, 5. A tear. 2. Bheum. ఆనందబాష్పములు anandabashpamulu, Tears of joy.

బాస basa, s. A word. 2. An oath. 3. A language.

బాసట basata, s. Assistance, help, aid.

బాసవాలు basavalu, s. A penitent. 2. A deity.

బాహాటము bahatamu, s. Notoriety. 2. Loudness in readme;.

బాహిరము bahiramu, s. The outside* బాహిరపోవు bahirapovu, To faintr or swoon.

బాహు, బాహువు bahu, bahuvu, s. The arm. బాహుజుడు bahujudu, A chetriya, or one of the Raja or second pure Hindoo caste ; as produced from the arms of Bramha. బహుపురి :$a bahupuri, s. Ornaments for the arm, vide అంగదము, బాహుమూలము angadamu, bahumulamu, s. The armpit. బాహుయుద్ధము bahuyuddhamu, Close fight, personal struggle, boxing, wrestling.

బాహులము bahulamu, s. vide కార్తికము kartikamu.

బాహ్యము bahyamu, adj. External, outer, outward. 2. Public, notorious.