Telugu-English Dictionary/మొ

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మొండి mondi, adj. Stubborn, obstinate, perverse. 2. Maimed, defective. మొండి-మొండు, మొండితనము mondi -mondu, monditanamu, s. Stubbornness, obstinacy.

మొండెము mondemu, s. A headless trunk, or corpse. మొండెపుగాము mon.depugimu, s. The moon's ascending node, personified as the giant Rahu, without a head.

మొకద్దమా mokaddama, s. Matter, affair, subject, business ; cause, in law.

మొకరము mokaramn, s. A post, or pillar. మొకరితుమ్మెద mokaritummeda, s. A large black bee, which makes it's nest in wooden posts, and pillars. మొకర్రరు mokarraru, adj. Certain, infallible, established fixed. 2. Appointed.

మొకాబీలా mokablla, s. Comparison collation, confronting.

మొకాము mokamu,s Dwelling ; place of residence.

మొక్క mokka, s. A germ, or young plant. 2. bluntness. 3. Disgrace. మొక్కబోవు mokkabovu, v. n. To be blunt. 2. To be disgraced మొక్కచెడు mokkachedu, v. n. To be disgraced. మొక్కచెఱచు mokkacherratsu, v. a. To disgrace.

మొక్కజొన్న mokkadzonna,s. A large species of the great millet.

మొక్కటీడు mokka tidu, s. An obstinate man.2. An elephant, without tusks.

మొక్కడు mokkadu, s. A clever, able, or strong, man.

మొక్కలము, మొక్కరము mokkalam' i , mokkaramu, s. Obstinacy, stubbornness.

మొక్కు mokku, v. a. To prostrate one's-self. 5. Prostration, salutation . మొక్కుకొను mokkukonu ,v ■ Comp . To vow. మొక్కుబడి mokkubadi, s. A vow.

మొఖాసా mokhasa, adj. Rent free, exempt from tax.

మొగ moga,- «$'. Male. .?. The point, or commencement. 2. The mouth of a ri » er, &c మొగతనము mogatanamu, .?. Manhood, manliness. మొగవాడు mogavadu, s. A man. మొగది mogadi-, a-. The male of any animal.

మొగడ mogada, s. A bnd.

మొగము moaamu, s. The face, visage, or countenance. మొగమాటము moga matamu, a*. Complaisance. మొగముతప్పించు roogamutappiutsu, To disappear, or abscond.

మొగి mogi, s. A time, generally used with ఒక్క okka, Prefixed ; as ఒక్క మొగి okkamogi, At once, together, at one time.

మొగుచు, మొగుడ్చు mogutsti, mogudtsu, v. h. To close, or shut up. especially -as applied to flowers, or the members of the body,

మొగుడు mogudu, s. A husband, vide మగడు magadu.

మొగులు mogulu, s. A cloud. మొగులుదారి moguludari, s The sky, or atmosphere.

మొగ్గ mogga, s. A bud.

మొగ్గరము moggaramu, .?. The array of an army.

మొగ్గు moggu, v. n. To incline, or lean, to one side. 2. To trip. 3. To consent, or agree. 4. To interfere..? Learn, ng,orincH ling, to one bide.

మొట్టు mottu. c a To beat with" the fist 01 1 a hard body, so as to produce m noi^e- 5. A blow of this kind. It is also termed మొట్టికాయ inottikaya

మొత్త mOtta^.The corner of the wail, near a door.

మొత్తము mottamu, s. The total or whole. 2. A flock, or mulikude.

మొత్తు mottn, v. a. To smitei beat, or strike. -200 Soak mottir,fcsn>. Oaus. To cause to smite, &c మొత్తుకొను mottukonu.a.C'o??^?. To beat one's self. especially upon the mouth, in token of grief. 8. To grieve,or lament.

మొదలు mod-ilu, s. Making in the inflex. S>ng మొదటి modtti, The begi idling, or commencement; the iirst. 2 Origin, source. 3. Principal, cap.t- l,:>s opposed to interest. 4. The iirst, ch ; ef, or principal among many. 5. The base of a tree. The inflexion మొదటి modati, Is much used as an adj. To denote. First, foremost, prior. 2 Ch.ef, principal, original,. adv. Since, from that time forwards, from one extremity to the other. 2. Even.

మొదలుచేయు, మొదలుబెట్టు modabicheyu, mod Tubettn, v. a. To begin. మొదలైన modalaina, Other,similar, et cetera.

మొదలు, మొదలుకొని modalu, modalukoni, adv. From, since, forwards. ఇది-మొదలు, మొదలుకొని idi-modalu, modalukoci, Henceforth. మొదలుచెడు modaluchedu, To be totally ruined, or spoiled. వడ్డీమొదలు vaddimodalu, principal and interest.

మొదవగడ్డి modavagaddi, 5. The grass termed Saccharam cylindricum.

మొదవు modava, s. A milch cow.

మొద్దు modda, s. A block, or beam, of wood ; a tree ciit down and deprived of it's branches. 2. A blockhead, adj. Blunt. 2. Stupid,

మొన inona, s. The point, end, or extremity. 2. An army. మొనగాడు monagaiu, «. A general, or leader, of an ariiiy.

మొనయు monayu, v. w. To rush in.

మొన్న monna, s. Making in the inflex. Sing. మొన్నటి monnati, The day before yesterday.

మొప్పె moppe, s. An idiot. 2. An obstinate person.

మొయిలు, మొయులు moyilur moyulu,«. A cloud.

మొర, మొఱ mora, morra, 5. A loud cry, or complaint. మొరపెట్టు mora" pettu, To cry aloud, to complain.

మొరడు mora,lu, adj. Rough, mgged.

మొరము moramn, s. Calx, gravel. మొరపనేల morapanela, s. Calcarious soil. మొరయు uiorayu, v. n. To emit sound. మొరయించు morayintsu, v. a. To make, or cause, to sound.

మొరిటె morite, s. A small winnowing basket, used by children.

మొరుగు, మొఱగు morugu, morragu, v. n. To bark, as a dog. 2. To shade. Or cover, the eyes, or face. s A bark, barking.

మొఱక morraka, s. Defect, deficiency, maim.

మొఱకు morraku, s. An idiot. 2. An obstinate person, adj.- Obstinate

మొఱబోవు morrabovu, v- n. To be blunt. 2. To be disregarded, or disgraced.

మొఱమొఱలాడు, మొఱలాడు morramorraladu, morraladu,^. n. To evince anger.

మొఱిక, మొఱ్ఱి morrika, morrri, s. vide మొఱక morraka, The latter of these two words. మొఱ్ఱి morri, Is also an adj. Denoting-Defective, maimed, deficient.

మొఱ్ఱ morrra, s. An outcry : clamour,compIaint. కుయ్యోమొఱ్ఱొ kuyyomorrro, A very loud and cla- morous cry. vide మొర mora."

మొల mola, s. The waist. 2. A large nail, or pin. మొలతాడు molatadu, .9. The small string round the waist, which every Hindoo Wears, and whence is suspended the Jangoti, or waist cloth. మొలనూలు molantiln, *. A female's zone, of gold or silver, and sometimes set with precious stones.

మొలక molaka, s. A germ, or sprout. 2. The hard substance in a bile, which causes the sore. మొలకబంగారు molakabangaru, s. Gold supposed to be produced by snakes, and other animals.

మొలవేయు molaveyu, ,v. a. To sow. lit- To throw, in order to sprout.

మొలమా molama, adj. Plated, covered with gold, or silver, a. Plating, gilding. 2. Any external application to a sore.

మొలుచు molutsu, v. n. To sprout' germinate, vegetate, or grow. 2. To rise,or appear,as applied to the stars of heaven.

మొవ్వు movvu, s. The tender or young leaves of the palmyra, or other palm trees.

మొసలి mosali, s. An alligator. మొసలిరాశి mosalirasi, s. The sign Capricornus, in the zodiac.

మొహరు moharu, s. A seal.

మొహురీ mohuri, *. A gold Mohur, or rupee.