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Template:Overfloat image/testcases

From Wikisource
{{Overfloat image}}
{{Overfloat image}}
Side by side comparison
{{Overfloat image}}{{Overfloat image/sandbox}}
{{Overfloat image}}
{{Overfloat image
 | image = [[File:Amazing Stories v01n01 p092 The Facts in the Case of M Valdemar.png|400px|center]]
 | item1 = {{block left
             |{{gap}}{{x-larger|''The''}} {{xx-larger|{{sc|'''Facts'''}}}}<br />{{x-larger|''in the''}} {{xx-larger|{{sc|'''Case'''}}}} {{x-larger|''of''}}<br />{{xx-larger|{{sc|'''M. Valdemar'''}}}}
{{larger|''Edgar Allan Poe''}}
 | y1    = 50
Side by side comparison
{{Overfloat image}}{{Overfloat image/sandbox}}

The Facts
in the Case of
M. Valdemar


Edgar Allan Poe

The Facts
in the Case of
M. Valdemar


Edgar Allan Poe

{{Overfloat image}}
{{Overfloat image
 | image = [[File:WeirdTalesv24n3pg352 Trail of the Cloven Hoof.png|center|600px]]
 | width = 600
 | item1 = {{block center|width=150px|{{larger|By ARLTON EADIE}}}}
 | x1    = 230
 | y1    = 0
 | item2 = {{block right|width=175px|{{smaller|"One look was enough. I snapped off my flashlight and fled."}}}}
 | hpos2 = right
 | y2    = 425
Side by side comparison
{{Overfloat image}}{{Overfloat image/sandbox}}


"One look was enough. I snapped off my flashlight and fled."


"One look was enough. I snapped off my flashlight and fled."

{{Overfloat image}}
{{Overfloat image
 | image = [[File:The Pathway of Roses, Larson (1913) decoration on page 5.jpg|frameless|center|400px]]
 | item1 = <div style="line-height:1.5; text-indent:1em; margin-left:0; font-style:italic;
font-size:92%; text-align:justify;"><div>''To give the world emancipation is the ruling desire of all<!--
--> minds that are spiritually awakened; and these should remember that to overcome evil with good is the only way.<!--
--> Forget the wrong that may appear in the outer world of things, and give all your thought to the great good that is<!--
--> inherent in all things.  You thereby place in action the greatest emancipating power that the human race will ever<!--
--> know.''</div>
<div>''We are in bondage because we have lived to please the person.  Follow the soul and freedom shall come quickly.<!--
--> Then we shall please the person better than ever before.  To follow the soul is to enter the greater domains of life,<!--
--> those domains from which we may secure everything that is rich and beautiful and superior in human existence.  The<!--
--> soul leads, not only into the life more abundant, but also into the actual possession of all the spiritual riches<!--
--> that the greater life may contain.  And when we find the kingdom that is within, all that we may desire in the<!--
--> without shall be added.''</div>
<div>''The soul that lives most perfectly in the present, creates most nobly for the future.  Be yourself to-day,<!--
--> regardless of what happened yesterday.  Be all that you are or can be to-day, and you will live in a fairer world<!--
--> to-morrow.''</div></div>
 | x1 = 50
 | y1 = 50
 | height1 = 553
 | width1 = 300
 | vertical-align1 = middle
Side by side comparison
{{Overfloat image}}{{Overfloat image/sandbox}}
To give the world emancipation is the ruling desire of all minds that are spiritually awakened; and these should remember that to overcome evil with good is the only way. Forget the wrong that may appear in the outer world of things, and give all your thought to the great good that is inherent in all things. You thereby place in action the greatest emancipating power that the human race will ever know.
We are in bondage because we have lived to please the person. Follow the soul and freedom shall come quickly. Then we shall please the person better than ever before. To follow the soul is to enter the greater domains of life, those domains from which we may secure everything that is rich and beautiful and superior in human existence. The soul leads, not only into the life more abundant, but also into the actual possession of all the spiritual riches that the greater life may contain. And when we find the kingdom that is within, all that we may desire in the without shall be added.
The soul that lives most perfectly in the present, creates most nobly for the future. Be yourself to-day, regardless of what happened yesterday. Be all that you are or can be to-day, and you will live in a fairer world to-morrow.
To give the world emancipation is the ruling desire of all minds that are spiritually awakened; and these should remember that to overcome evil with good is the only way. Forget the wrong that may appear in the outer world of things, and give all your thought to the great good that is inherent in all things. You thereby place in action the greatest emancipating power that the human race will ever know.
We are in bondage because we have lived to please the person. Follow the soul and freedom shall come quickly. Then we shall please the person better than ever before. To follow the soul is to enter the greater domains of life, those domains from which we may secure everything that is rich and beautiful and superior in human existence. The soul leads, not only into the life more abundant, but also into the actual possession of all the spiritual riches that the greater life may contain. And when we find the kingdom that is within, all that we may desire in the without shall be added.
The soul that lives most perfectly in the present, creates most nobly for the future. Be yourself to-day, regardless of what happened yesterday. Be all that you are or can be to-day, and you will live in a fairer world to-morrow.
{{Overfloat image}}
{{Overfloat image
 | image = [[File:A Methode cover border.svg|Border on title page of John Hart's A Methode|center|700px]]
 | width = 700
 | item1 = {{c|
{{xxx-larger|A Methode or comfortable <br/>
{{bl|beginning for all vnlearned,}} <br/>
''whereby they may bee taught to''}} <br/>
{{x-larger|{{bl|read English, in a very {{ls}}hort time,}} <br/>
vvith plea{{ls}}ure: So profitable as}} <br/>
{{larger|{{bl|{{ls}}traunge, put in light, by}} <br/>
I. H. Che{{ls}}ter <br/>
{{block center/s}}
|col1width = 1em
|col3width = 0.3em
|col4width = 0.5em
|col4= {{brace2|3|l}}
|col5width = 1.5em
|col6width = 0.5em
|col6= {{brace2|3|r}}
|col7width = 11em
|col7=<br/>of al humain perfections<br/>
{{block center/e}}
{{xx-larger|¶ Imprinted at London, <br/>
''by Henrie Denham.''}} <br/><br/>
Anno. 1570. <br/>}}
 | y1 = 120
 | x1 = 110
 | vertical-align1 = middle
Side by side comparison
{{Overfloat image}}{{Overfloat image/sandbox}}
Border on title page of John Hart's A Methode
Border on title page of John Hart's A Methode

A Methode or comfortable
beginning for all vnlearned,
whereby they may bee taught to

read English, in a very short time,
vvith pleasure: So profitable as

straunge, put in light, by
I. H. Chester




of al humain perfections

¶ Imprinted at London,
by Henrie Denham.

Anno. 1570.

Border on title page of John Hart's A Methode
Border on title page of John Hart's A Methode

A Methode or comfortable
beginning for all vnlearned,
whereby they may bee taught to

read English, in a very short time,
vvith pleasure: So profitable as

straunge, put in light, by
I. H. Chester




of al humain perfections

¶ Imprinted at London,
by Henrie Denham.

Anno. 1570.

{{Overfloat image}}
{{Overfloat image
| image = [[File:History of Wood Engraving 0005.jpg|450px|center]]
| x1 = 105
| y1 = 190
| vertical-align1 = middle
| item1 = {{c|{{larger|A HISTORY}}


{{c|{{sm|BY}}<br />
{{fine|[[Author:George Edward Woodberry|GEORGE E. WOODBERRY]]}}}}
{{c|{{fine|NEW YORK}}<br>
Side by side comparison
{{Overfloat image}}{{Overfloat image/sandbox}}