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Template:The Zoologist ToC/3rd series, vol 1 (1877)

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Contents of The Zoologist, 3rd series, vol. 1 (1877)
Issue 1 (January, 1877)
Harting, James Edmund Editor's Address 1
Newton, Alfred On the European Redpolls 5
Cordeaux, John On the Migration of Birds on the N.E. Coast of England in the Autumn of 1876 7
Editor, The On the Occurence for the First Time in England of the American Red-breasted Thrush (Turdus migratorius) 14
Occasional Notes 17
Proceedings of Scientific Societies 28
Notices of New Books 35
Issue 2 (February, 1877)
Boyes, Frederick On the Autumnal Migration of Birds on the Yorkshire Coast 41
Gatcombe, John Ornithological Notes from Devon and Cornwall during the Autumn of 1876 44
Occasional Notes 47
Proceedings of Scientific Societies 61
Notices of New Books 68
Issue 3 (March, 1877)
L.H. Jeitteles On the Geographical Distribution of the Fallow Deer Past and Present
(translation: Ullmann, P.D. and Harting, J.E.)
Dawkins, W. Boyd On the Northern Range of the Fallow Deer in Europe 89
Stevenson, Henry Ornithological notes from Norfolk 95
Occasional Notes 100
Proceedings of Scientific Societies 109
Notices of New Books 116
Issue 4 (April, 1877)
Adams, A. Leith Ancient and Extinct British Quadrupeds 121
[Mahony, James A.] The Natural History of Donegal 149
Boyes, Frederick Ornithological notes from Beverley 153
Kerr, W.J. Ornithological notes from St. Andrews, N.B., during the Autumn and Winter of 1876 159
Gatcombe, John Ornithological notes from Devon 162
Bidwell, Edward Observations on Egg-blowing 164
Harting, J.E.F. (The Editor) Wild Fowl Preservation 167
Occasional Notes 172
Proceedings of Scientific Societies 184
Issue 5 (May, 1877)
Mitchell, F.S. A Spring Tour in Norway; With Notes on the Birds Observed There 193
Cordeaux, John On the Migration of Birds 205
Saunders, Howard On the Occurrence of the Smaller Sooty Tern at the Mouth of the Thames 213
Garrod, A.H. On the Anatomical Characters Distinguishing the Swallow and the Swift 217
Cornish, Thomas On the Occurence of the Centrine Shark off the Coast of Cornwall 221
Occasional Notes 223
Issue 6 (June, 1877)
Warren, Robert The Birds of the Moy Estuary and the Surrounding District, part 1 233
Gurney, J.H., Jun. On the Claim of the Pine Grosbeak to be Regarded as a British Bird 242
Occasional Notes 250
Proceedings of Scientific Societies 262
Issue 7 (July, 1877)
Durnford, W.A. Ornithological notes from the Lake District and Walney Island 273
Gatcombe, John Ornithological Notes from Devon and Cornwall 278
Warren, Robert The Birds of the Moy Estuary and the Surrounding District, part 2 284
Occasional Notes 290
Proceedings of Scientific Societies 303
Notices of New Books 310
Issue 8 (August, 1877)
Feilden, H.W. On the Mammalia of North Greenland, and Grinnell Land (first part) 313
Warren, Robert The Birds of the Moy Estuary and the Surrounding District, part 3 321
Mathew, Murray A. On the Occurrence of the Marsh Warbler near Taunton 333
Occasional Notes 338
Proceedings of Scientific Societies 344
Notices of New Books 350
Issue 9 (September, 1877)
Feilden, H.W. On the Mammalia of North Greenland, and Grinnell Land (concluded) 353
Pengelly, W. The Ossiferous Caverns of Devonshire 361
Occasional Notes 379
Proceedings of Scientific Societies 391
Issue 10 (October, 1877)
Reid, Lieut. The Birds of the Bermudas 393
Editor, The On the Former Nesting of the Spoonbill in the County of Sussex 425
Stevenson, Henry Ornithological notes from Norfolk 430
Feilden, H.W. Arctic Molluscan Fauna 435
Occasional Notes 440
Proceedings of Scientific Societies 453
Notices of New Books 458
Issue 11 (November, 1877)
Flower, W.H. On the Preparation of Skeletons for Museum Purposes 465
Feilden, H.W. Birds Observed between Cape Farewell and Cape Clear 468
Harting, J.E.F. ("The Editor") On the Occurrence of the Hobby in Ireland 471
Reid, Lieut. The Birds of the Bermudas (Part 2) 473
Gatcombe, John Ornithological Notes from Devon and Cornwall 493
Occasional Notes 495
Proceedings of Scientific Societies 498
Notices of New Books 501
Issue 12 (December, 1877)
Smith, Alfred Charles The Swannery at Abbotsbury 505
Cordeaux, John Spring Migration of Birds on the East Coast 512
Harting, J.E. ("the Editor") On the Occurrence in England of Dutrochet's Land Leech, Trochetia subviridis 515
Occasional Notes 523
Proceedings of Scientific Societies 526