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Template:Birdcraft plate/doc

From Wikisource

This template simplifies adding plates to Birdcraft in a consistent way. It supports all three major plate layouts found in the work: normal single image on a page, two images side by side, and two images arranged vertically; plus a few divergent variants.


{{birdcraft plate
|type = double
|plate = 16
|img1 = Birdcraft (1903), plate 16-1.jpg
|name1 = Black and White Warbler
|length1 = 5
|img2 = Birdcraft (1903), plate 16-2.jpg
|name2 = Myrtle Warbler
|length2 = 5.50
Parameter Value Description
type single / double / tall single produces a layout suitable for a single bird image filling the page; double produces two images side by side; and tall produces two images arranged vertically. If either double or tall are specified then providing values for both sets of the corresponding parameters is mandatory.
gendered anything If gendered is given with any value (e.g. "true"), a line specifying gendered labels for the plate ("1. Male / 2. Female") is output.
plate integer The plate number. Displayed in the top left of the plate page. Mandatory.
img1 / img2 image file name The file name of the corresponding image on Commons, without the File: prefix. If the type is single then only img1 should be specified.
name1 / name2 string The name of the corresponding bird, without the number prefix and trailing full stop. If the type is single then only name1 should be specified. The template will automatically prefix name1 with "1." and name2 with "2.", and put a full stop (".") at the end, so the parameter should contain only the species name.
length1 / length2 string The length given for the corresponding bird, without the "Length, " prefix and trailing "inches.". If the type is single then only length1 should be specified. The template will automatically prefix the parameters with "Length, " and suffix with "inches.", so the parameter should contain only the length itself (e.g. "5.50–6").
customlength string If the plate does not follow the rigid "Length, xx–yy inches." format of most plates, then this parameter can be used to override. If this parameter is present, only the text given in the parameter is output (it overrides the normal length parameters). Consequently, it should contain the full text of the length specification on the relevant plate. This parameter is only valid if the type parameter is single.
subcaption string On Plate 53 the name of the bird has a parenthetical on a separate line and formatted differently. This parameter exists to be able to specify that. This parameter is only valid if the type parameter is single.





Plate 1. Meadowlark.

Length, 10.75 inches.

Single with custom length


Plate 54. Great Horned Owl.

Length, 19–23 inches; female, 2 inches larger.

Single with length suppressed


Plate 5. Map of the Bird.

Gendered single


Plate 18. Maryland Yellow-throat. 1. Male2. Female Length, 5–5.50 inches.

Single with a subcaption


Plate 53. Screech Owl. (Grey phase.) Length, 8–10 inches.

Gendered single with a subcaption


Plate 18. Maryland Yellow-throat. 1. Male2. Female(Example subcaption.) Length, 5–5.50 inches.



Plate 6. 1. American Robin. Length, 10 inches. 2. Wood Thrush. Length, 7.50–8 inches.



Plate 10. 1. Yellow Warbler. Length, 4.75–5 inches. 2. Chickadee. Length, 5.50 inches.