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(this part of the documentation is only available in some languages)

Template based on the #language parser (help page). It returns a language name in the user's language, or in any other language specified by a second parameter.





Parameter name Description (this part of the documentation is only available in some languages) Default value required or optional?

parameter #1 (1) Language code (most of the time, but not always ISO codes). See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/diffusion/ECLD/browse/master/CldrNames/CldrNamesEn.php for a list empty optional
parameter #2 (2) Language in which the language name should be returned (if different from the user's preferred language). {{int:lang}} optional

Additional information


The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces:

  • all namespaces

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups:

⧼See also⧽

(this part of the documentation is only available in some languages)


  • {{language|ar}} → العربية
  • {{language|ar|de}} → Arabisch
  • {{language|ar|en}} → Arabic
  • {{language|ar|fr}} → arabe
  • {{language|ar|he}} → ערבית
  • {{language|ar|zh-Hans}} → 阿拉伯语
  • {{language|en}} → English
  • {{language|en|de}} → Englisch
  • {{language|en|en}} → English
  • {{language|en|fr}} → anglais
  • {{language|en|he}} → אנגלית
  • {{language|en|zh-Hans}} → 英语