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This template decodes a string given as (modified) w:Beta Code into normal polytonic Greek. This is useful for polytonic Greek input where you do not have an efficient polytonic input method.

The output is wrapped in the standard {{polytonic}} template, thus it sets the lang=grc attribute as usual (and as is good practice for accessibility).

The syntax is slightly modified to accommodate the Wikicode special characters = and |: these can also be written as ~ and ! respectively.


{{betacode|1=O(ra=n fa/os h)eli/os}}

Ὁρᾶν φάος ἠελίος

The order for the marks is: (1) letter, (2) breathing (), (3) accent /=\+, (4) iota subscript |.

Final sigma (ς) is automatic when s occurs at the end of a word, and can be manually invoked with j.

a αΑ n νΝ
b βΒ o οΟ
c ξΞ p πΠ
d δΔ q θΘ
e εΕ t τΤ
f φΦ s σΣ
g γΓ u υΥ
h ηΗ v ϝϜ
i ιΙ w ωΩ
j ς x χΧ
k κΚ y ψΨ
l λΛ z ζΖ
m μΜ
) Smooth breathing
( Rough breathing
= or ~ Perispomeni
\ Grave/varia
/ ά Acute/tonos
+ α̈ Diaresis
| or ! ιͅ Ypogegrammeni/ioti subscript
? α̣ Dot below
^ α̑ Inverted breve

See also

  • {{Polytonic}} for direct entry of polytonic greek