(this part of the documentation is only available in some languages)
Shorthand to display something only in the File namespaces
Parameter name | Description (this part of the documentation is only available in some languages) | Default value | required or optional?
parameter #1 (1) | The wikitext to display if the test conclusive | empty | required |
Additional information
[edit]The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces:
- no namespace specified
The template is intended to be used by the following user groups:
- no user group specified
|usage-notes=Short for {{#ifeq:{{NAMESPACE}}|{{ns:File}}|
Intended usage is for templates that should categorise only when used in File namespace. |type=function |example= |i18n-method=- |i18n-desc= |seealso=*{{Iffileorcategory}}
- {{FNO}}
|setscats= |lines=one |shorthand= |relieson= }}